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Main activities done on the TAMIS platform (TAMIS = Alternative Technology to Silicium MIcrosystèmes) are :


  • Deposit of thick and thin layers and micro-structuration
    • “Sérigraphieuse” to thick layers deposit ( one automatic DEK and one manual Schmidt)
    • “Photolithographie”: Spin-coater Suss Microtec RC8, Cleaning UV-ozone 342-220, mask “insolateur-aligneur” Suss Microtec MJB4
    • Spray and thermal evaporator for thin layer deposit
    • Thermal traitment : programmable heating plate, passage furnace (Max temperature 1100°C, air and N2), muffle furnace(Max temperature 140°C), vertical furnacewith programmable cocking process(50-1150°C, atm. controled), proofers
    • 2 chemical sorbonne (acidic and bases/solvent) with sink and ventilated drawer under bench
    • Insolation bench for screen printing 
    • Chopping printer (Graphtec Craft ROBO Pro CE 5000-40)


  • Charged pulp or resin preparation for layer deposit
    • Precision scale Sartotius (2)
    • Three-roll mixer EXAKT  E80 S, ball ultrasound mixer, tray mixer, Turbula, digital ultrasonic processor
    • Planetary mill
    • Viscometer Viscoman


TAMIS team


  • Assembly
    • Little wire cable machine operation ball-bonding and wedge-wedge (Kulicke et Soffa 4523 et 4524),big wire cable machine operation (Orthodyne)
    • Deferral flip-chip machine (JPF Cefori), manual robot to placed and collage chips
    • Thermal traitment : IR remelting oven, vapor phase remelting oven (SV260), carpet CMS oven (Sikama), proofer


  • Caracterization and test
    • Laser and strobe vibrometer (Polytec MSA500)
    • Profilometer with stylus (Veeco Dektak 150), AFM (Veeco Innova-SYS), optical interferometric profilometer (Veeco NT9080)
    • Electrical caracterization under controled atmosphere programmable horizontal oven-proofer (50-850°C) 
    • Real time spectral analysis RSA3308A, phase gain impedance-meter analyzer Agilent E5061B and HP4194
    • “Sourcemètres” mono source Keithley 2401, 2410, double source 2604B, oscilloscope, frequency counter, multimeters, signals generators, etc.
    • Test bench under tip et micro robot with positionable tips (Imina MiBot system)
    • Programmable rickshaw BS9000-8, peristalic pumps
    • Humidity generator SMS VGIMEMS, weak concentreation permeate steam generator tubing, middle concentration sautration steam generator
    • Gaz line

Tamis skills

Deposit of thick and thin layers and micro-structuration

"Sérigraphieuse" to thick layers deposit (Sérigraphie)
"Photolithographie" (Photolithographie)
Spray and evaporator to thin layer deposit (Couches minces) Thermal traitment


cable machine operation ball-bonding and wedge-wedge (Câblage)
Deferral flip-chip machine (Flip chip) Thermal traitment


Vibrometer (Vibromètre)
Optical Profilometer, with stylet and AFM (Profilomètre - AFM)

Contact our team

If you have a request or questions about the laboratory, please contact our team.