Component plateform

The component platform brings together equipment dedicated to research on organic electronics, on alternative technology to silicon microsystems and on the evaluation of the reliability of optoelectronic and photonic devices subjected to a harsh environment. The various equipment and human resources of the platform allow the teams of the IMS Bordeaux laboratory, whether researchers or students, to carry out their research while benefiting from support and technical assistance from the laboratory.

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ELORGA platform : Organic electronic (OLED, OFET, OPV…)(ENSCBP)

Equipments of the ELORGA platform are dedicated to the fabrication of electronic devices based on organic semiconductors. 



TAMIS platform : Technologies as Silicium (Sensors, MEMS,…)

Tamis research team
OPERA research team



The OpERAaS Plateform is dedicated to evaluation the reliability of optoelectronics and photonics devices subject to rugged environment. This permit to make available to industrials partner caracterization, failures and accelerated aging resources, affectively split between the IMS laboratory (caracterization et reliability prevision), THALES Security System (analysis and failures) and AdvEOTec (qualification).

Related research themes


Organics electronics

The ORGANICS group aims to design, print, characterise and optimise components (electronic, optical and mechanical) made of mainly organic or hybrid materials



Research topics covered: Photonic, Electromagnetic and Acoustic Microdevices, Multi-physics communicating sensors, Wireless micro-energy systems

Résumé en français

La plateforme composant regroupe des équipements dédiés à la recherche sur l’électronique organique, sur l’alternative technology to silicium microsystèmes et sur l’évaluation de la fiabilité des dispositifs optoélectroniques et photoniques soumis à un environnement difficile. Les différents équipements et les moyens humains de la plateforme permettent aux équipes du laboratoire IMS Bordeaux, que ce soit pour les chercheurs ou les étudiants de mener à bien leurs recherches tout en bénéficiant d’un appui et d’un soutien technique de la part du laboratoire.

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