

« The objective of the CORSICA project is to investigate the in-vitro effects on human skin and eyes of the co-exposure between 5G modulated – radiofrequency fields (RF) at 26 GHz (at absorbed Power Density levels up to 10 W/m²) and ultraviolet...
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PEPR AI project Emergences
“The EMERGENCES project aims to advance the state-of-the-art in emerging physics-based models by collaboratively exploring various computational models using the properties of different physical devices. The project will focus on bio-inspired event-driven...
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French-Singapore project DesCartes
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EU project RadioSpin
“The goal of RadioSpin is to build a hardware neural network that computes using neural dynamics as in the brain, has a deep layered architecture as in the neocortex, but runs and learns faster, by seven orders of magnitude. For this purpose, we...
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DIAGLYC (2017-2021)
DIAGLYC is a research and development project supported by AST (Aquitaine Science Transfert) which stems from a long-lasting pluridisciplinary collaboration between electronics researchers (IMS, Univ. Bordeaux), cell biology researchers (CBMN, Univ. Bordeaux),...
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The 5G and its possible effects on health
5G SAMU (5G Signals and Multiple Exposures: Searching for Cellular and Molecular Effects) is funded by ANSES and focuses on the stress in the mitochondrial and the endoplasmic reticulum in cultured skin cells exposed to a 5 GHz signal at...
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Enhancing recovery of cognitive and motor functions after localized brain injuries which disrupt connections between brain and body is widely recognized as a priority in healthcare. Nowadays, neurological diseases implying severe motor impairment are...
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