Article (16)
A Branch-Cut-And-Price approach for the Two-Echelon Vehicle Routing Problem with Drones Auteur(s): Sylvain Lichau, Ruslan Sadykov, Julien François, Rémy Dupas Lien HAL : A Multi-commodity Network Flow Model for Sustainable Performance Evaluation in City Logistics: Application to the Distribution of Multi-tenant Buildings in Tokyo Auteur(s): Rémy Dupas, Eiichi Taniguchi, Jean-Christophe Deschamps, Ali Qureshi Lien HAL : A branch-cut-and-price approach for the single-trip and multi-trip two-echelon vehicle routing problem with time windows Auteur(s): Guillaume Marques, Ruslan Sadykov, Jean-Christophe Deschamps, Rémy Dupas Lien HAL : Solution Strategy for One-to-One Pickup and Delivery Problem Using the Cyclic Transfer Approach Auteur(s): Rémy Dupas, I. Grebennik, I. Litvinchev, T. Romanova, O. Chorna Lien HAL : An improved branch-cut-and-price algorithm for the two-echelon capacitated vehicle routing problem Auteur(s): Guillaume Marques, Ruslan Sadykov, Jean-Christophe Deschamps, Rémy Dupas Lien HAL : Scheduling Freight Trains in Rail-rail Transshipment Yards with Train Arrangements Auteur(s): Igor Grebennik, Remy Dupas, Oleksandr Lytvynenko, Inna Urniaieva Lien HAL : MultiAgent Simulation and Evaluation of Supply Chain Control Architectures Auteur(s): Faten Ben Hmida, Anne Seguy, Remy Dupas Lien HAL : A Parallel Ring Method for Solving a Large-scale Traveling Salesman Problem Auteur(s): Roman Bazylevych, Bohdan Kuz, Roman Kutelmakh, Remy Dupas, Bhanu Prasad, Yll Haxhimusa, Lubov Bazylevych Lien HAL : An Heuristic Approach to Solving the one-to-one Pickup and Delivery Problem with Threedimensional Loading Constraints Auteur(s): Remy Dupas, Igor Grebennik, Oleksandr Lytvynenko, Oleksij Baranov Lien HAL : A negotiation protocol to improve planning coordination in transport-driven supply chains Auteur(s): Zhenzhen Jia, Jean-Christophe Deschamps, Rémy Dupas Lien HAL : A methodology for the evaluation of interoperability improvements in inter-enterprises collaboration based on causal performance measurement models Auteur(s): Mamadou Camara, Yves Ducq, Rémy Dupas Lien HAL : The Decomposition of a Process and the Definition of Interoperability Metrics Auteur(s): Mamadou Camara, Yves Ducq, Rémy Dupas Lien HAL : A dynamic vehicle routing problem based on real-time traffic information Auteur(s): Xin Zhao, Gilles Goncalves, Rémy Dupas Lien HAL : A multilevel technical data model for production planning Auteur(s): Frederic Pereyrol, Rémy Dupas, Thécle Alix, Jean-Paul Bourrières Lien HAL : Cyclic scheduling for F.M.S.: Modelling and evolutionary solving approach Auteur(s): Tiente Hsu, Ouajdi Korbaa, Rémy Dupas, Gilles Goncalves Lien HAL : Une plate-forme de simulation pour la gestion dynamique de tournées de véhicules Auteur(s): Gilles Goncalves, Tiente Hsu, Rémy Dupas, Hayan Housroum Lien HAL : sections (6)
Concepts of an Integrated Platform for Innovative City Logistics with Urban Consolidation Centers and Transshipment Points Auteur(s): Eiichi Taniguchi, Remy Dupas, Jean-Christophe Deschamps, Ali Gul Qureshi Lien HAL : Automatic Process of Continuous Integration of Web Application. Auteur(s): Tomasz Krym, Aneta Poniszewska-Maranda, Erich Markl, Rémy Dupas Lien HAL : Software Development and Interoperability: A Metric-based Approach (Chapter 4) Auteur(s): Mamadou Samba Camara, Rémy Dupas, Yves Ducq Lien HAL : Chapitre 6 Métaheuristique pour la résolution des problèmes de tournées de véhicules dans un contexte dynamique Auteur(s): Rémy Dupas, Tiente Hsu, Gilles Goncalves Lien HAL : Chapter 14. Metaheuristics for the Solution of Vehicle Routing Problems in a Dynamic Context Auteur(s): Rémy Dupas, Tiente Hsu, Gilles Goncalves Lien HAL : Démarches d'évaluation et de pilotage de la performance Auteur(s): Patrick Burlat, Eric Marcon, Olivier Sénéchal, Rémy Dupas, Lamia Berrah Lien HAL : proceedings (43)
