Full Professor


Team : PRIMS

Tel : 0540008336

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Current position 

Full Professor Université Bordeaux – Laboratoire IMS, 351 Cours de la Libération, 33405 Talence, tel : 00 33 5564008336, helene.debeda@ims-bordeaux.fr


– 2013: Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches HDR, Université de Bordeaux

1996: Ph.D degree in electronics, Université de Bordeaux 1

1996: Engineer diploma in Physics of Materials, Université Paul Sabatier, INSAT

Professional experience

1998-2001: Associate professor (ATER), Université Bordeaux 1- Laboratoire IXL

1996-1998: Post doc position at IMT, Karlsruhe, Germany

Research activities

Key words: thick film technology, screen-printing, MEMS, resistive and catalytic gas sensors, ZnO varistors, cantilevers for gas, force sensing or viscosity measurements, piezoelectric actuators, SHM, energy harvesting

Research output: 40 int. journal papers, 89  intern. Conf,  3 patents + 1 under submission, 3 book chapter (h-index Scopus 17, GoogleScholar 19 ( i10 :  30) ORCID 0000-0001-9067-0232

·        8 PhD co-advising  (+ 2 in progress) ; Thesis/HDR committee: 18 PhD committees (12 as referee) and 5 international thesis committees (Spain), 4 HDR committees (3 as referee).

·        Project coordination: 1 PHC Siam, 2 CTPs (1 network and 1 research), 2 region projects (maturation and technology platform), 2 ANR, 1 PEPS CNRS Energie, 1 industrial (Stellantis)

·        Expertises for journals (~5/year):  Elsevier (Sensors and actuators A & B, Arabaina journal of chemistry, Additive manufacturing), IEEE (Sensors, JMEMS), MDPI Sensors , Actuators, Materials  etc.

·        Board member: Club Microcapteurs Chimiques CMC2 (Sensor Research Group  http://www.cmc2.fr/fr/)  and Co-Webmaster; Program committee  of the Energy Harvesting Day JNRSE (https://jnrse-2022.sciencesconf.org/)  ; Review editor of  MDPI Chemosensors and Associate editor special issue inter-revue MDPI  ww.mdpi.com/topics/Piezoelectric_Materials_and_Applications; Review editor Frontiers: Sensors devices (specialty section Sensor) ;  Micro- and Nanoelectromechanical Systems (specialty section Mechanical Engineering)  ; Printed electronics (specialty sections electronics)

·         Invited talk : 3 national conferences (first speaker), 14 international conferences ( 3 as first speaker), invited seminar in Thailand (MTEC Bangkok) in 2017 and 2018

·         International collaborations: joined publication with Spain (ref 1) , Canada (ref 4,5,10), Thailand (ref. 8,9,13 ) Italy (ref 12);  Stay for 1,5 month  in 2023 at CITEVE Centre for Nanotechnology and Smart Materials Portugal (Horizon Sensoft project)

·        Conference organization:  IWPMA 2019 Lyon  (https://iwpma2019.sciencesconf.org/ Organization Committee ;  10th Franco-spanish Workshop CMC2-IBERNAM 2021 (https://cmc2-ibernam-21.sciencesconf.org/ ) ; JNRSE 2022 Bordeaux and 2016  https://jnrse-2022.sciencesconf.org/   and https://jnrse2016.sciencesconf.org/ ); IEEE Wireless Power Week  WPW2022 Bordeaux 2022 (https://www.wpw2022.org/) Co-webchair and Subvention chair  ;


University Award

  Scientific excellence award award since 2013 (renewed 3 times)

 Teaching responsibility for bachelor responsibility since 2023

 Teaching activities

Bachelor to Master levels:  basic computing for engineers ,  basic analogue or digital electronics , measurements and instrumentation , mathematics for engineers ,  sensors and microsystems ,  micro-assembly technologies,  properties of materials for microelectronics

PhD levels: micro-assembly technologies, piezoelectric and cantilever sensors, piezoelectric energy harvesting (CMC2 shool and SENSOFT/ISOCs School)

Administrative/teaching tasks

  • 2008-2014: Elected member of the UFR Physics Bordeaux (Physics Departement on Formation and Research)
  • 2012- 2020: Team leader of the IMS technological platform TAMIS (Alternative Technologies to SIlicium)
  • 2022 Responsible for Bachelor Science of engineer (Licence mention Sciences Pour l’Ingénieur )with 200 students/year;
  • 2022 – Invited member of the UF SDI (Science of Engineer Department on formation) 
  • 2024: Team leader of PRIMS’s team (IMS Laboratory)


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