Resources and Platforms

IMS technological facilities are split in the technological IMS platform with 4 departments and in the Cross disciplinary resources with shared equipments (Mechanical workshop, Assembly, Accelerated Ageing , Microscopy and physico-chemical analyses)

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IMS platform

The technological IMS platform gathers the technological resources of the laboratory whose field of expertise lies at the border of the scientific departments of Engineering and Digital Sciences (SIN), Matter and Radiation Sciences (SMR) and Evaluation, Behavior, Organizations (ECOr). The platform includes 4 departments


Access conditions for projects external to the IMS Laboratory

Obviously, access to the IMS Platform is open to socio-economic actors. They must contact the technical/scientific manager of the platform to express their needs. The project will be treated either as a collaboration (with IP sharing) or as a service (without IP sharing). The legal details of IP sharing are handled by SATT AST (Aquitaine Science Transfert).

For external project demands, the users are directed to the technical managers who are in charge of establishing the quotation, the reports of studies and the customer follow-up. For invoicing, the technical managers rely on the financial department of ADERA or the IMS laboratory, depending on the payment.

The equipment reservation schedule is online on the IMS Laboratory intranet.

Interaction platform

Interaction department

Whose activities revolve around studies in biology at the interface of physics (bioelectromagnetism) and electronics (bioelectronics) as well as research on the human factor and the use of technologies (physiological evaluation, virtual and augmented reality, cobotics, disability, etc.)

futur of vehicule

Complex systems department

whose activities are linked to Signal for digital communications (5G and beyond, but also low-speed, long-range systems such as LPWAN IoT systems), Images for onboard imaging in agriculture, which is based on research in computer vision, and Vehicles of the Future for the development of autonomous vehicles.

Integration platform

Integration department

whose activities are centered around three axes: electrical characterization and extraction of parameters of components and circuits in silicon or III-V technologies up to 500GHz, energy storage systems (Supercaps, Lithium batteries) in order to model aging from accelerated tests to identify failure modes and mm-THz Spectro-Imaging, tomography, multilayer thickness measurements. Radiation testing and fault finding on components and circuits using several laser lines.

Component platform

Component department

whose activities allow the manufacturing of electronic, optoelectronic, optomechanical and electromechanical devices based on organic semiconductors and functional polymers (piezo-active, biomimetic, thermo-active, etc). This equipment is also equipped to study the physical mechanisms that govern the operation of organic devices. A second axis is dedicated to the evaluation of the reliability of optoelectronic and photonic devices subjected to severe environments.

Cross platform

Cross disciplinary resources

Shared ressources are divided in 4 units

  • Mechanical Workshop for prototyping
  • Microelectronics Assembly Technology to realize electric connection between the components and its support
  • Accelerated Ageing for reliability investigation of devices and systems
  • Microscopy and physico-chemical analyses

All these resources contribute to development of micro and nano technologies

Résumé en français

La plateforme de l’IMS regroupe les moyens technologiques du laboratoire dont le domaine de compétences se situe à la frontière des départements scientifiques des Sciences de l’Ingénierie et du Numérique (SIN), Sciences de la Matière et du Rayonnement (SMR) et Évaluation, Comportements, Organisations (ECOr). La plateforme comporte 4 services :
Interaction dont les activités tournent autour des études en biologie à l’interface de la physique (bioélectromagnétisme) et de l’électronique (bioélectronique) ainsi que de recherche sur le facteur humain et l’usage des technologies (évaluation physiologique, réalité virtuelle et augmentée, cobotique, handicap, etc.)
Systèmes Complexes dont les activités sont liées au Signal pour les communications numériques (5G et au-delà mais aussi les systèmes bas débit, longue portée comme les systèmes IoT LPWAN), Images pour l’imagerie embarquée en agriculture qui s’appuie sur les recherches en vision par ordinateur et Véhicule du futur pour le développement du véhicule autonome.
Intégration dont les activités sont centrées autour de trois axes : caractérisation électrique et l’extraction des paramètres des composants et circuits en technologies silicium ou III-V jusqu’à 500GHz, systèmes de stockage d’énergie (Supercaps, batteries Lithium) afin de modéliser le vieillissement à partir de tests accélérés pour d’identifier les modes de défaillance et Spectro-Imagerie mm-THz, tomographie, mesures d’épaisseurs multicouches. Contrôle de tenue aux radiations et recherche de défauts sur des composants et circuits grâce à plusieurs lignes laser.
Composants dont les activités permettent la fabrication de dispositifs électroniques, optoélectroniques, optomécaniques et électromécaniques à base de semi-conducteurs organique et de polymères fonctionnels (piézo-actifs, biomimétiques, thermo-actifs, etc). Cet équipement est également équipé pour l’étude des mécanismes physiques qui gouvernent le fonctionnement des dispositifs organiques. Un deuxième axe est dédié à l’évaluation de la fiabilité de dispositifs optoélectroniques et photoniques soumis aux environnements sévères.

Contact our team

If you have a request or questions about the laboratory, please contact our team.