An exact algorithm for the Two-Echelon Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem Auteur(s): Guillaume Marques, Ruslan Sadykov, Jean Christophe Deschamps, Rémy Dupas Lien HAL : A multi-commodity network flow model for performance evaluation in city logistics: application to the distribution of multi-tenant buildings in Tokyo Auteur(s): Rémy Dupas, Eiichi Taniguchi, Jean Christophe Deschamps, Qureshi Ali G., Mayra Alejandra Rey Lien HAL : Mathematical Model of Containers Placement in Rail Terminal Operations Problem Auteur(s): Igor Grebennik, Nadiia Kalaida, Valerii Ivanov, Igor Grebennik, Rémy Dupas, Inna Urniaieva, Nadiia Kalaida, Valerii Ivanov Lien HAL : Evaluation of Communication in Multiagent Systems for Supply Chain Planning and Control Auteur(s): Faten Ben Hmida, Wided Lejouad Chaari, Remy Dupas, Anne Seguy Lien HAL : Un modèle de programmation linéaire de désassemblage multi-produit et multi-période en logistique inverse Auteur(s): Alioune Fall, Julien Francois, Rémy Dupas Lien HAL : Combinatorial mathematical model and decision strategy for one-to-one pickup and delivery problem with 3D loading constraints Auteur(s): Rémy Dupas, Igor Grebennik, Oleksandr Lytvynenko Lien HAL : A stochastic linear programming model for the reverse supply chain planning Auteur(s): Alioune Fall, Julien Francois, Rémy Dupas Lien HAL : Three-dimensional one-to-one pickup and delivery routing problem with loading constraints Auteur(s): Oleksandr Lytvynenko, Oleksij Baranov, Rémy Dupas, Igor Grebennik Lien HAL : Cooperative planning between manufacturer and transport operator: a game theory approach based on the Shapley value Auteur(s): Yiting Wang, Jean Christophe Deschamps, Rémy Dupas Lien HAL : Production and transportation planning based on a cooperative game approach Auteur(s): Yiting Wang, Jean Christophe Deschamps, Rémy Dupas Lien HAL : Validation and Verification of Interoperability Requirements Auteur(s): Mamadou Samba Camara, Rémy Dupas, Yves Ducq Lien HAL : Opportunistic and Dynamic Reconfiguration of Vehicle Routing Problem Controlled by the Intelligent Product Auteur(s): Rodrigue Tchapnga Takoudjou, Jean-Christophe Deschamps, Rémy Dupas Lien HAL : A methodology for interoperability evaluation based on causal performance measurement models Auteur(s): Mamadou Samba Camara, Rémy Dupas, Yves Ducq Lien HAL : MultiAgent Systems for Production Planning and Control in Supply Chains Auteur(s): Faten Ben Hmida, Anne Seguy, Rémy Dupas Lien HAL : A Data Aggregation Methodology to Assess the Global Production Capacity of Complex Supply Chains Auteur(s): Frederic Pereyrol, Jean-Christophe Deschamps, Julien François, Pascale Farthouat, Remy Dupas Lien HAL : Methodology for Prior Evaluation of Interoperability Auteur(s): Mamadou Camara, Yves Ducq, Rémy Dupas Lien HAL : A real-time intelligent routing planning solved by genetic algorithm Auteur(s): Xin Zhao, Gilles Goncalves, Rémy Dupas Lien HAL : A multi-product and multi-period disassembly linear programming model in reverse logistic Auteur(s): Alioune Fall, Julien Francois, Rémy Dupas Lien HAL : A methodology for interoperability evaluation based on causal performance measurement models Auteur(s): Mamadou Samba Camara, Rémy Dupas, Yves Ducq, B. Mané Lien HAL : Opportunistic and Dynamic Reconfiguration of Vehicle Routing Problem Controlled by the Intelligent Product Auteur(s): Rodrigue Tchapnga-Takoudjou, Jean-Christophe Deschamps, Rémy Dupas Lien HAL : Problème de ramassage