Production engineering

Production engineering

Created in 1971, the GRAI was a laboratory on its own until 1991 when he became a scientific operation of the LAP (and then UMR 5131 LAPS). On January 1st 2007 the GRAI becomes the Production Engineering group of IMS. The group is led from May 2012 by Prof. Yves Ducq.

The Production Engineering group (or production engineering team in the sense of HCERES) is animated as a single entity and deploys upstream research activities, valorization of research results in the economic environment, and training of researchers and executives for industry.

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ICO Research team

Research themes

Upstream research is structured in three scientific thematics that represent the fields of competence established over time and are the backbone of scientific programme. The themes are specifically animated. The PhD topics can be intra- or inter-thematic.

The three scientific thematics are:

• Enterprise Modeling and Engineering (MEI) led by David Chen

• Control of Production Systems (PSP) led by Rémy Dupas

• Design Engineering (ICO) led by Philippe Girard

Scientific objectives

Through these three complementary thematics, the Production Engineering Group has the scientific objective to provide concepts and tools to improve production systems and enterprises in three streams that are modelling, performance and control. The main recent change is to consider distributed systems.

Since the beginning of the contract, the group wanted to also highlight in its scientific diagram some application domain, even if our research is not prohibited in any way to enroll in all areas of production of goods and services :

LOCO2 Research team
Futur Of Vehicule

Cross-cutting areas of application

Regarding these application domain, the wish of the group is to not link a thematic link to an application domain but to really consider these domains as transverses.

The manufacturing domain has been widely covered by the research group but the novelty is to develop our research in the field of transport and services.

Concerning the transport domain, the main research topic was initially focused on the search for coherence in planning decisions processes, which are distributed by nature and linking manufacturers and transport providers in charge of delivering the goods to their customers.

The extension of this work to the study of the interoperability of information systems of these providers, streamlining the organization of road transport, was subsequently relevant.

Production engineering skills

The development of models and methods for enterprise engineering for interoperability and engineering of performance indicator systems

The management of production and transportation activities, especially the study of operational and tactical levels of the supply chain planning

The engineering of the new product design activity in order to improve performance by facilitating collaboration between stakeholders in the design

Research group publications

VOSviewer / Keyword co-occurrence clustering view generated with a minimum occurrence threshold of 4 for the last 5 years and refreshed every 6 months using data sources from Scopus
VOSviewer / Keyword co-occurrence clustering view generated with a minimum occurrence threshold of 4 for the last 5 years and refreshed every 6 months using data sources from Scopus
Scientific production by country (last 5 years, refreshed every 6 months). The map was generated through "Biblioshiny", different shades of blue indicate different productivity rate (dark blue = high productivity, grey = no articles)
Scientific production by country (last 5 years, refreshed every 6 months). The map was generated through "Biblioshiny", different shades of blue indicate different productivity rate (dark blue = high productivity, grey = no articles)

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Discover the different research teams in the theme.


Example of search results we have proposed tools for managing the life cycle of products and projects, and more particularly a method for specifying, designing, producing and implementing decision-making support systems during collaborative design processes, the study of the integration of the product-process and organization dimensions was continued in order to understand the upstream phases […]
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The LOgistique COopérative et Optimisation (LOCO2) team focuses on the modelling and optimization of production and transportation planning activities. The work is oriented towards the implementation of advanced methodologies in approximate optimization (metaheuristics) and exact optimization (integer linear programming, decomposition methods) to overcome the complexity of the related problems (NP-hard problems). Two fields of application […]
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The main scientific developments over the last few years can be broken down into three areas : Modeling enterprise interoperability The work carried out includes the development of an Enterprise Interoperability Framework (published as an ISO standard in 2011) and a Maturity Model for Interoperability (approved as a CEN TS in 2013). The solution implemented […]
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Résumé en français

Créé en 1971, le GRAI est un laboratoire à part entière jusqu’en 1991 date à laquelle il devient une opération scientifique du LAP (puis UMR 5131 LAPS). Le 1er janvier 2007, le GRAI devient le groupe Productique d’IMS.

Le groupe Productique (ou équipe productique au sens de HCERES) est animé comme une seule entité et déploie des activités de recherche-amont, de valorisation des résultats de recherche dans le milieu économique, et de formation de chercheurs et de cadres pour l’industrie.

La recherche-amont est structurée en trois thématiques scientifiques qui représentent les champs de compétences établis sur la durée et constituent l’ossature du schéma scientifique. Les thématiques sont animées spécifiquement. Les sujets de thèse peuvent être intra ou inter-thématiques.

Les trois thématiques scientifiques sont :

  • Modélisation d’Entreprise et Ingénierie (MEI) animée par David Chen
  • Pilotage des Systèmes de Production (PSP) animée par Rémy Dupas
  • Ingénierie de la Conception (ICO) animée par Philippe Girard (et Marc Zolghadri de sept 2010 à sept 2012)

Contact our team

If you have a request or questions about the laboratory, please contact our team.