About me
Scientific researcher in the Advanced Robust and Intelligent methods for engineering Applications (ARIA) research team at the IMS laboratory. Jérôme Cieslak was Associate Professor (2008-2023) of control engineering. In 2019, he obtained the authorization to conduct researches (HDR). Since 2023, he is Full Professor with the University of Bordeaux, attached to IMS laboratory UMR CNRS 5218, France.
Updated website: https://jeciesla.wordpress.com/
Research activities
Since October 2008, Jérôme Cieslak establishes collaborations on R&D projects:
– in aerospace (aircraft, commercial airplane, spacecraft, unmanned aerial vehicles, etc.)
– and more recently in biomedical engineering (glycemia regulation for T1 diabetic subjects, etc.)
Main goals are:
– to improve the autonomy of a system (aircraft, artificial pancreas, …) by integrating self-adaptive control solutions, e.g. design a fault tolerant control (FTC) by using norm-based techniques, switching control or sliding mode theory.
– to propose advanced methods in a Multiple Inputs / Multiple Outputs (MIMO) setup for optimal allocation. Applicative perspectives are in the field of aerospace and personalized medicine;
– to improve the knowledge of human islet physiology and build new bio-inspired mathematical models to recreate, in silico, multi-organ interactions in humans.
Activities linked with research
Plenary talk in 14th International conference on diagnostics of processes and systems, 21-23 September 2020, Zielona Gora, Poland.
Associate Editor of the Frontiers in Aerospace Engineering, section Navigation, Guidance, and Control for the term (2022 to date)
Associate Editor of the International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science for the term (2021 to date)
Board Member of the International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science for the term (2017 to 2020)
Member of the Technical Committee of the Council of European Aerospace Societies (CEAS), section Guidance, Navigation and Control (GNC) for the term (2022 to date)
Member of the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC) – Technical Committee 7.3: Aerospace for the term (2021 to date)
Scientific committee member of the IMS laboratory UMR CNRS 5218 (2021 to date)
Scientific committee member of the IMS laboratory UMR CNRS 5218 (2015-2021)
Scientific research grant (2015-2019), (2019-2023) and (2023-2026)
Co-coordinator of a research action (GDR-MACS-CNRS) called “Control theory for Health”
Expert for FNR Luxembourg CORE Application (2022)
Expert for the project assessment in ECOS-NORD (Mexique) / CNRS program (2018)
National actions:
2024-2028: Project coordinator of ANR-MIMICbio project : Mathematical Modelling of human pancreatic Islet electrical aCtivity for bio-inspired and fully automated insulin delivery system. Partners: IMS, CBMN, LS2N (Nantes). Financial support: 676 k€
2023-2025: Principal Investigator of GALOPIN project (IdeX grant): Automated Multi-Drug Infusion System to Control Anesthesia and Hemodynamic Dynamics of Diabetic Patients. Partners: IMS, Bordeaux Hospitals: Endocrinology and Metabolic Diseases Unit and Anesthesia Unit. Financial support: 64k€
2023-2024: Co-supervisor and technical contributor of CoACTIONS project: Supervised Control to achieve Power Grid Stability of a Hybrid Power/Storage Plant. Partners: ESTIA, IMS. Financial support: 12k€
2018-2022: Co-supervisor and technical contributor in the national project ANR-DIABLO to Decode Islet Algorithms of a Bio-sensor for open and closed-loop glycemia control. Partners: IMS, CBMN, Bordeaux Hospitals: Endocrinology and Metabolic Diseases Unit. Financial support: 460 k€
2007-2010: Technical contributor in the national project SIRASAS to the establishment of innovative strategies for an enhanced autonomy of aerospace systems. Financial support: 2,2M€
European actions:
2016-2019: Technical contributor in the industrial contract “Control and Management of Robotics Active Debris Removal” (COMRADE) between GMV Space, ESA, Airbus Defence & Space Bremen, Exeter university and the IMS laboratory. Financial support: 42 k€
2016-2018: Technical contributor in the project “IOA-GNC: Advanced GNC for Assembly of Large and Flexible Structures and Vehicles” between GMV Space, Thales Aliena Space, Exeter university and the IMS laboratory. Financial support: 30 k€
2014-2017: Technical contributor in the project Projet “ACFTMM: Active control with fault tolerance capabilities for microvibrations mitigation applied to high stability missions“. Members: University of Bordeaux / European Space Agency / Aquitaine region and Airbus Defense and Space. Financial support: 184 k€
2009-2012: Technical contributor in the European project FP7-ADDSAFE to the development of Advanced Fault Diagnosis for Sustainable Flight Guidance and Control. Financial support: 3,6 M€
2006-2008: Technical contributor in the European project FM-AG(16) GARTEUR on Fault Tolerant Control. The aim of the FM-AG(16) was to demonstrate the capability and viability of modern FTC schemes applied to a realistic, nonlinear design problem and to assess their capability to improve aircraft survivability.
