

Our group WAVES (ONDES) from Nov. 2015 conduct research works aimed at the development of Smart and Sustainable systems, focusing on integration of innovative materials, and, the design, characterization and the reliability assessment of devices for various applications, mainly using acoustic, photonic and high frequency waves. The understanding of physical mechanisms occurring in materials, devices and their interaction with the environment is fundamental to our work. WAVES is working on plans to develop innovative detection devices and sensor networks, well adapted to digital environment. Targeted application areas are on current issues related to healthcare, environment, agriculture, Factory of the Future, energy…

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Towards Multi-disciplinary Multi-technology Smart and Sustainable systems

The WAVES group (“ONDES”) conducts research works aimed at the development of Smart and Sustainable systems, focusing on integration of innovative materials, and, the design, characterization and the reliability assessment of devices for various applications, mainly using acoustic, photonic and high frequency waves. The understanding of physical mechanisms occurring in materials, devices and their interaction with the environment is fundamental to our work. The new group is working on plans to develop innovative detection devices and sensor networks, well adapted to digital environment. Targeted application areas are on current issues related to healthcare, environment, agriculture, Factory of the Future, energy… Three major topics have been defined :

  • Photonic, Electromagnetic, Acoustic Microdevices
  • Multi-disciplinary Smart Sensors
  • Wireless solutions for Micro-energy

3 dedicated research topics

The group WAVES (ONDES) is composed of three topics involved in highly multi-disciplinary projects (materials, physics, chemistry, biology, medicine, etc.) each with academic and/or industrial partners:

  • Materials : Advanced materials for electronic, electromagnetic and photonic components and functions
  • Devices: Multifunctional multimode physical and (bio)chemical transducers
  • ZeroPower: Batteryless Wireless sensors

Among other projects, we are also strongly committed in Laboratories of Excellence of the University of Bordeaux, which has established these world-class clusters, as well as in several projects that replace them and are due to start in 2022 (Grands Programmes de Recherche, Réseaux de Recherche Impulsion), all of them bringing together teams from different joint research units (universities, national research bodies and industry).

Support technological centres: OpERaS (Evaluation of the reliability of optoelectronic and photonic devices), Nanocom (DC-750GHz measurement facility)


Waves skills

Detection, Photonic Components

Sensors, Micro Energy, Sustainability, Multiphysics Characterization

Energy Harvesting, Metamaterials

Zero power electronics, Remote sensing

Acoustic Transducer, Microwaves, Radiofrequencies

Nonlinear Electronics, Material Wave interaction at interfaces

Wireless,Multiphysics Simulation,Electromagnetic Modelling,


Collaborations and partners

For the various research projects underway, the IMS Bordeaux laboratory and its teams rely on strong partnerships and collaborations, which allow for the creation of a synergy of strengths and a sharing of technical and human resources


LN2 Université de Sherbrooke









Research group publications

VOSviewer / Keyword co-occurrence clustering view generated with a minimum occurrence threshold of 4 for the last 5 years and refreshed every 6 months using data sources from Scopus
VOSviewer / Keyword co-occurrence clustering view generated with a minimum occurrence threshold of 4 for the last 5 years and refreshed every 6 months using data sources from Scopus
Scientific production by country (last 5 years, refreshed every 6 months). The map was generated through "Biblioshiny", different shades of blue indicate different productivity rate (dark blue = high productivity, grey = no articles)
Scientific production by country (last 5 years, refreshed every 6 months). The map was generated through "Biblioshiny", different shades of blue indicate different productivity rate (dark blue = high productivity, grey = no articles)

All Teams

Discover the different research teams in the theme.


Presentation of the waves research activities of the Devices team Initially focused on the optical telecommunications industry, photonics has significantly expanded to encompass a wide range of fields, from light generation to detection, as well as the guiding or molding the flow of light. Photonics today has the potential to revolutionize various fields, notably lighting […]
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Presentation of the waves research activities of the MDA team   Our research works especially involve the study of waves propagation, including emission / reception, and dynamical interaction mechanisms with solid, liquid or gaseous media. The realization of ultra-sensitive and reliable microsensors together with processing electronics is an overarching goal, towards embedded and communicating systems […]
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In-situ measurement (French Guyana) of the vegetation dielectric properties in the framework of remote sensing space missions (SMOS, BIOMASS) Presentation of the research activities of ZeroPower Radiofrequency (RF) energy harvesting Energy harvesters are realized thanks to a dual band rectenna (0.9 GHz, 2.45 GHz) able to power a 5μW digital clock.  The system is developed […]
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Résumé en français

Le groupe ONDES depuis novembre 2015, mène des travaux allant de l’intégration de matériaux innovants à l’étude, la réalisation, la caractérisation et l’évaluation de la fiabilité de dispositifs et plateformes pour un spectre large d’applications, en privilégiant la détection acoustique, la photonique et les hyperfréquences. Les mécanismes physiques sont au cœur des problématiques des équipes dans la mise en œuvre des matériaux, le développement de dispositifs et leur caractérisation en interaction avec un environnement contrôlé. La nouvelle constitution du groupe lui permet aujourd’hui d’orienter un volet de sa politique scientifique vers l’étude de dispositifs de détection innovants compatibles avec la perspective d’un environnement numérique adapté aux besoins du futur, et visant le développement de réseaux de capteurs. Des applications dans les domaines de la santé, l’environnement, l’agriculture, l’industrie du futur ou l’énergie sont particulièrement ciblées, avec des retombées potentielles dans de nombreux secteurs d’activités. Trois thèmes directeurs sont définis:

  • Microdispositifs Photoniques, Electromagnétiques, Acoustiques
  • Capteurs multi physiques communicants
  • Systèmes de micro-énergie sans fil

Contact our team

If you have a request or questions about the laboratory, please contact our team.