

Advanced materials for electronic, electromagnetic and photonic components and functions 

Materials research aims to develop and characterize durable materials in order to integrate them into electronic and photonic devices with a high degree of miniaturization and at low cost.

Research axis :
– materials for sensors : sensitive layer (2D materials…), plasmonics (SPR and LSPR)

– dielectric materials for capacitors (discrete component and thin film technology)

– luminescent quantum dot nanomaterials for optics (photoluminescent films and QLED)

– smart composite materials for health monitoring (auto-sensing)

– materials for stealth

– robustness and durability (Design for Reliability)


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MDA research team

Presentation of the waves research activities of the MDA team


Our research works especially involve the study of waves propagation, including emission / reception, and dynamical interaction mechanisms with solid, liquid or gaseous media. The realization of ultra-sensitive and reliable microsensors together with processing electronics is an overarching goal, towards embedded and communicating systems adapted to a digital environment. All projects are carried out in close collaboration within a multidisciplinary team (electronics, microtechnology, chemistry, biology, etc.) gathering local/national/international academic and/or industrial partners.

We develop platforms for fast dedicated detection of chemical or biological species, as well as for characterization of thin solid films or complex fluids at high frequencies. Health, Energy and Environment fields are particularly targeted with numerous potential benefits in various areas of activity 

Examples of recent or on-going projects:

MDA Teams

MDA teams skills

Propagation of surface acoustic waves in multilayer devices

Innovative resonant sensing devices: acousto-optics, HF

Integration of sensitive recognition films: polymers, hybrids, meso- and nano-structured, biomaterials

Integration with microfluidic chips

Understanding and modelling of interaction mechanisms: gas-wave, liquid-wave, solid-wave, influence of immobilisation of compounds (bacteria, viruses, toxins, heavy metals, volatile organic compounds...), effects of temperature

Development of prototype ultrasensitive platforms for early detection and dynamic monitoring

New themes: digital microfluidics, integration of measurements by lensless microscopy or optical microresonator in organic thin films, flexible and carbon-based sensors, micro-sensors and remote interrogation


Collaborations and partners

For the various research projects underway, the IMS Bordeaux laboratory and its teams rely on strong partnerships and collaborations, which allow for the creation of a synergy of strengths and a sharing of technical and human resources


National academics


International academics partners




BioCruces, Bilbao


University of Arkansas


Latest news from the team

Wearable Nano-Opto-electro-mechanic Systems
Demonstration of a real-time sensor for environmental pollution


Meet the members of the research team

Dorian ADAM
Corinne DEJOUS
Ludivine FADEL
Résumé en français

L’équipe MDA (Microsystèmes de Détection Acoustique et alternatives) développe des plateformes acoustiques/électromagnétiques intelligentes pour la détection rapide d’espèces chimiques ou biologiques, ainsi que pour la caractérisation de films minces ou de fluides complexes à haute fréquence. La transmission sans fil de données et de micro-énergie est également étudiée et une approche durable est encouragée. Les domaines de la santé, de l’énergie et de l’environnement sont particulièrement visés avec de nombreuses retombées potentielles dans divers secteurs d’activité.


Nos travaux de recherche portent notamment sur l’étude de la propagation des ondes, y compris l’émission/réception, et les mécanismes d’interaction dynamique avec les milieux solides, liquides ou gazeux. La réalisation de micro-capteurs ultra-sensibles et fiables associés à une électronique de traitement est un objectif primordial, vers des systèmes embarqués et communicants adaptés à un environnement numérique. Tous les projets sont menés en étroite collaboration au sein d’équipes pluridisciplinaires (électronique, microtechnologies, chimie, biologie, etc.) regroupant des partenaires académiques et/ou industriels locaux/nationaux/internationaux.

Contact our team

If you have a request or questions about the laboratory, please contact our team.