International actions
2019-2023: ECOS NORD grant to promote research stays between Tijuana (Mexico) and Bordeaux (France) researchers. Financial support: around 5 k€ per years for mobility
2016-2019: CONACyT grant to the PhD supervision of Jazmin Zenteno Torres with the National Polytechnique Institute (NPI), School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, San Jose Ticoman, Mexico City. Financial support: around 110 k€ (PhD salary)
2014: Technical contributor and Co-Scientific manager in an academic collaboration between Mexico (CONACyT) and CNRS (France) to develop Fault tolerant control strategies based on sliding mode theory. Financial support from CNRS: 1915 €, Finantial support from CONACyT: 8000€
Invited professor stay in foreign universities (higher than 7 days):
2022, Stay at the Instituto Politecnico Nacional (IPN) of Mexico City, Mexico
2020, The stay in China has been cancelled due to CoviD pandemic situation. An invited virtual talk has thus been given for students and researchers of the School of Astronautics of Northwestern Polytechnical University (NPU) of Xi’an, China.
2020, The stay in Mexico has been cancelled due to CoviD pandemic situation.
2018, Stay at the School of Astronautics of Northwestern Polytechnical University (NPU) of Xi’an, China.
2018, Stay at Xidian University, China.
2014, Stay at the Instituto Politecnico Nacional (IPN) of Mexico City, Mexico
2012, Stay at the “Université Nationale Autonome du Mexique” (UNAM) of Mexico City, Mexico
Member of PhD thesis jury:
2022, Co-supervisor of the PhD thesis of Martin FAURE untitled “Diagnostic basé Hinfini/Hmoins et tolérance aux fautes pour l’autonomie des missions spatiales“, Université de Bordeaux, IMS
2022, Assessor of the PhD thesis of Emeric SCHARBARG untitled “Automatisation de l’insulinothérapie fonctionnelle – réalisation d’un prototype de pancréas artificiel“, Centrale Nantes, LS2N
2022, Co-supervisor of the PhD thesis of Louis CASSANY untitled “Modélisation et régulation de la glycémie dans la maladie du diabète“, Université de Bordeaux, IMS
2021, Assessor of the PhD thesis of Loïc OLCOMMENDY untitled « In silico development of a bioelectronic islet-based artificial pancreas », Université de Bordeaux, IMS
2020, Co-supervisor of the PhD thesis of Jazmin ZENTENO TORRES untitled “Sliding mode control with fault tolerance capacities: application to a rendezvous mission in a circular orbit“, Université de Bordeaux, IMS
2019, Assessor of the PhD thesis of Boussad ABCI untitled “Approche informationnelle pour la navigation autonome tolérante aux défauts: Application aux systèmes robotiques mobiles“, Université de Lille, CrisTAL
2017, Co-supervisor of the PhD thesis of Valentin PREDA untitled “Robust microvibration control and worst-case analysis for high pointing stability space missions“, Université de Bordeaux, IMS
2013, Co-supervisor of the PhD thesis of Anca GHEORGHE untitled “Détection robuste et précoce de l’embarquement et du grippage dans le système de commandes de vol“, Université de Bordeaux, IMS
Awards & honnors
2023, Prizewinner of the IFAC Aerospace Competition on Fault Detection and Fault Tolerance during the 22nd IFAC World Congress 2023
2015, Best application paper award during the 9th IFAC Symposium on Fault Detection, Supervision and Safety for Technical Processes
2015, Certification of a model-based fault detection scheme dedicated to Airbus commercial airplane. Technology Readiness Level (TRL) assessment: 9, actual system “flight proven” through successful mission operations
2014, Aerospace Valley award for the co-supervised PhD thesis of Anca GHEORGHE
2012, Prizewinner model-based fault detection scheme in the European FP7-ADDSAFE project. Technology Readiness Level (TRL) assessment: 4, validation in laboratory environment
2008, Third best results of Fault-Tolerant Control (FTC) strategies applied to a real flight simulator in the European FM-AG(16) GARTEUR project. Technology Readiness Level (TRL) assessment: 4, validation in laboratory environment
Article (41)
