Conference proceedings (5)
A State-Space based Interval Estimator for LTI Systems under H1 and/or H∞ Constraints Auteur(s): Irryhl Mohammedi, David Gucik-Derigny, Henry David Lien HAL : An arbitrary order H∞ interval filter for spacecraft navigation units Auteur(s): Irryhl Mohammedi, David Gucik-Derigny, David Henry Lien HAL : Improvement of navigation unit in space applications using H∞ interval observers: comparison of two approaches Auteur(s): Irryhl Mohammedi, David Gucik-Derigny, David Henry Lien HAL : Guaranteed state estimation using H∞ interval approaches for space applications: a case study Auteur(s): Irryhl Mohammedi, David Gucik-Derigny, David Henry Lien HAL : Guaranteed state estimation using H ∞ interval approaches for space applications: a case study Auteur(s): Irryhl Mohammedi, David Gucik-Derigny, David Henry Lien HAL : a email to Irryhl MOHAMMEDI :