Automatic control


The general subject of this thematics research is the (real or complex) non-integer derivative as operator and modeling tool, its synthesis extended to complex field and also its applications in the engineering sciences. More precisely, in reason of the affiliation of this thematics to the Automatic Control Group, which is constituted of 3 components, one particularly privileged research axis is in applying fractional derivative in automatic control, notably in system identification through non integer model, and in robust control through the CRONE control (Commande Robuste d’Ordre Non Entier, a French acronym for Robust Control of Non Integer Differentiation).

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Scientific presentation

The motivations of such thematics are dictated by the constant concern to defend the following thesis: given its « compactness » properties, the non-integer differentiation operator forms the mathematical tool par excellence to model with a minimum of parameters the highest number of phenomena falling under as well engineering sciences as biological and physico-chemical sciences. To defend this thesis, the members of this thematics strive to obtain the maximum of determining theoretical results then, to show the applicative interest and their applicability, to realize them by technological transfers falling under a true valorization of upstream research. The thematics “Systems with non-integer derivatives » falls under as well system theory, automatic control as robotics.

On the  2015-2020 period, the research works are notably diffused at the international level through 4 books.

Permanent Staff

Tudor-Bogdan Airimitoaie received the Engineering degree and the Ph.D. degree in Systems Engineering from the University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania, in 2008 and 2011, respectively, and the Ph.D. degree in Automatic Control from the University of Grenoble, France, in 2012. He currently holds an Associate Professor position at the University of Bordeaux, and the Automatic Control Department of IMS-lab, Bordeaux, France. He is a co-author of Adaptive and Robust Active Vibration Control (Springer, 2017) (with I. Landau, A. Castellanos, and A. Constantinescu). His main research interests focus on design of learning/adaptation algorithms, system identification, and flat dynamic systems, with applications to active noise and vibration supression, aeronautical systems, and building energy management.

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was born in Bègles, France, in 1989. He received the Ph.D. degree in automatic control from Bordeaux University, Talence, France, in July 2016. His thesis focused on the electrothermal modelling of automotive electrical and electronic components. The final objective was to control electrical currents in order to prevent overheating due to contact resistance degradation in specific connectors.
From 2016 to 2019, he was a postdoctoral researcher at IMS laboratory, Talence, France. He also worked as an engineer for OpenLab Electronics and Systems for Automotive, which is a joint laboratory associating the IMS laboratory and the company Stellantis. His research has focused on the $H_2$ norm for fractional models and autonomous driving.
Since 2019, he has been an associate professor at the Bordeaux Institute of Technology (Bordeaux INP). Until 2024, he was involved in supervising Ph.D’s on automotive applications (intelligent lighting control; decision algorithms for autonomous vehicles; identification and analysis of criteria determining the acceptability of the behaviour of autonomous vehicles), and hybrid approaches (AI + ‘classic’ model-based) for the residual lifetime of fuel cells.
From 2025 onwards, he wants to develop its research into predictive maintenance, and into tools for analysing and controlling switching systems.

received a MSc in Electronics, Electrotechnical and Automatics from the university of Toulouse in 2002 and his PhD degree in Automatic Control from the university of Toulouse in 2006. His thesis was done at the LAAS-CNRS Lab, under the supervision of Denis Arzelier and Dimitri Peaucelle. The main objective of the thesis was to develop Linear Matrix Inequalities based methods for the analysis and control of Linear Periodic Systems. After one year as a Non-Tenured Teaching and Research Fellow in INSA of Toulouse, he became associate professor at the University of Bordeaux in 2007. He received the authorization to conduct research (HDR) in 2017. His teaching activities are mainly performed at the Evering Institute of Merignac and concern modeling, control and fault detection and isolation.  His research activities concern systems exhibiting fractional behaviors (dynamics in the power of time rather than classical dynamics in the exponential of time) occurring, for example, in heat transfer, the vibration of viscoelastic materials or the charging/discharging of electric batteries. One part of his activities is about modeling these systems using non-integer models and developing other dedicated modeling tools. He also develops analysis, control and diagnostic methods based on these models. More recently, he’s been involved in developing methods for estimating remaining battery useful life, using both model-based and artificial intelligence approaches.

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obtained his PhD and HDR in automatic control at the University of Bordeaux I in 1995 and 2003, respectively. He has been a Professor at the College of Science and Technology of the University of Bordeaux since 2005, affiliated with the Department of Engineering and Digital Sciences, and a permanent member of the IMS UMR 5218 laboratory of the CNRS. His research in Fractional-Order Systems covers applications in automatic control, robotics and mechanics. He has collaborated with the PSA group (now Stellantis) since 1991 and has been the scientific director of the OpenLab Stellantis-IMS-SANPSY Electronics & Systems for Automotive since 2011.