Prescribed Performance-Guaranteed Tracking Control: A Switched Positive System Perspective Auteur(s): Xiyu Gu, Zongyi Guo, Xinming Wang, David Henry, Jérôme Cieslak Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-04684610 Performance-Guaranteed Attitude Tracking Control for RLV: A Finite-Time PPC Approach Auteur(s): Zongyi Guo, David Henry, Xiyu Gu, Stephane Ygorra, Jérôme Cieslak, Jianguo Guo Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-04561565 Formation Optimization for Multiple UAVs by Considering Constrained Effectiveness and Attitude Coupling Tracking Auteur(s): Zequn Liu, Jun Zhou, He Huang, Yixin Ding, Zongyi Guo, Jérôme Cieslak, David Henry Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-04245199 A 6-DOF sliding mode fault tolerant control solution for in-orbit autonomous rendezvous Auteur(s): David Henry, Jazmin Zenteno-Torres, Jérôme Cieslak, Alejandra Ferreira de Loza, Jorge Dávila Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-03342621 Optimization of Spacecraft Thrusters Configuration Under Fault Diagnosability and Recoverability Constraints Auteur(s): Martin Fauré, Henry David, Jérôme Cieslak, Pierre Lachevre, Finn Ankersen Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-04024183 Fault-tolerant control based on adaptive dynamic programming for reentry vehicles subjected to state-dependent actuator fault Auteur(s): Guanjie Hu, Jianguo Guo, Jérôme Cieslak, Yixin Ding, Zongyi Guo, David Henry Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-04104200 Fault Detection and Isolation of Aircraft Air Data/Inertial system Auteur(s): Denis Berdjag, Jérome Cieslak, Ali Zolghadri Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-00913429 Control for systems with prescribed performance guarantees: An alternative interval theory-based approach Auteur(s): Zongyi Guo, David Henry, Jianguo Guo, Zheng Wang, Jérôme Cieslak, Jing Chang Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-03814473 Towards the Integration of an Islet-Based Biosensor in Closed-Loop Therapies for Patients With Type 1 Diabetes Auteur(s): Loïc Olçomendy, Louis Cassany, Antoine Pirog, Roberto Franco, Emilie Puginier, Manon Jaffredo, David Gucik-Derigny, Héctor Ríos, Alejandra Ferreira de Loza, Julien Gaitan, Matthieu Raoux, Yannick B Bornat, Bogdan Catargi, Jochen Lang, David Henry, Sylvie Renaud, Jérôme Cieslak Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-03648913 Parameter identification and state estimation for a diabetic glucose‐insulin model via an adaptive observer Auteur(s): Roberto Franco, Héctor Ríos, Alejandra Ferreira de Loza, Louis Cassany, David Gucik-Derigny, Jérôme Cieslak, David Henry Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-03543128 ADP-based intelligent tracking algorithm for reentry vehicles subjected to model and state uncertainties Auteur(s): Guanjie Hu, Jianguo Guo, Zongyi Guo, Jérôme Cieslak, David Henry Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-03658420 Sliding Mode Control with Application to Fault-Tolerant Control: Assessment and Open Problems Auteur(s): Jazmìn Zenteno Torres, Jérôme Cieslak, Jorge Davila, David Henry Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-03131458 Integrating an Islet-Based Biosensor in the Artificial Pancreas: In Silico Proof-of-Concept Auteur(s): Loïc Olçomendy, Antoine Pirog, Fanny Lebreton, Manon Jaffredo, Louis Cassany, David Gucik-Derigny, Jérôme Cieslak, David Henry, Jochen Lang, Bogdan Catargi, Matthieu Raoux, Yannick B Bornat, Sylvie Renaud Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-03342685 Output-Feedback Sliding-Mode Controller for Blood Glucose Regulation in Critically Ill Patients Affected by Type 1 Diabetes Auteur(s): Roberto Franco, Alejandra Ferreira de Loza, Hector Ríos, Louis Cassany, David Gucik-Derigny, Jérôme Cieslak, David Henry, Loïc Olçomendy Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-03109830 Robust fault accommodation strategy of the reentry vehicle: A disturbance estimate-triggered approach Auteur(s): Jing Chang, Zongyi Guo, Jérôme Cieslak, David Henry Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-03111260 On the synthesis of a sliding-mode-observer-based adaptive fault-tolerant flight control scheme Auteur(s): Jing Chang, Jérôme Cieslak, Zongyi Guo, David Henry Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-02996665 Integrated guidance and control design for the hypersonic interceptor based on adaptive incremental backstepping technique Auteur(s): Jing Chang, Zongyi Guo, Jérôme Cieslak, Weisheng Chen Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-02099811 Robust microvibration