Automatic control

Automatic Control

The research activity of the Automatic Control Group is organized around three thematics :

Thematic 1 : « Approche Robuste et Intégrée de l’Automatique », developed by the ARIA team with David HENRY as head;
Thematic 2 : « Fractional Systems», developed by the CRONE team with Pierre MELCHIOR as head;
Thematic 3 : « Flatness and Fault Tolerant Guidance », developed by the FFTG team with Franck CAZAURANG as head.

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Automatic Control skills

Fractional Systems


Robust Control Design

Fault-Tolerant Control



Flatness and fault tolerant guidance


Collaborations and partners

For the various research projects underway, the IMS Bordeaux laboratory and its teams rely on strong partnerships and collaborations, which allow for the creation of a synergy of strengths and a sharing of technical and human resources


Automotive sector

Spatial_Partners_IMS Bordeaux

Space sector

Aeronautics_Partners_IMS Bordeaux

Aeronautics sector

Health_parnters_IMS Bordeaux

Health sector

Energy_Partners_IMS Bordeaux

Energy sector

Maintenance_Partners_IMS Bordeaux

Maintenance sector


Robotics sector







Research group publications

VOSviewer / Keyword co-occurrence clustering view generated with a minimum occurrence threshold of 6 for the last 5 years and refreshed every 6 months using data sources from Scopus
VOSviewer / Keyword co-occurrence clustering view generated with a minimum occurrence threshold of 6 for the last 5 years and refreshed every 6 months using data sources from Scopus
Scientific production by country (last 5 years, refreshed every 6 months). The map was generated through "Biblioshiny", different shades of blue indicate different productivity rate (dark blue = high productivity, grey = no articles)
Scientific production by country (last 5 years, refreshed every 6 months). The map was generated through "Biblioshiny", different shades of blue indicate different productivity rate (dark blue = high productivity, grey = no articles)

All Teams

Discover the different research teams in the theme.


Scientific presentation The ARIA research team focuses on the design and development of advanced methods for modelling, observation, fault diagnosis, prognosis, fault tolerant control and guidance to meet the growing requirements of control system technologies in terms of operational safety, autonomy and availability.. These topics are integral components for health management of safety critical and […]
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Scientific presentation The motivations of such thematics are dictated by the constant concern to defend the following thesis: given its « compactness » properties, the non-integer differentiation operator forms the mathematical tool par excellence to model with a minimum of parameters the highest number of phenomena falling under as well engineering sciences as biological and physico-chemical sciences. […]
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Scientific presentation For a Flat system there is a set of outputs named flat outputs, such that all states variables and inputs can be expressed in terms of the flat outputs and a finite number of her derivatives. This property is very useful for both path planning and controller synthesis for nonlinear dynamical systems and […]
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Résumé en français

Les activités du groupe Automatique s’articulent autour de trois thématiques :

Thématique 1 : « Approche Robuste et Intégrée de l’Automatique », menée par l’équipe ARIA et animée par David HENRY ;

Thématique 2 : « Systèmes à Dérivées Non Entières », menée par l’équipe CRONE et animée par Pierre MELCHIOR ;

Thématique 3 : « Flatness and Fault Tolerant Guidance », menée par l’équipe FFTG et animée par Franck CAZAURANG

Contact our team

If you have a request or questions about the laboratory, please contact our team.