

The « Reliability or Energy Storage systems » theme mainly focuses on developing methods and models to assess the reliability of power conversion and energy storage components and systems in their own specific environment.

This theme is devoted to the study of the storer-converter interaction inside innovative hybrid sources combining batteries, super-capacitors, and kinetic energy accumulators. Research efforts are focused on the characterization and the modeling of the storage unit alone, including its aging, in order to assess its “health condition” and thus its safety of use for the associated (power and management) electronic circuitry, so as to improve the overall storage system reliability. Relevant indicators and aging models, mainly based on CACYSSEE (Characterization and cycling of embedded energy storage systems) test platform, can be eventually suggested.

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Presentation of the research theme

With the growth of electric and hybrid vehicles, renewable sources and recovery devices, the reliability of the energy storage system must be controlled to ensure performance and operational safety throughout the ageing process associated with use. Estimating its lifespan also aims to make the most of the material resources that are available. Modelling of degradation mechanisms and failure modes plays an essential role, but for each new battery technology, for example, still requires long and costly tests for the detailed characterisation of cells in new condition and for accelerated ageing tests. Our aim is therefore to shorten this characterisation phase for modelling so that the simulation can actually be used in an iterative procedure for the complete design of a storage system before it is produced. This approach is based on the implementation of a high-performance model reproducing the mechanical, electrical and thermal behaviour of the elementary cell as it ages. It is accompanied by relevant proposals for methods of accurate determination of load and health states as well as life expectancy.

RESS skills

Multiphysics modeling of components and systems

Accelerated aging protocols and models, close to actual in-field use conditions

Lifetime prediction methods

Failure analysis

Multiphysics characterization of components and systems

Design of alternate and innovative interconnect strategies (in either bonding or brazing)

Characterization of materials and of their aging

Contribution to qualification standards


Collaborations and partners

For the various research projects underway, the IMS Bordeaux laboratory and its teams rely on strong partnerships and collaborations, which allow for the creation of a synergy of strengths and a sharing of technical and human resources


Industrials partners


Institutes partners


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Meet the members of the research team

Abderrahmane ADEL
Olivier BRIAT
Isabelle FAVRE
Clément LESAGE
Ossama RAFIK
Jean-Michel VINASSA
Résumé en français

Face à la progression des véhicules électriques et hybrides, des sources renouvelables et des dispositifs de récupération, la fiabilité du système de stockage d’énergie doit être maîtrisée pour garantir les performances et la sureté de fonctionnement tout au long du vieillissement lié à l’usage. L’estimation de sa durée de vie vise également à tirer le meilleur parti des ressources en matériaux qui sont comptées. La modélisation des mécanismes de dégradation et des modes de défaillances joue un rôle essentiel mais demande encore aujourd’hui, pour chaque nouvelle technologie batterie par exemple, des essais longs et coûteux pour la caractérisation détaillée des cellules à l’état neuf et pour les tests de vieillissement accéléré. Notre objectif est donc de raccourcir cette phase de caractérisation pour la modélisation de manière à pouvoir réellement utiliser la simulation dans une procédure itérative de conception complète d’un système de stockage avant qu’il ne soit produit. Cette approche repose sur la mise en œuvre d’un modèle performant reproduisant le comportement mécanique, électrique, thermique de la cellule élémentaire avec son vieillissement. Elle s’accompagne de propositions pertinentes de méthodes de détermination précise des états de charge et de santé ainsi que d’estimation de la durée de vie.

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