mitigation and pointing performance analysis for high stability spacecraft Auteur(s): Valentin Preda, Jérôme Cieslak, David Henry, Samir Bennani, Alexandre Falcoz Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-01887323 Analysis and design of second-order sliding-mode algorithms for quadrotor roll and pitch estimation Auteur(s): Jing Chang, Jérôme Cieslak, Jorge Davila, Ali Zolghadri, Jun Zhou Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-01598881 Coupling characterization-based robust attitude control scheme for hypersonic vehicles Auteur(s): Zongyi Guo, Jun Zhou, Jianguo Guo, Jérôme Cieslak, Jing Chang Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-01492637 Fault tolerant controller for a class of additive faults: a quasi-continuous high-order sliding mode approach Auteur(s): Davila Jorge, Jérôme Cieslak, David Henry, Ali Zolghadri Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-01629870 A Two-Step Approach for an Enhanced Quadrotor Attitude Estimation via IMU Data Auteur(s): Jing Chang, Jérôme Cieslak, Jorge Davila, Jun Zhou, Ali Zolghadri, Zongyi Guo Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-01518616 A H∞/μ solution for microvibration mitigation in satellites: A case study Auteur(s): Valentin Preda, Jérôme Cieslak, David Henry, Samir Bennani, Alexandre Falcoz Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-01501228 Microvibration Attenuation based on H∞/LPV Theory for High Stability Space Missions Auteur(s): Valentin Preda, Jerome Cieslak, David Henry, Samir Bennani, Alexandre Falcoz Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-01629872 Practical design considerations for successful industrial application of model-based fault detection techniques to aircraft systems Auteur(s): Ali Zolghadri, Jérome Cieslak, Denis Efimov, Goupil Philippe, Rémy Dayre Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-01385577 Parametric Approach to Fault Detection in Aircraft Control Surfaces Auteur(s): Ali Zolghadri, Hervé Leberre, Goupil Philippe, Anca Gheorghe, Jérôme Cieslak, Rémy Dayre Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-01314770 Output tracking of systems subjected to perturbations and a class of actuator faults based on HOSM observation and identification Auteur(s): Alejandra Ferreira de Loza, Jérome Cieslak, David Henry, Ali Zolghadri, Leonid Fridman Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-01172249 Transient management of a supervisory fault-tolerant control scheme based on dwell-time conditions Auteur(s): Jérôme Cieslak, Denis Efimov, David Henry Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-00924618 Design of a non-homogeneous differentiator for actuator oscillatory failure case reconstruction in noisy environment Auteur(s): Jérôme Cieslak, Denis Efimov, Ali Zolghadri, David Henry, Philippe Goupil Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-01095741 A non-conservative $H_{-} / H_{\infty}$ solution for early and robust fault diagnosis in aircraft control surface servo-loops Auteur(s): David Henry, Jérôme Cieslak, Ali Zolghadri, Denis Efimov Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-00942311 Hinfinity/H- LPV solutions for fault detection of aircraft actuator faults: Bridging the gap between theory and practice Auteur(s): David Henry, Jérôme Cieslak, Ali Zolghadri, Denis Efimov Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-00946216 Sensor fault diagnosis using a non-homogeneous high-order sliding mode observer with application to a transport aircraft Auteur(s): Alejandra Ferreira de Loza, Jérome Cieslak, David Henry, Jorge Davila, Ali Zolghadri Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-01095769 Model-Based Approaches for Fast and Robust Fault Detection in Aircraft Control Surface Servo-loop: From theory to flight tests Auteur(s): Anca Gheorghe, Ali Zolghadri, Jérome Cieslak, Philippe Goupil, Rémy Dayre, Hervé Le Berre Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-00801657 Actuator fault detection in aircraft systems: Oscillatory Failure Case study Auteur(s): Denis Efimov, Jérome Cieslak, Ali Zolghadri, David Henry Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-00801660 Supervisory Fault Tolerant Control with Mutual Performance Optimization Auteur(s): Denis Efimov, Jerome Cieslak, David Henry Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-00681978 