Research Activity
In the factory of the future, living and autonomous systems being more connected, a precise
knowledge of their states is required in real-time in readiness for prognosis and predictive maintenance.
Moreover, in order to improve their performances (disturbance rejection, parametric uncertainties
and system nonlinearities, energetic efficiency, path tracking), two steps are necessary: system
identification in real-time and optimal control (input/control reference generation and robust
My scientific activities turn on the fractional derivative as a tool in modeling and in optimal control. I
am interested in the fundamental aspects bound for system theory (flatness), methodological aspects
bound for trajectory planning by multi-criteria optimization, methodological aspects bound for
modeling of fractional systems (thermal transfers, climate change, wind turbulence), methodological
aspects bound for dynamical system identification (closed-loop, multivariable systems, real-time),
innovating applications in the factory of the future: autonomous vehicle (2D/3D), medical application
(heat transfers in lung and viral spreading (COVID-19)), earth climate change, aeronautics (turbofan),
(machining and additive) manufacturing, and software developments of the CRONE toolbox/Matlab.
Resume – CV
2011- . . . Associate Professor HDR – Outstanding class (09/2022) at Université de Bordeaux in Automatic Control (CNU 61), Integration From Material to System (IMS), Talence, France
2009-2011 Research and teaching assistant (ATER) at IPB/Enseirb-Matmeca, Electrical Engineering – speciality Automatic Control
2007-2009 Teaching instructor at Université Bordeaux 1, UFR Physique – speciality Automatic Control (64hours/year)
2006 Internship (PFE, 5 months), Ecole Polytechnique Montreal (Canada), Laboratory of Mechatronics, Montreal, Canada
2005 Internship (2,5 months), French Institute of Pondicherry, Laboratory of Geomatics, Pondicherry, India
Education and diplomas
05/2022 Authorization to direct Research (HDR) at Université de Bordeaux in Automatic Control –
11/2010 Doctorate at Université Bordeaux 1 in Automatic Control, with highest honours from the jury
2006 Diplôme d’ingénieur – ENSEIRB – speciality Automatic Control, (, with distinction, Bordeaux, France
Double Engineering diploma – Ecole Polytechnique Montreal – speciality Automatic Control (3rd year in exchange in Canada) –,
Master 2 Research Electrical Engineering – Université Bordeaux 1 – speciality Automatic Control (triple diploma in parallel)
2001-2003 Preparatory class MPSI-MP, Lycée La Martinière Monplaisir (, Lyon, France
2001 High School, Scientific, Lycée Français of Pondicherry (, with merits, Pondicherry, Inde
Publications (Google Scholar)
Number of citations: 907 (> + 90/year) h-index : 16 i10-index: 20
Profile : ORCID – LinkedIn – ResearchGate – HAL
Postdoc : 1 (2018-2019)
PhD : 5 completed, 2 ongoing
Master 2 Internships : 18 (~2/year)
In teaching
2014 – . . . Head of the Master 2 Research & Professional AM2AS (Automatic Control and Mechatronics, Automotive, Aeronautics & Space), (30 stu.)
2019 – . . . Head of disciplinary axis “Automatic Control&Signal Processing” from B1-M2 at UF SDI (520 stu.)
2020 – . . . Head of Apprenticeship of specialization master AM2AS
In research
2013 – . . . Co-head of CRONE software / Modeling & System Identification
2014 – . . . Responsible of seminaries of the team CRONE (IMS) (1 / 2 months)
2015 – . . . Responsible of seminaries of Automatic Control Group (IMS) (1 / month)
2017 – . . . Nominee Member at Technical Committee 2.2 (Linear Control Systems with the branch of Fractional Systems) at IFAC (Int. Federation of Automatic Control)
2018 – . . . Co-head of Workpackage 1 “Optimal Non Destructive Evaluation & Control” at Réseau Impulsion BEST (Factory of the Future) at université de Bordeaux
2021 – . . . Member of the steering committee of the learned society FDA (Fractional Differentiation and its Applications), and member of the steering committee of the conference ICFDA (International Conference on FDA)
In collective responsibilities
2013 – 2015 Webmaster of the Electrical Engineering at UFR of Physics
2015 – 2020 Head of communication at UF SDI (Engineering sciences training unit)
