Pascal TARDY

Associate Professor



Tel : 0556846137

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Article (19)

Cumulative effects of electrode and dielectric surface modifications on pentacene-based transistors Auteur(s): Mélanie Devynck, Pascal Tardy, Guillaume Wantz, Yohann Nicolas, Luc Vellutini, Christine Labrugère, Lionel Hirsch Lien HAL : Sensing of Airborne Infochemicals for Green Pest Management: What Is the Challenge? Auteur(s): Petra Ivaskovic, Bedr’eddine Ainseba, Yohann Nicolas, Thierry Toupance, Pascal Tardy, Denis Thiéry Lien HAL : Defensive behaviour of Apis mellifera against Vespa velutina in France: testing whether European honeybees can develop an effective collective defence against a new predator Auteur(s): Mariangela Arca, Alexandros Papachristoforou, Florence Mougel, Agnès Rortais, Karine Monceau, Olivier Bonnard, Pascal Tardy, Denis D. Thiery, Jean-François Silvain, Gérard Arnold Lien HAL : Lanthanum Hexaboride As Novel Interlayer for Improving the Thermal Stability of P3HT:PCBM Organic Solar Cells Auteur(s): Sylvain Chambon, Yolande Murat, Guillaume Wantz, Lionel Hirsch, Pascal Tardy Lien HAL : Sensitivity enhancement of a flexible MEMS strain sensor by a field effect transistor in an all organic approach Auteur(s): Damien Thuau, Mamatimin Abbas, Sylvain Chambon, Pascal Tardy, Guillaume Wantz, Philippe Poulin, Lionel Hirsch, Isabelle Dufour, Cédric Ayela Lien HAL : Organic Field-Effect Transistor with octadecyltrichlorosilane (OTS) Self-Assembled Monolayers on Gate oxide; effect of OTS quality Auteur(s): Mélanie Devynck, Pascal Tardy, Guillaume Wantz, Yohann Nicolas, Lionel Hirsch Lien HAL : TIPS-triphenodioxazineversusTIPS-pentacene: Enhancedelectronmobility for n-typeorganicfield-effecttransistors Auteur(s): Yohann Nicolas, Frédéric Castet, Mélanie Devynck, Pascal Tardy, Lionel Hirsch, Christine Labrugère, Hassan Allouchi, Thierry Toupance Lien HAL : An evaluation of IGBT protection with ZNO thick films varistors Auteur(s): Hélène Debéda, Stephane Azzopardi, Claude Lucat, M.-P. Martin-Stempin, Pascal Tardy Lien HAL : Magnetohydrodynamic velocimetry of a low-pressure plasma jet. Auteur(s): Pascal Tardy, Michel Dudeck Lien HAL : Temperature influence on a differential capacitive rain sensor performances Auteur(s): Isabelle Bord, Pascal Tardy, Francis Ménil Lien HAL : Planar LiSICON-based potentiometric CO2 sensors : influence of the working and reference electrodes relative size on the sensing properties Auteur(s): Francis Menil, Brahim Ould Daddah, Pascal Tardy, Hélène Debeda, Claude Lucat Lien HAL : Evidence of a correlation between the non-linearity of chemical sensors and the asymmetry of their response and recovery curves Auteur(s): Francis Menil, M. Susbielles, Hélène Debeda, Claude Lucat, Pascal Tardy Lien HAL : Influence of the electrodes configuration on a differential capacitive rain sensor performances Auteur(s): Isabelle Bord, Pascal Tardy, Francis Ménil Lien HAL : Dynamic thermal conductivity sensor for thermal detection Auteur(s): Pascal Tardy, Jean-René Coulon, Claude Lucat, Francis Menil Lien HAL : Spatial distribution of Pr3+ and ions in Ca1-xPrxF2+x luminescent thin films Auteur(s): Pascal Tardy, Yannick Deshayes, Lionel Hirsch, Albert-Serge Barriere, A. Elfajri, B. Desbat Lien HAL : Dipolar characterizations of luminescent centers in CaF2 : Er3+ thin films Auteur(s): Lionel Hirsch, A. Elfajri, Pascal Tardy, Albert-Serge Barriere Lien HAL : Light-ion beam analysis for microelectronic applications Auteur(s): Lionel Hirsch, Pascal Tardy, Guillaume Wantz, Nolwen Huby, P. Moretto, L. Serani, F. Natali, B. Damilano, J.Y. Duboz, J.L. Reverchon Lien HAL : Study of Ca1-xPrxF2+x solid solution thin films grown on silicon substrates. Auteur(s): Pascal Tardy, Yannick Deshayes, Lionel Hirsch, Albert-Serge Barriere, B. Desbat, A. Elfajri Lien HAL : Field-effect transistors based on poly(3-hexylthiophene): effect of impurities Auteur(s): Mathieu Urien, Lionel Hirsch, Guillaume Wantz, Pascal Tardy, Laurence Vignau, Jean-Paul Parneix, Eric Cloutet, Henri Cramail Lien HAL :

