

The technology platform “Béthanie” is a tool dedicated to human factor research and technology use activities.

Located in the ENSC, she had different prupose, but converging and complementary :

  • Course (engineer student and continuous formation)
  • Upstream research with academic vocation
  • Upstream research with industrial vocation (Thales, HEAL, ERSYA, AKIANI, Iuserlab, etc.)
  • Applied research and valorization (Chaire STAH)

From a scientific point of view she had to allow to :

  • Result to the implementation of demonstrator to understand and convince
  • Permit to include the user in the center of systems’ conception to ensure his usability and acceptability
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ERGO research team



The platform Béthanie had many experimentation rooms, 4 simulation box and a meta-simulator with a associated management

The meta-simulator EPHEBE

Many products, systemes or services, are more and more structured in a system architecture of system or multi-users. This pose a major problem to include cognitiv dimension of human in those systems.

In this context, EPHEBE project address including human cognition issues in multi-actors phemomena like the command process, health security, production, simulation of deteriorated situation for complex systems in the context of human factor study (cognitive managemant of situations)

EPHEBE is a reconfigurable platform which can simulate different control and process conduct rooms (transport, chemistry, energie, etc.)and different decision making rooms (command, war room, crisis room , market room, etc.) in one space for expermientations or formations purposes.

Interest of this device is triple :

The EPHEBE meta-simulator is at the sime time :

  • Data capture : behavioural (individual and group), atmosphere (temperature, moise, light,…), physiological, etc.
  • Data transmission and storage ( Wifi, wired, local and deported storage,…)
  • Data treatment and exploitation : transportable and final management (traking, topage, …), Automatic treatment systems, Video editing (audiovisual report,…)


Cognitics equipment


Four simulation box


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Résumé en français

La plateforme technologique « Béthanie » est un outil dédié aux activités de recherche sur le facteur humain et l’usage des technologies.

Positionnée au sein de l’ENSC, elle sert des objectifs divers, mais convergents et complémentaires :

  • Formation (élèves ingénieurs et formation continue)
  • Recherche amont à vocation académique (IMS Cognitique)
  • Recherche amont à vocation industrielle (Thales, HEAL, ERSYA, AKIANI, Iuserlab, etc.)
  • Recherche appliquée et la  valorisation (Chaire STAH)

D’un point de vue scientifique elle doit permettre de :

  • Aboutir à la mise en œuvre des démonstrateurs pour comprendre et convaincre ;
  • Permettre la prise en compte de l’utilisateur au centre de la conception du système pour garantir son utilisabilité et son acceptabilité ;

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