These activities are divided into three technical programs based on silicon technologies
The “Design” program, research focuses on the design of integrated circuits in nanometric silicon technologies from the partner STMicroelectronics. The targeted applications are essentially in the field of mobile communications (5G, 6G) and IoT. The development are positioned in the field of radio frequencies up to millimeter waves (building blocks, sub-systems and systems on PA, frequency synthesis, phased array, plastic waveguide), as well as digital design (ASIC &RISC-V).
The “Modeling” program focuses on high-frequency characterization and modeling of transistors. Thanks to the Integration platform of the IMS laboratory, research is carried out on the measurement of bipolar and CMOS SOI transistors up to frequencies of 500 GHz.
The “Reliability” program is more specifically interested in the reliability and robustness of 3D interconnections in electronic chip assemblies as well as operational reliability of HBT transistors. Accelerated aging tests are developed in the context of research on failure mechanisms