et distribution avec transbordement Auteur(s): Rodrigue Tchapnga-Takoudjou, Jean-Christophe Deschamps, Rémy Dupas Lien HAL : A MIP Formulation for the Pickup and Delivery Problem with Time Windows and Transhipment Auteur(s): Rodrigue Tchapnga-Takoudjou, Jean-Christophe Deschamps, Rémy Dupas Lien HAL : A grasp with variable neighborhood descent for the pickup and delivery problem with time windows Auteur(s): Rodrigue Tchapnga-Takoudjou, Jean-Christophe Deschamps, Rémy Dupas Lien HAL : A HYBRID MULTISTART HEURISTIC FOR THE PICKUP AND DELIVERY PROBLEM WITH AND WITHOUT TRANSSHIPMENT Auteur(s): Rodrigue Tchapnga Takoudjou, Jean-Christophe Deschamps, Rémy Dupas Lien HAL : Graph-Based Evaluation of Organization in MultiAgent Systems Auteur(s): Faten Ben Hmida, Wided Lejouad Chaari, Rémy Dupas, Anne Seguy Lien HAL : Parallel Approach for Solving a Large-Scale Traveling Salesman Problem Auteur(s): Roman Bazylevych, Rémy Dupas, Bhanu Prasad, B. Kuz, Roman Kutelmakh, Lubov Bazylevych Lien HAL : Interoperability between partners in charge of controlling transportation and production activities in the supply chain Auteur(s): Zhen Zhen Jia, Jean-Christophe Deschamps, Rémy Dupas Lien HAL : Le RFID appliqué au suivi du transport dans la chaîne logistique Auteur(s): Rodrigue Tchapnga-Takoudjou, Jean-Christophe Deschamps, Rémy Dupas Lien HAL : Methodology for prior evaluation of interoperability Auteur(s): Mamadou Camara, Yves Ducq, Rémy Dupas Lien HAL : A Decentralized Approach for Coordinating Production and Transportation Planning Auteur(s): Zhen Zhen Jia, Jean-Christophe Deschamps, Rémy Dupas Lien HAL : A data aggregation methodology to assess the global production capacity of complex supply chains Auteur(s): Frédéric Pereyrol, Jean-Christophe Deschamps, Julien François, Pascale Farthouat, Rémy Dupas Lien HAL : Dynamic vehicle routing problem with real-time time-dependent travel times Auteur(s): Xin Zhao, Gilles Goncalves, Rémy Dupas Lien HAL : Decomposition Algorithm for Uniform Traveling Salesman Problem, Auteur(s): Roman Bazylevych, Bhanu Prasad, Roman Kutelmakh, Rémy Dupas, Lubov Bazylevych Lien HAL : On-line genetic algorithm for the dynamic vehicle routing problem with real-time time-dependent travel times Auteur(s): Xin Zhao, Gilles Goncalves, Rémy Dupas Lien HAL : Un problème de tournées de véhicules temps réel avec temps de parcours variables Auteur(s): X. Zhao, G. Goncalves, Rémy Dupas Lien HAL : Modélisation de données techniques multi-niveau en planification manufacturière : méthodologie d'instanciation a un cas réel Auteur(s): Rémy Dupas, Jean-Sébastien Pertuzé, Frédéric Pereyrol, Thècle Alix, Jean-Paul Bourrières Lien HAL : A genetic algorithm to solving the dynamic vehicle routing problem with time windows and real-time travel times Auteur(s): Xin Zhao, Gilles Goncalves, Rémy Dupas Lien HAL : Un problème de tournées de véhicules avec temps de trajet dépendant du temps Auteur(s): X. Zhao, G. Goncalves, T. Hsu, Rémy Dupas Lien HAL : A genetic approach to solving the vehicle routing problem with time-dependent travel times Auteur(s): X. Zhao, G. Goncalves, T. Hsu, Rémy Dupas Lien HAL : Decomposition algorithms for large-scale clustered TSP Auteur(s): Roman Bazylevych, Roman Kutelmakh, Rémy Dupas, Lubov Bazylevych Lien HAL : Tournées du réparateur avec temps de trajets dépendant du temps Auteur(s): Xin Zhao, Rémy Dupas, Tiente Hsu, Gilles Goncalves Lien HAL : Decomposition of clustered TSP Auteur(s): Roman Bazylevych, Rémy Dupas, Roman Kutelmakh Lien HAL : Repairman routing problem with time-dependent travel times Auteur(s): Xin Zhao, Rémy Dupas, Tiente Hsu, Gilles Goncalves Lien HAL : a email to Remy DUPAS :