Bernard PLANO

Research Engineer


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Tel : 0540006553

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Article (20)

Impact of temperature on the corrosion of lead-free solder alloy during salt spray test Auteur(s): K.E. Akoda, A. Guédon-Gracia, J.-Y. Delétage, B. Plano, H. Frémont Lien HAL : Low temperature spark plasma sintering of efficient (K,Na)NbO3 ceramics Auteur(s): Christopher Castro Chavarría, Hélène Debéda, Bernard Plano, Lionel Teule-gay, Dominique Michau, Sébastien Fourcade, Mario Maglione, U-Chan Chung, Catherine Elissalde Lien HAL : Investigation of critical parameters in power supplies components failure due to electric pulse Auteur(s): L. Curos, T. Dubois, G. Mejecaze, F. Puybaret, B. Plano, J.-M. Vinassa Lien HAL : Synthesis of imprinted hydrogel microbeads by inverse Pickering emulsion to controlled release of adenosine 5′‑monophosphate Auteur(s): Mohamed Ayari, Porkodi Kadhirvel, Patrick Favetta, Bernard Plano, Corinne Dejous, Benjamin Carbonnier, Luigi Agrofoglio Lien HAL : Importance and Requirement of frequency band specific RF probes EM Models in sub-THz and THz Measurements up to 500 GHz Auteur(s): Chandan Yadav, Marina Deng, Sebastien Fregonese, Marco Cabbia, Magali de Matos, Bernard Plano, Thomas Zimmer Lien HAL : Generation of metal composition gradients by means of bipolar electrodeposition Auteur(s): Gwendoline Tisserant, Zahra Fattah, Cédric Ayela, Jérôme Roche, Bernard Plano, Dodzi Zigah, Bertrand Goudeau, Alexander Kuhn, Laurent Bouffier Lien HAL : Comparison of on-wafer TRL calibration to ISS SOLT calibration with open-short de-embedding up to 500 GHz Auteur(s): Sebastien Fregonese, Marina Deng, Magali de Matos, Chandan Yadav, Christian Raya, Bertrand Ardouin, Simon Joly, Bernard Plano, Thomas Zimmer Lien HAL : A quantitative thermal and thermomechanical analysis for design optimization and robustness assessment of microassembled high power Yb:CaF2 thin-disk Laser Auteur(s): S. Joly, M-A. Lemesre, B. Lévrier, C. Lyszyk, B. Plano, A. Courjaud, T. Taira, L. Bechou Lien HAL : Site Selective Generation of Sol–Gel Deposits in Layered Bimetallic Macroporous Electrode Architectures Auteur(s): Hélène Lalo, Yémima Bon-Saint-Côme, Bernard Plano, Mathieu Etienne, Alain Walcarius, Alexander Kuhn Lien HAL : Electro-Mechanical properties of Inkjet-Printed graphene oxide nanosheets Auteur(s): Ioannis Nikolaou, Hamida Hallil, Véronique Conédéra, Bernard Plano, Ollivier Tamarin, Jean-Luc Lachaud, David Talaga, Sébastien Bonhommeau, Corinne Dejous, Dominique Rebière Lien HAL : Love Acoustic Wave-Based Devices and Molecularly-Imprinted Polymers as Versatile Sensors for Electronic Nose or Tongue for Cancer Monitoring Auteur(s): Corinne Dejous, Hamida Hallil, Vincent Raimbault, Jean-Luc Lachaud, Bernard Plano, Raphaël Delépée, Patrick Favetta, Luigi Agrofoglio, Dominique Rebière Lien HAL : Assessment of constitutive properties of solder materials used in surface mounted devices for harsh environment applications Auteur(s): M. Mickaël Pocheron,, J.-Y. Delétage, B. Plano, Alexandrine Gracia-Guedon, Hélène Fremont Lien HAL : Effects of salt spray test on lead-free solder alloy Auteur(s): A. Guédon-Gracia, H. Frémont, B. Plano, Y. Delétage J., K. Weide-Zaage Lien HAL : Love Wave Sensor Based on Thin Film Molecularly Imprinted Polymer: Study of VOCs Adsorption Auteur(s): Hamida Hallil, Nima Omar-Aouled, Bernard Plano, Raphaël Delépée, Luigi A. Agrofoglio, Corinne Dejous, Dominique Rebiere Lien HAL : Nucleosides analogs recognition by Molecularly Imprinted Polymer- coated Love wave sensor Auteur(s): Naïma Lebal, Hamida Hallil, Corinne Dejous, B. Plano, Aleksandra Krstulja, Raphaël Delépée, Luigi A. Agrofoglio, Dominique Rebière Lien HAL : Electro-and thermomigration-induced IMC formation in SnAg3.0Cu0.5 solder joints on nickel gold pads Auteur(s): L. Meinshausen, H. Frémont, K. Weide-Zaage, B. Plano Lien HAL : Pushing toward the limits of acceleration: Example on wire-bond assemblies Auteur(s): Jean-Baptiste Jullien, Bernard Plano, Hélène Fremont Lien HAL : Improved performances of polymer-based dielectric by using inorganic/organic core-shell nanoparticles Auteur(s): Warda Benhadjala, Isabelle Bord-Majek, Laurent Béchou, Ephraim Suhir, Matthieu Buet, Fabien Rougé, Vincent Gaud, Bernard Plano, Yves Ousten Lien HAL : Reliability estimation of BGA and CSP assemblies using degradation law model and technological parameters deviations Auteur(s): Jean-Yves Deletage, Frédéric Verdier, Bernard Plano, Yannick Deshayes, Laurent Bechou, Yves Danto Lien HAL : Scanning laser ultrasonics experiments for in-situ non-destructive analysis of integrated circuits Auteur(s): Grégory Andriamonje, Vincent Pouget, Yves Ousten, Dean Lewis, Bernard Plano, Yves Danto Lien HAL :