Conference proceedings (19)

Dépôt de nanofils d’argent par spray sur substrat flexible pour la fabrication de dispositifs photovoltaïques organique Auteur(s): Gildas Laurans, Pascal Tardy, Laurence Vignau Lien HAL : Silver nanowires spray-coating on flexible substrates as the transparent electrode in organic photovoltaic device Auteur(s): Gildas Laurans, Pascal Tardy, Laurence Vignau Lien HAL : Transistors à effet de champ piézoélectriques comme méthode de transduction dans les MEMS organiques Auteur(s): Damien Thuau, Mamatimin Abbas, Sylvain Chambon, Pascal Tardy, Guillaume Wantz, Claude Pellet, Lionel Hirsch, Isabelle Dufour, Cédric Ayela Lien HAL : Giant electro-mechanical transduction in all-organic MEMS for physical and chemical sensors Auteur(s): Damien Thuau, Mamatimin Abbas, Guillaume Wantz, Sylvain Chambon, Pascal Tardy, Lionel Hirsch, Isabelle Dufour, Cédric Ayela Lien HAL : Flexible non-volatile memory cells based on ferroelectric OFETs Auteur(s): Damien Thuau, Mamatimin Abbas, Guillaume Wantz, Sylvain Chambon, Pascal Tardy, Lionel Hirsch, Isabelle Dufour, Cédric Ayela Lien HAL : Flexible OPV module including silver nanowires as the transparent electrode Auteur(s): Gildas Laurans, Pascal Tardy, Laurence Vignau Lien HAL : Femtosecond laser ablation of thin films in organic photovoltaic cells including silver nanowires as the transparent electrode Auteur(s): Laurie Wipliez, Gildas Laurans, Pascal Tardy, Laurence Vignau, Rainer Kling Lien HAL : Organic electronics systems combining organic MEMS and organic field effect transistor (OFET) Auteur(s): Damien Thuau, Mamatimin Abbas, Sylvain Chambon, Pascal Tardy, Guillaume Wantz, Lionel Hirsch, Isabelle Dufour, Philippe Poulin, Cédric Ayela Lien HAL : Field-effect transistor based on poly(3-hexylthiophene): effect of impurities Auteur(s): Mathieu Urien, Guillaume Wantz, Eric Cloutet, Laurence Vignau, Pascal Tardy, Lionel Hirsch, Henri Cramail, Jean-Paul Parneix Lien HAL : Organic Electronic Research Group - Bordeaux, France Auteur(s): Guillaume Wantz, Lionel Hirsch, Laurence Vignau, Pascal Tardy, Jean-Paul Parneix Lien HAL : Experimental validation of a model foreseeing the response/recovery times of chemical sensors Auteur(s): Francis Menil, Pascal Tardy, Hélène Debeda, Claude Lucat Lien HAL : Dimensioning and first tests of a differential capacitive rain sensor Auteur(s): Isabelle Bord, Pascal Tardy, Francis Ménil Lien HAL : Asymmetry of the response and recovery curves of exhaust gas sensors, correlated to non-linearity of the sensors operating principle Auteur(s): Francis Menil, Hélène Debeda, Claude Lucat, Pascal Tardy Lien HAL : Planar LiSiCON-based potentiometric CO2 sensor Auteur(s): Francis Menil, Brahim Ould Daddah, Pascal Tardy, Hélène Debeda, Claude Lucat Lien HAL : Performances of high voltage screen-printed ZnO varistors Auteur(s): Marie-Pascale Martin, Hélène Debeda, Claude Lucat, Francis Menil, Pascal Tardy Lien HAL : Capteurs potentiométriques de gaz carbonique, réalisés en technologie« couches épaisses ». Influence de la géométrie des électrodes Auteur(s): Francis Menil, Brahim Ould Daddah, Pascal Tardy, Hélène Debeda, Claude Lucat Lien HAL : Dimensioning anf first tests of a differential capacitive humidity sensor Auteur(s): Isabelle Bord, Pascal Tardy, Francis Ménil Lien HAL : Temperature influence on a differential capacitive rain sensor Auteur(s): Isabelle Bord, Pascal Tardy, Francis Ménil Lien HAL : Thermomechanical characterization of a screen-printed thermal actuator Auteur(s): Patrick Ginet, Claude Lucat, Pascal Tardy, Francis Ménil, Jean-Luc Battaglia, Christophe Pradère Lien HAL :

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