10 Research groups

IMS offers a unique scientific positioning in systems engineering: the integration of hardware, intelligence and knowledge in communicating and human centered systems. IMS scientific priorities are:

  • modeling and shaping materials for components and microsystems design
  • modeling, design, implementation and reliability analysis of components, circuits and electorinc assemblies
  • identification, automated control, systems diagnosis, signal and image processing
  • production engineering, cognitics and human engineering, bioelectronics
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IMS offers a unique scientific positioning in systems engineering: the integration of hardware, intelligence and knowledge in communicating and human centered systems. IMS scientific priorities are:

  • modeling and shaping materials for components and microsystems design
  • modeling, design, implementation and reliability analysis of components, circuits and electorinc assemblies
  • identification, automated control, systems diagnosis, signal and image processing
  • production engineering, cognitics and human engineering, bioelectronics
Research group

What are the themes addressed ?



The BioElectronics Department was set up in 2009. This original research group comprises researchers in electronics, biophysics and biology on the same floor of the building. Another original aspect is its Living Sciences Platform facilities, which are available to researchers and teachers throughout the University of Bordeaux. 



Institutional context The Cognitive Engineering Research group is part of the IMS laboratory CNRS UMR 5218 since January 2011. It is composed of Professor and Associated Professor of the National School of Cognitique (ENSC Bordeaux-INP), the School Superior of the Teaching and Education (ESPE – University of Bordeaux) and the Department of Sports Sciences (UF STAPS, University of Bordeaux).


Production engineering

The Production Engineering group (or production engineering team in the sense of HCERES) is animated as a single entity and deploys upstream research activities, valorization of research results in the economic environment, and training of researchers and executives for industry.


Signal and Image processing

The research activity of the Signal and Image Group (GSI) is concerned with the design of advanced signal and image processing algorithms. It encompasses both fundamental and applied themes, directed at long-term academic and industrial partnerships.  The key concepts, underlying this activity are modeling, inference, optimization and sampling, with emphasis on multiscale and multidimensional aspects.


Automatic control

 The research activity of the Automatic Control Group is organized around three thematics: Thematic 1 : « Approche Robuste et Intégrée de l’Automatique », developed by the ARIA team with David HENRY as head; Thematic 2 : « Fractional Systems», developed by the CRONE team with Pierre MELCHIOR as head; Thematic 3 : « Flatness and Fault Tolerant Guidance », developed by the FFTG team with Franck CAZAURANG as head.


Circuit Design

The Circuit Design group of the IMS Laboratory relies on three teams (known as CAS, HSC and NSC) dedicated to analog, RF and digital circuit design. It forms a powerful complementary work force to provide fully integrated solutions to complex electronic systems.



Main Interests: Reliability is an essential challenge for remote electronic equipment as found in ICs. It enables cost-effective design (economic aspect), improvement of manufacturing capacity (eco-friendly aspect), lower early failure rate and better management of failure prediction (user-safety and -satisfaction aspects)



The research fields of Nanoelectronics concern emerging components such as the carbon nanotube transistor, Graphene-FET, microwave transistors (SiGe and III-V) and circuits based on advanced technologies. Key themes are the electro-optical characterization, failure analysis and reliability, microwave characterization and compact modeling



Towards Multi-disciplinary Multi-technology Smart and Sustainable systems. The group ONDES (WAVES) in the flowchart of Research at IMS Our group re-named ONDES (WAVES) from Nov. 2015 comprises the groups formerly known as Microsystems and Materials. 


Organic electronics

The Organic Electronics and Organic Microsystems (named “Organic” in the flowchart IMS) was created in June 2012 to merge the electro-optical and electro-mechanical aspects of organic materials . All the group is located at the ENSCBP graduate school since January 2013.

Platforms available

Discover the technical resources of the
IMS Bordeaux set up for research groups

Interaction platform

Interaction platform


A2M photo

Complex systems platform

Futur of vehicule

Laser technical installation

Integration platform


Interaction platform

Component platform


Résumé en français

Le laboratoire IMS développe des actions de recherche originales et cohérentes dans les domaines suivants :

  • la modélisation et l’élaboration des matériaux, des capteurs et des microsystèmes,
  • la modélisation, la conception, l’intégration et l’analyse de fiabilité des composants, circuits et assemblages,
  • l’identification, la commande, le diagnostic, le traitement du signal et des images, la conduite des processus complexes et hétérogènes.
  • L’ingénierie des systèmes neuromorphiques, l’interaction des champs électromagnétiques avec la matière vivante, la cognitique et l’ingénierie humaine

Contact our team

If you have a request or questions about the laboratory, please contact our team.