2017 – 2021 Elected member at the Commission of the Education and Universitary life (CFVU)
2019 – . . . Nominee member of CNU 61
2020 – . . . In charge of mission by the Vice-President “Numerics” at Université de Bordeaux for
negotiation of the campus licence of Mathworks
2020 – . . . Co-head of the Working Group “Factory of the Future” at UF SDI
2016 – 2020 Driver assistance (PSA, OpenLab, IMS), Co-head, 65 k€
2017 – 2019 PELICAN (AMI Drone City, ONERA, Air Marine, Thalès Avionics, Cdiscount), Participant, 80k€/15M€
2017 – 2020 Labex SysNum (Idex Univ. de Bordeaux)/ WP (WorkPackage Robots & Drones), Participant, 90k€
2019 – 2022 Call of Pluri-disciplinarity Project (Univ. Bx, Liryc, CHU Haut Lévêque), Co-head, 90k€
2020 – 2021 Labex SysNum (Idex Univ. de Bordeaux)/ WP (WorkPackage Robots & Drones), Co-head, 8k€
2020 – 2023 MIMO control of 2 and 3 axis antennas (Safran, IMS), Co-head, 67.5 k€
10-12/2021 Call of Pluri-disciplinarity Project Exp. on shheps, Dept. SIN (Numerics) and STS (Health) (Univ. de Bordeaux), Head, 11 k€
2022 Project CIRA on Atmospheric reentry, Dépt SIN (Univ. Bx), Head, 15 k€
2022 – 2025 RRI BEST (Idex Univ. de Bordeaux), Co-head, 130k€/900k€
Scientific Animations
Member of the Steering Committee: ICFDA 2020 (Warsaw, Poland), ICFDA 2023 (Dubaï, EAU), ICFDA 2024( Bordeaux, France)
Member : WorkGroup Automatic Control/Automotive of GdR MACS/CNRS (2021, 2015 and 2018), JD-JN of GdR MACS (2019), More Electric Aircraft (2017, 2021)
Organization of invited sessions to international conferences: World Congress IFAC (2017, 2020,2023), IEEE ICSC 2021, IFAC SSSC 2022
Chair of international conferences: World Congress IFAC (2017, 2020, 2023), IFAC AAC 2019, IEEE ICSC 2021, IFAC SSSC 2022
Organization of an international workshop: IFAC AAC 2019
Plenary at international conferences: ERNSI 2022, 2 for the workshop IFAC AAC 2019, ICFCTA 2019 (France), IEEE MELECON 2008 (France)
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Output error MISO system identification using fractional models Auteur(s): Abir Mayoufi, Stephane Victor, Manel Chetoui, Rachid Malti, Mohamed Aoun Lien HAL : Non-integer (or fractional) power model to represent the complexity of a viral spreading: Application to the COVID-19 Auteur(s): Alain Oustaloup, François Levron, Stephane Victor, Luc Dugard Lien HAL : Recursive System Identification of Continuous-Time Fractional Systems for All Parameter Estimation Auteur(s): Jean-François Duhé, Stéphane Victor, Pierre Melchior, Youssef Abdelmoumen, François Roubertie Lien HAL : Experiment design for elementary fractional models Auteur(s): Rachid Malti, Abir Mayoufi, Stéphane Victor Lien HAL : Fractional derivative truncation approximation for real-time applications Auteur(s): Jean-François Duhé, Stéphane Victor, Pierre Melchior, Youssef Abdelmounen, François Roubertie Lien HAL : Addendum: Predictive form of the FPM model Auteur(s): Alain Oustaloup, François Levron, Stéphane Victor, Luc Dugard Lien HAL : Parameter and differentiation order estimation in fractional models Auteur(s): Stephane Victor, Rachid Malti, Hugues Garnier, Alain Oustaloup Lien HAL : Wind turbulence modeling for real-time simulation Auteur(s): Mohamed Hajjem, Stéphane Victor, Pierre Melchior, Patrick Lanusse, Lara Thomas Lien HAL : Contributions on artificial potential field method for effective obstacle avoidance Auteur(s): Jean-François Duhé, Stephane Victor, Pierre Melchior Lien HAL : Optimal Trajectory Planning and Robust Tracking Using Vehicle Model Inversion Auteur(s): Stephane Victor, Jean-Baptiste Receveur, Pierre Melchior, Patrick Lanusse Lien HAL : New interpretation of fractional potential fields for robust path planning Auteur(s): Jean-Baptiste Receveur, Stephane Victor, Pierre Melchior Lien HAL : Autonomous car decision making and trajectory tracking based on genetic algorithms and fractional potential fields Auteur(s): Jean-Baptiste Receveur, Stephane Victor, Pierre Melchior Lien HAL : Lung Thermal Transfer System Identification With Fractional Models Auteur(s): Stephane Victor, Pierre Melchior, Mathieu Pellet, Alain Oustaloup Lien HAL : Planification de trajectoire par champs de potentiel fractionnaires appliquée au véhicule autonome Auteur(s): Pierre Melchior, Stephane Victor, Julien Moreau, Mathieu Moze, François Aioun, Franck Guillemard Lien HAL : Robust motion planning for a heat rod process Auteur(s): Stephane Victor, Pierre Melchior, Rachid Malti, Alain Oustaloup Lien HAL : Improvements on flat output characterization for fractional systems Auteur(s): Stephane Victor, Pierre Melchior Lien HAL : Flatness for linear fractional systems with application to a thermal system Auteur(s): Stephane Victor, Pierre Melchior, Jean Lévine, Alain Oustaloup Lien HAL : communication (3)