Conference proceedings (25)

Impact of Spark Plasma Sintering conditions on microstructural and Electrical Properties of (K 0.5 ,Na 0.5 )NbO 3 (KNN) Auteur(s): Nadia Bencharef, Christopher Castro Chavarria, Mario Maglione, Bernard Plano, U-Chan Chung, Hélène Debéda, Catherine Elissalde Lien HAL : Frittage SPS basse température de céramiques de (K,Na)NbO3 assisté par flux transitoire en vue d’ une application de récupération d’énergie piézoélectrique vibratoire sur substrat polymère Auteur(s): Christopher Castro Chavaria, Mariam Osman, Hélène Debéda, Bernard Plano, U-Chan Chung, Mario Maglione, Catherine Elissalde Lien HAL : Frittage SPS optimisé du KNN : vers une intégration dans un microsystème de récupération d'énergie vibratoire Auteur(s): Nadia Bencharef, Christopher Castro Chavarria, Bernard Plano, Mario Maglione, Hélène Debéda, U-Chan Chung, Catherine Elissalde Lien HAL : Strategies to sinter lead-free KNN piezoceramics for energy harvesting MEMS at low temperature Auteur(s): U-Chan Chung, Christopher Castro Chavarria, Bernard Plano, Mario Maglione, Catherine Elissalde, Hélène Debéda Lien HAL : Low temperature sintering of piezoelectric lead free (K,Na)NbO3 ceramics Auteur(s): Christopher Castro Chavarria, Catherine Elissalde, U-Chan Chung, Mario Maglione, Bernard Plano, Hélène Debéda Lien HAL : Dynamics of the corrosion for SAC305 solder alloy in salt environment Auteur(s): K. Akoda, A. Guedon-Gracia, Éric Lebraud, J.-Y. Deletage, B. Plano, H. Fremont Lien HAL : Procédé de fabrication d’un circuit redresseur de puissance : de la fabrication de diodes Silicium à leur assemblage sur substrat métallisé d’alumine Auteur(s): Hélène Debéda, Alexandrine Gracia, Magali Dematos, Isabelle Favre, Bernard Plano, Jean Tomas, Reasmey Tan, C. Rouabhi, Marc Respaud Lien HAL : Statistical study of SAC solder joints in QFN and BGA assemblies Auteur(s): A. Gracia, A. Badetz, F. Arabi, B. Plano, H. Fremont Lien HAL : Impact of on-Silicon De-Embedding Test Structures and RF Probes Design in the Sub-THz Range Auteur(s): Chandan Yadav, Marina Deng, Sebastien Fregonese, Magali de Matos, Bernard Plano, Thomas Zimmer Lien HAL : Nucleosides analogs recognition by Molecularly Imprinted Polymer- coated Love wave sensor Auteur(s): Naïma Lebal, Hamida Hallil, Corinne Dejous, Bernard Plano, Raphaël Delépée, Luigi A. Agrofoglio, Dominique Rebière Lien HAL : Love wave sensor based on thin film molecularly imprinted polymer : MIP layer morphology and nucleosides analogs detection Auteur(s): Nima Omar-Aouled, Hamida Hallil, Bernard Plano, Raphaël Delépée, Luigi A. Agrofoglio, Corinne Dejous, Dominique Rebière Lien HAL : SH-SAW Sensing System based on thin film molecularly imprinted polymer: Study of Volatile organic compounds adsorption Auteur(s): Hamida Hallil, Nima Omar-Aouled, Bernard Plano, Raphaël Delépée, Luigi A. Agrofoglio, Corinne Dejous, Dominique Rebière Lien HAL : A one week-lecture in the Euro-dots course program: Microelectronic assemblies: From packaging to reliability Auteur(s): H. Debéda, I. Favre, A. Guédon-Gracia, N. Labat, B. Plano, H. Frémont Lien HAL : Stage de microassemblage Pôle CNFM de Bordeaux / IMS Bordeaux : réalisation de circuits hybrides et capteurs Auteur(s): Hélène Debéda, Corinne Dejous, Hélène Frémont, Alexandrine Gracia, Isabelle Favre, Jean-Luc Lachaud, Bernard Plano, Jean Tomas Lien HAL : Simple and rapid method to fabricate organic microcantilevers based on a sacrificial layer technique Auteur(s): Georges Dubourg, Ludivine Fadel-Taris, Isabelle Dufour, Bernard Plano, Karsten Haupt, Claude Pellet, Cédric Ayela Lien HAL : Electrically driven matter transport effects in PoP interconnections Auteur(s): W. Feng, K. Weide-Zaage, F. Verdier, B. Plano, A. Guédon-Gracia, Hélène Null Fremont Lien HAL : Etude de la fiabilité des assemblages PoP (Package-on-Package) Auteur(s): W. Feng, H. Frémont, A. Guédon-Gracia, F. Verdier, B. Plano Lien HAL : Stage de Microassemblage CNFM / IMS Bordeaux : réalisation de circuits hybrides et capteurs Auteur(s): Hélène Debéda, Corinne Dejous, Jean-Luc Lachaud, Magalie Dematos, Bernard Plano, Alexandrine Gracia-Guedon Lien HAL : Analytical Model for Thermally-induced Warpage of POP Auteur(s): Wei Feng, Hélène Null Fremont, Alexandrine Guédon-Gracia, Frédéric Verdier, Bernard Plano Lien HAL : Simple Analytical Model for Thermally-induced Warpage of POP Auteur(s): Wei Feng, Hélène Null Fremont, Frédéric Verdier, Bernard Plano Lien HAL : Analytical model for thermally-induced warpage of POP Auteur(s): Wei Feng, Hélène Fremont, Alexandrine Guédon-Gracia, Frédéric Verdier, Bernard Plano Lien HAL : Life prediction of BGA and CSP assemblies using an experimental degradation law and fem simulations Auteur(s): Jean-Yves Deletage, Hélène Fremont, Patrick Louis, Yves Danto, Bernard Plano, Bertrand Carbonne Lien HAL : Structural Analysis of Integrated Circuits Using Scanning Laser Ultrasonics Auteur(s): Grégory Andriamonje, Vincent Pouget, Yves Ousten, Dean Lewis, Bernard Plano, Yves Danto Lien HAL : Structural Analysis of Integrated Circuits Using Scanning Laser Ultrasonics Auteur(s): Grégory Andriamonje, Vincent Pouget, Yves Ousten, Dean Lewis, Bernard Plano, Yves Danto Lien HAL : Design for reliability - Impact of microvia technology and assembly process. Auteur(s): Walter Horaud, Hélène Fremont, Bernard Plano, Sylvain Leroux Lien HAL :