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was born in Germany in 1983. He graduated from ENSEIRB and Ecole Polytechnique de Montréal engineering schools in 2006, and obtained his MSc and PhD degrees in Automatic control from Université de Bordeaux in 2006 and 2010, respectively. He received his Accreditation to supervise research (HDR) from Univ. Bordeaux in 2022. He is currently Associate Professor and has joined the CRONE team of IMS laboratory at Université de Bordeaux in 2006. His research interests are mainly in fractional calculus and fractional systems in automatic control, modeling and system identification, motion/trajectory planning, flatness and robust control. The applications are mainly on thermal System (Health&Biomedical (lungs), Climate Change, Heat Conduction, Atmosphere Reentry), Robotics (UAV, Autonomous car, Autonomous Tractor, Mobile Antenna) and other applications (Turbofan Control, Machining modeling and Control, Wind Turbulence,…) 

The partnership research is held through new collaborations as well at local levels (Valéol, Beyond The Sea, Air Marine) as national ones (Groupe PSA) or  international ones (Robert Bosch), and is notable enhanced by 25 patents. The multidisciplinary research is developed with new collaborations (Labri (1 thesis in progress), Gipsa-Lab (1 defended thesis)).

In matter of doctoral supervisory, the effort is maintained on the diversification of the financing of the PhD students: 8 Cifre, 3 contracts (national industrials), 3 allowances, 1 Region, 1 allowance ENS, 1 Cluster SysNum Idex, 1 AAP Multidisciplinary Univ. Bx, foreign partnerships: 3 with ENIG (Tunisia), 4 with Liban, 1 with Brazil.

Scientifs teams IMS Bordeaux

CRONE Skills

Fractional order systems theory


Automatic control / System Identification / Using Fracional Models

Automotive / Aeronautics / Electrical energy / Biomedical

Selection of past and current projects

2023-2027: (Safran Group, 45 k€) Performance Optimization of Mobile Antennas. Partners: Safran Data Systems, IMS

2023-2026: (KiWin project, XX€) Building a kite based solution for maritime transportation: control, guidance, and supervision of the kite system. Partners: Beyond the Sea, Université de Montpellier, École de l’air & de l’espace, Kleyfrance, IMS-lab

2022-2025: (VLM Robotics, 50 k€) Process Control Optimization for machining. Partners: VLM Robotics, I2M, IMS

2022: (Univ. Bx/Dépt SIN, 15 k€) CIRA: Thermal heat transfer modeling for Atmospheric Reentry. Partners: I2M, IMS

2021-2024(Univ. Bordeaux Doctorate School ED SPI, 90k€) Call of Project “Artificial Intelligence 2021”: Identification and decision-making by coupling methods based on Artificial Intelligence and knowledge models for Predictive Maintenance

2020-2023: (Safran Group, 45k€) MIMO control of 2D/3D axis mobile antennas. Partners: Safran Data Systems, IMS)

2019-2022, (Stellantis, 191.2 k€) Modeling and control of powertrains using robust and predictive methods. Partners: Stellantis/PSA, IMS

2019-2022: (Univ. Bordeaux Doctorate School ED SPI, 90k€) Call of Project “Pluri-disciplinarity  2019”: heat transfer modeling in lungs and real-time system identification. Partners: IMS, IHU Liryc/CHU Haut Lévêque

2018-2019: (Stellantis, 40.8 k€) Evaluation of Model Predictive Control (MPC) laws for powerchain control. Partners: PSA, IMS

2017-2020: (Idex Univ. de Bordeaux/Labex SysNum, 90k€) WorkPackage Robots & Drones on UAV obstacle avoidance and robustness of trajectory. Partners: LaBRI, IMS

2017-2019: (Nouvelle-Aquitaine Regional Council, 80k€/15M€)  PELICAN. Partners: AMI Drone City, ONERA, Air Marine, Thalès Avionics, Cdiscount

2016-2019: (ANR grant/JCJC, 37.8 k€) MICA: fault detection and isolation and fault tolerant control for convertible UAVs

2016-2020: (PSA,45k€) Advanced Driver assistance Systems on obstacle avoidance re-trajectory. Partners: PSA Group, OpenLab, IMS


Collaborations and partners

For the various research projects underway, the IMS Bordeaux laboratory and its teams rely on strong partnerships and collaborations, which allow for the creation of a synergy of strengths and a sharing of technical and human resources


Industrial Regional Partners


Industrial National Partners


Industrial International Partners







CRONE academic partners


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Industrial International Partners

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Energy_Partners_IMS Bordeaux



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Meet the members of the research team

Abderrahmane ADEL
Safouane EL KHADRI
Salma ET-TAJ
Christophe FARGES
Rachid MALTI
Stéphane VICTOR
Résumé en français

Le sujet général de cette thématique de recherche est la dérivée non entière (réelle ou complexe) en tant qu’opérateur et outil de modélisation, sa synthèse étendue au domaine complexe ainsi que ses applications dans les sciences de l’ingénieur. Plus précisément, en raison de l’appartenance de cette thématique au Groupe Automatique, qui est constitué de 3 composantes, un axe de recherche particulièrement privilégié est l’application de la dérivée fractionnaire en automatique, notamment en identification de systèmes par des modèles non entiers, et en commande robuste par la commande CRONE (Commande Robuste d’Ordre Non Entier).

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