Modeling and Control of an Autonomous Tractor Auteur(s): Stephane Victor, Pierre Melchior, Lukasz Mizgalski, Hugo Gimbert, Steve Nguyen Lien HAL : Trajectory path tracking of a drone in a disturbed environment Auteur(s): Halim Ould Lahsen, Stephane Victor, Pierre Melchior, Serge Chaumette Lien HAL : Évitement d'obstacle dans un environnement 3D dynamique Auteur(s): Kendric Ruiz, Serge Chaumette, Pierre Melchior, Stephane Victor Lien HAL : publication (3)
Identification de modèles à temps continu en boucle fermée avec entrée et sortie bruitées Auteur(s): Stephane Victor, Arnold Diudichi, Pierre Melchior Lien HAL : Planification de trajectoire dans le contexte du véhicule autonome Auteur(s): Jean-Baptiste Receveur, Pierre Melchior, Stephane Victor Lien HAL : Planification de trajectoire par la méthode des champs de potentiels : application au véhicule autonome Auteur(s): Julien Moreau, Pierre Melchior, Stephane Victor, Mathieu Moze, François Aioun, Franck Guillemard Lien HAL : proceedings (43)
New continuous dynamic fractional repulsive potential field for path planning Auteur(s): Albert Robinet, Stéphane Victor, Pierre Melchior Lien HAL : Wind speed turbulence system identification and signal generator Auteur(s): Stéphane Victor Lien HAL : Online system identification of global lung heat transfers Auteur(s): Stéphane Victor, Enso Ndreko, Pierre Melchior Lien HAL : Comparison between CRONE and H∞ control approaches applied to tracking antennas Auteur(s): Rodrigo Negri de Azeredo, Mohamed Hajjem, Lara Thomas, Stéphane Victor, Patrick Lanusse, Pierre Melchior Lien HAL : Wind speed turbulence system identification and signal generator Auteur(s): Stéphane Victor, Mohamed Hajjem, Patrick Lanusse, Pierre Melchior, Lara Thomas Lien HAL : Vers une instrumentation non-invasive pour l'analyse en temps réel de la puissance de fraisage : étude comparative avec une platine dynamométrique invasive Auteur(s): Jamy Vignaud, Jean-Yves K'Nevez, Gaëtan Albert, Stéphane Victor, Raynald Laheurte, Olivier Cahuc, Philippe Verlet Lien HAL : Two-port network modeling for bio-heat transfers in lungs Auteur(s): Jean-François Duhé, Stephane Victor, Pierre Melchior, Youssef Abdelmounen, François Roubertie Lien HAL : Wind speed turbulence system identification and signal generator Auteur(s): Stéphane Victor Lien HAL : Tire modeling for an autonomous tractor suitable for soft soils Auteur(s): Stéphane Victor, Albert Robinet, Youcef Ferradji, Pierre Melchior, Hugo Gimbert Lien HAL : Comparison of 2D thermal diffusion approximations with experimental data Auteur(s): Lucas Furlan Rufino da Silva, Stéphane Victor, Andrzej Kusiak, Jean-Luc Battaglia Lien HAL : Bio-heat transfer modeling in lungs Auteur(s): Enso Ndreko, Stéphane Victor, Pierre Melchior Lien HAL : Online system identification of heat transfers in lungs with the LMRPEM-2 method Auteur(s): Jean-François Duhé, Stéphane Victor, Pierre Melchior, Youssef Abdelmoumen, François Roubertie Lien HAL : System Identification of the Global Climate Temperature by Output Error Method Auteur(s): Stéphane Victor, Rachid Malti, Abir Mayoufi Lien HAL : Study on obstacle avoidance for fractional artificial potential fields Auteur(s): Jean-François Duhé, Stephane Victor, Kendric Ruiz, Pierre Melchior Lien HAL : An optimal instrumental variable approach for continuous-time multiple input-single output fractional model identification Auteur(s): Abir Mayoufi, Stephane Victor, Rachid Malti, Manel Chetoui, Mohamed Aoun Lien HAL : A new dynamical repulsive fractional potential for UAVs in 3D dynamical environments Auteur(s): Kendric Ruiz, Stephane Victor, Pierre Melchior, Serge Chaumette Lien HAL : Fractional order modeling and identification for heat transfer in lungs Auteur(s): Jean-François Duhé, Stephane Victor, Pierre Melchior, Youssef Abdelmoumen, François Roubertie Lien HAL : Wind fractional modeling by spectral analysis Auteur(s): Mohamed Hajjem, Stephane Victor, Pierre Melchior, Patrick Lanusse, Lara Thomas Lien HAL : Trajectory path tracking of a drone in a disturbed environment Auteur(s): Serge Chaumette, Pierre Melchior, Stephane Victor, Halim Ould Lahsen Lien HAL : Approche non entière de la dynamique d'une épidémie : le modèle FPM Auteur(s): Alain Oustaloup, Stephane Victor Lien HAL : Thermal Modeling Using Two-Port Network Impedance Fractional-Order Approximations Auteur(s): Jean-François Duhé, Stephane Victor, Pierre Melchior, Youssef Abdelmounen, François Roubertie Lien HAL : Recursive system identification for coefficient estimation of continuous-time fractional order systems Auteur(s): Jean-François Duhé, Stephane Victor, Pierre Melchior, Youssef Abdelmounen, François Roubertie Lien HAL : Multivariable fractional system identification Auteur(s): Abir Mayoufi, Stephane Victor, Rachid Malti, Manel Chetoui, Mohamed Aoun Lien HAL : An optimal instrumental variable approach for continuous-time multiple input-single output fractional model identification Auteur(s): Abir Mayoufi, Stephane Victor, Rachid Malti, Manel Chetoui, Mohamed Aoun Lien HAL : A comparison between two methods for MISO fractional models estimation Auteur(s): Abir Mayoufi, Manel Chetoui, Stephane Victor, Mohamed Aoun, Rachid Malti Lien HAL : From system identification to optimal and robust control of fractional systems Auteur(s): Stephane Victor, Pierre Melchior Lien HAL : Dynamic Harmonic Regression approach for global terrestrial temperature system identification Auteur(s): Abir Mayoufi, Stephane Victor, Rachid Malti, Mohamed Aoun Lien HAL : Robust longitudinal motion planning using vehicle model inversion Auteur(s): Jean-Baptiste Receveur, Stephane Victor, Pierre Melchior Lien HAL : Reactive path planning in intersection for autonomous vehicle Auteur(s): Julien Moreau, Pierre Melchior, Stephane Victor, Louis Cassany, Mathieu Moze, François Aioun, Franck Guillemard Lien HAL : Trajectory Optimization for Autonomous Vehicles on Crossroads with Mobile Obstacles Auteur(s): Jean-Baptiste Receveur, Stephane Victor, Pierre Melchior Lien HAL : Reactive Path Planning for Autonomous Vehicle Using Bézier Curve Optimization Auteur(s): Julien Moreau, Pierre Melchior, Stephane Victor, Mathieu Moze, François Aioun, Franck Guillemard Lien HAL : New Definitions of Attractive and Repulsive Fractional Potential Fields for Robust Path Planning Auteur(s): Jean-Baptiste Receveur, Stephane Victor, Pierre Melchior Lien HAL : Robustesse de la planification de trajectoire d’un drone en environnement 3D Auteur(s): Kendric Ruiz, Pierre Melchior, Stephane Victor, Serge Chaumette Lien HAL : Experiment design for system identification using fractional models of the second kind Auteur(s): Rachid R. Malti, Abir Mayoufi, Stephane Victor Lien HAL : Robust control system design of a turbofan engine Auteur(s): Stephane Victor, Alexandre Taymans, Pierre Melchior Lien HAL : Obstacle avoidance in 3D dynamic environment Auteur(s): Kendric Ruiz, Serge Chaumette, Pierre Melchior, Stephane Victor Lien HAL : CRONE Toolbox for system identification using fractional differentiation models Auteur(s): Rachid Malti, Stephane Victor Lien HAL : Extension de la platitude aux systèmes fractionnaires {MIMO} : application à un système thermique Auteur(s): Stephane Victor, Pierre Melchior, Jocelyn Sabatier, Alain Oustaloup Lien HAL : Flatness control for linear fractional {MIMO} systems: thermal application Auteur(s): Stephane Victor, Pierre Melchior, Dominique Nelson Gruel, Alain Oustaloup Lien HAL : Computation of flat outputs for fractional systems: a Thermal Application Auteur(s): Stephane Victor, Pierre Melchior, Alain Oustaloup Lien HAL : Variable instrumentale optimale pour l'identification de systèmes à dérivées fractionnaires Auteur(s): Stephane Victor, Rachid Malti, Alain Oustaloup, Hugues Garnier Lien HAL : Flat output computation for fractional linear systems: application to a thermal system Auteur(s): Stephane Victor, Pierre Melchior, Jean Lévine, Alain Oustaloup Lien HAL : Flatness principle extension to linear fractional MIMO systems: thermal application Auteur(s): Stephane Victor, Pierre Melchior, Alain Oustaloup Lien HAL : a email to Stéphane VICTOR :