Invited lectures (5)

Towards all screen-printed hybrid piezoelectric MEMS : strategies to lower environmental cost Auteur(s): Hélène Debéda, Christopher Castro Chavarria, U-Chan Chung, Bernard Plano, Joana Pimenta, Catherine Elissalde Lien HAL : Implementation of low temperature processing of lead-free piezoelectric ceramics for energy harvesting: strategies and challenges Auteur(s): Catherine Elissalde, U-Chan Chung, Christopher Castro Chavaria, Nadia Bencheref, Bernard Plano, Michaël Josse, Mario Maglione, Hélène Debéda Lien HAL : Interplay between chemistry and unconventional sintering processes to design electroceramics at low temperature Auteur(s): Catherine Elissalde, U-Chan Chung, Nadia Bencharef, Christopher Castro Chavarria, Bernard Plano, Graziella Goglio, Thomas Hérisson de Beauvoir, Claude Estournès, Mario Maglione, Hélène Debéda Lien HAL : Dynamics of corrosion on mechanical and electrical reliability of SAC305 solder joints during salt spray test Auteur(s): Komlan Elom Akoda, Alexandrine Guedon-Gracia, Jean-Yves Deletage, Bernard Plano, Helene Fremont Lien HAL : Printed metal-ceramic MIcrocantilever for Mechanical energy harvesting: towards an ECO-efficient manufacturing process Auteur(s): Hélène Debéda, Bernard Plano, Adja Diop, Catherine Elissalde, U-Chan Chung, Mario Maglione Lien HAL :

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