Guillaume FERRE




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Prof. Guillaume Ferré received the Ph.D. degree in 2006 from the Limoges University of Technology in the field of digital communications and signal processing. From 2006 to 2008 he was postdoctoral researcher at the Limoges XLIM laboratory and then at the IMS laboratory in Bordeaux. Since 2022 he is full professor at ENSEIRB-MATMECA, an engineering school of Bordeaux INP. After several administrative responsibilities in the Telecommunications Department of ENSEIRB-MATMECA, Guillaume Ferré is now the Director of Industrial Relations at ENSEIRB-MATMECA. 

He carries out his research activities within the IMS laboratory in the “signal and image” team. These fields of research concern the circuits and systems for digital communications, it includes:

– Signal processing and digital communications,

– Digital enhancement for wideband power amplifiers and time interleaved analog to digital converters.

Guillaume Ferré is the author of more than 170 papers in international journals and conferences. He is also author of 12 patents. He currently supervises 6 PhD students with a significant part of industrial research activities. He is member of several Technical Program Committees. He is the Principal Investigator (PI) of many national and international projects, at the local level he is responsible for two research activities related to IoT, including one to investigate on the smart campus.

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Conference proceedings (13)

Technique de suppression d'interférence FMCW dans un radar automobile OFDM à l'aide d'un grid dechirping Auteur(s): Antônio Maeda-Magalhaes, Dominique Delbecq, Guillaume Ferre Lien HAL : An IoT SoC for Agricultural Applications Auteur(s): Victor Grimblatt, Guillaume Ferre, Francois Rivet, Christophe Jego Lien HAL : Design and Implementation of Differential Chirp Spread Spectrum System for Underwater Acoustic Communication Auteur(s): Marwane Rezzouki, Guillaume Ferre Lien HAL : Efficient LoRa-like Transmitter Stacks for SDR Applications Auteur(s): Lea Volpin, Bertrand Le Gal, Guillaume Ferre Lien HAL : Towards Battery-Free Wide Area Network With Ultra-Low Voltage Chirp Spread Spectrum Modulation Auteur(s): Anthony Bres, Valentin Guillerat, Guillaume Ferre, Simon Hemour Lien HAL : Kernel Density Estimation for The Detection and Synchronization of Interfered Mode S / ADS-B Preamble Auteur(s): Francois Le Neindre, Guillaume Ferre, Dominique Dallet, Frankie Letellier, Kevin Pitois Lien HAL : Frequency Identification of a Memory Polynomial Model for PA Modeling Auteur(s): Stanislas Dubois, Bruno Lelong, Jean-Michel Hode, Guillaume Ferre, Dominique Dallet Lien HAL : FIND project: Underwater Connected Objects for Sustainable Fishing Auteur(s): Guillaume Ferré, Marwane Rezzouki, Stanislas Dubois, Guillaume Ferre Lien HAL : Differential Chirp Spread Spectrum to perform Acoustic Long Range Underwater Localization and Communication Auteur(s): Marwane Rezzouki, Mohamed Amine Ben Temim, Guillaume Ferre Lien HAL : Multi-criteria Performance Analysis of Faster Than Nyquist Signaling Auteur(s): T. Petitpied, S. Traverso, Pascal Chevalier, R. Tajan, G. Ferre Lien HAL : On the statistical performance of music for distributed sources Auteur(s): Pascal Vallet, O. Najim, G. Ferre, X. Mestre Lien HAL : In-situ characterization of Pt/Ceo2 during lean-rich sequences Auteur(s): G. Ferre, A. Ganzier, J.D. Grunwaldt, M. Aouine, T. Epicier, F. Cadete Santos Aires, C. Geantet, S. Loridant, P. Vernoux Lien HAL : Orthogonal correction implementation for time interleaved analog-to-digital converters: realtime application Auteur(s): G. Ferre, Bertrand Le Gal, Lilian Bossuet, Dominique Dallet, J. Maher, P. Colucci Lien HAL :

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