Complexe Systems plateform

The complex systems platform brings together equipment dedicated to the study of microwaves on matter and on the vehicles of the future. The various equipment and human resources of the platform allow the teams of the IMS Bordeaux laboratory, whether researchers or students, to carry out their research while benefiting from support and technical assistance from the laboratory.

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A2M teams



A2M (Atelier des Microondes sur la Matière) is a transfer cell

Characterising, heating and controlling materials using microwaves

For more than 15 years, A2M has been providing companies with scientific expertise and equipment to analyse the interaction between matter and electromagnetic waves and to develop the industrial uses of microwaves


Futur of vehicule

On a 250 m² surface, the “Vehicule of the Futur” plateform constitute a true technology showcase of the testing means developed for the implementation in pratice, for experimental and tranfert purpose, of research leads by the CRONE team in collaboration with the car manufacturer PSA and the outfitter BOSCH, in the context of the labeling as a team of technology research. Since 2011, this platform is in the forefront of the OpenLab PSA-IMS “Electronics and Systems for Automotive”, common laboratory between PSA Peugeot Citroën and the IMS laboratory.

Futur Of Vehicule

Related research themes


Signal and image processing

The Signal and image processing theme aims to design algorithms for advanced signal processing in the broad sense


Automatic control

The Automatic control group addresses the following topics: Robust and Integrated Approach to Automation, Non-Integer Derivative Systems, Flatness and Fault Tolerant Guidance


Production engineering

Scientific themes of the production engineering group: Enterprise Modelling and Engineering, Production Systems Management, Design Engineering


Signal and image processing

Résumé en français

La plateforme des systèmes complexes regroupe des équipements dédiés à l’étude des microondes sur la matière et sur les véhicules du futurs. Les différents équipements et les moyens humains de la plateforme permettent aux équipes du laboratoire IMS Bordeaux, que ce soit pour les chercheurs ou les étudiants de mener à bien leurs recherches tout en bénéficiant d’un appui et d’un soutien technique de la part du laboratoire.

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