Signal and Image processing

Signal and Image processing

The research activity of the Signal and Image Group (GSI) is concerned with the design of advanced signal and image processing algorithms. It encompasses both fundamental and applied themes, directed at long-term academic and industrial partnerships.  The key concepts, underlying this activity are modeling, inference, optimization and sampling, with emphasis on multiscale and multidimensional aspects. During the last four years, GSI has focused on subjects of importance to the national and international research communities. These include inverse problems, especially in the case of incomplete data, characterization, filtering, optimal decision, and communication.

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Collaborations and partners

For the various research projects underway, the IMS Bordeaux laboratory and its teams rely on strong partnerships and collaborations, which allow for the creation of a synergy of strengths and a sharing of technical and human resources


Industrial partnerships


National academic partnerships


International academic partnerships


IRT St Exupery



Signal and image processing skills

Modeling / estimation

Random matrix theory

Optimization algorithms

Inference methods

Optimal filtering

Inverse problems

Research group publications

VOSviewer / Keyword co-occurrence clustering view generated with a minimum occurrence threshold of 6 for the last 5 years and refreshed every 6 months using data sources from Scopus
VOSviewer / Keyword co-occurrence clustering view generated with a minimum occurrence threshold of 6 for the last 5 years and refreshed every 6 months using data sources from Scopus
Scientific production by country (last 5 years, refreshed every 6 months). The map was generated through "Biblioshiny", different shades of blue indicate different productivity rate (dark blue = high productivity, grey = no articles)
Scientific production by country (last 5 years, refreshed every 6 months). The map was generated through "Biblioshiny", different shades of blue indicate different productivity rate (dark blue = high productivity, grey = no articles)

All Teams

Discover the different research teams in the theme.


Parametric approaches for the segmentation and the classification of textures Regarding image segmentation, we propose an original inverse method for the joint segmentation and deconvolution of textures  This approach is motivated by the assumption that segmentation may be more reliable when performed on a sharper image and that the quality of the deconvolution result may […]
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Presentation of scientific activities The difficulty lies in the diversity of this information which can concern the structure of the unknown variables or the data, their orders of magnitudes or, in a dynamic context, the way they evolve over time. On the one hand, the objective is to propose relevant models to represent the information […]
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Résumé en français

L’activité de recherche du groupe “Signal et image” (GSI) porte sur la conception d’algorithmes avancés de traitement du signal et de l’image. Elle englobe à la fois des thèmes fondamentaux et appliqués, orientés vers des partenariats universitaires et industriels à long terme. Les concepts clés qui sous-tendent cette activité sont la modélisation, l’inférence, l’optimisation et l’échantillonnage, en mettant l’accent sur les aspects multi-échelles et multidimensionnels. Au cours des quatre dernières années, le GSI s’est concentré sur des sujets importants pour les communautés de recherche nationales et internationales. Il s’agit notamment des problèmes inverses, en particulier dans le cas de données incomplètes, de la caractérisation, du filtrage, de la décision optimale et de la communication.

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If you have a request or questions about the laboratory, please contact our team.