Fault diagnosis and monitoring of oscillatory failure case in aircraft inertial system Auteur(s): Denis Berdjag, Jérome Cieslak, Ali Zolghadri Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-00725744 Model-based Solution to Robust and Early Detection of Control Surface Runaways Auteur(s): Ali Zolghadri, Anca Gheorghe, Jérome Cieslak, David Henry, Philippe Goupil, Rémy Dayre, Hervé Leberre Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-00642785 Fault Tolerant Flight Control: From Theory to Piloted Flight Simulator Experiments Auteur(s): Jerome Cieslak, David Henry, Ali Zolghadri Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-00476285 Vers la gestion globale des interactions "commande - diagnostic" : Analyse et synthèse Auteur(s): Jérome Cieslak, David Henry, Ali Zolghadri Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-00339227 Development of an Active Fault Tolerant Flight Control Strategy Auteur(s): Jerome Cieslak, David Henry, Ali Zolghadri Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-00181597 Une méthodologie pour la synthèse de systèmes de commande tolérants aux défauts Auteur(s): Jérome Cieslak, David Henry, Ali Zolghadri Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-00165067Book sections (7)
Blood Glucose Regulation for Type 1 Diabetic Patients at Intensive Care Unit via Continuous Sliding-Mode Algorithms Auteur(s): Roberto Franco, Héctor Ríos, Alejandra Ferreira de Loza, Louis Cassany, David Gucik-Derigny, Jérôme Cieslak, Henry David Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-04670725 A Super-Twisting Fault-Tolerant Control Based on Dual-Quaternion Formalism for Spacecraft Rendezvous Auteur(s): Jazmín Zenteno Torres, Jérôme Cieslak, David Henry, Jorge Dávila Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-03697590 Hybrid Health-Aware Supervisory Control Framework with a Prognostic Decision-Making Auteur(s): Jérôme Cieslak, David Gucik-Derigny, Jing Chang Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-03090065 Disturbances Observer based Fault Tolerant Control for a Class of Additive Faults Auteur(s): Jorge Davila, Jérôme Cieslak, David Henry Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-02068399 Robust Output Tracking of a 3DOF Helicopter via High-Order Sliding Mode Observers Auteur(s): Alejandra Ferreira de Loza, Jérôme Cieslak, David Henry, Ali Zolghadri, Leonid Fridman Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-01151209 Sliding Mode Observers for Fault Estimation in Multisensor Avionics Systems Auteur(s): Jérome Cieslak, Alejandra Ferreira de Loza, David Henry, Jorge Davila, Ali Zolghadri Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-01151214 A FTC strategy for safe recovery against trimmable horizontal stabilizer failure with guaranteed nominal performance. Auteur(s): Jerome Cieslak, David Henry, Ali Zolghadri Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-00321968Patents (13)
Procédé et dispositif de détection d'une anomalie sur un aéronef Auteur(s): Ali Zolghadri, Jérôme Cieslak, Anca Gheorghe, Denis Efimov, Philippe Goupil, Rémy Dayre Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-02342088 Method and device for detecting a failure on an aircraft Auteur(s): Ali Zolghadri, Jérôme Cieslak, Anca Gheorghe, Denis Efimov, Goupil Philippe, Rémy Dayre Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-02056326 Method And system For Detecting jamming and/or uncontrolled movement of an aircraft control surface Auteur(s): Ali Zolghadri, Jérôme Cieslak, David Henry, Anca Gheorghe, Hervé Le Berre, Philippe Goupil, Rémy Dayre Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-02342092 Method and device for detecting the jamming of an aircraft control surface Auteur(s): Jérome Cieslak, Anca Gheorghe, Ali Zolghadri, David Henry, Goupil Philippe, Rémy Dayre, Hervé Le Berre Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-01275323 Method and system for detecting jamming and/or uncontrolled movement of an aircraft control surface Auteur(s): Anca Gheorghe, Rémy Dayre, Goupil Philippe, Ali Zolghadri, Jérôme Cieslak, David Henry Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-01275318 Method and Device for detecting an uncontrolled movement of an aircraft control surface. Auteur(s): Ali Zolghadri, Anca Gheorghe, Philippe Goupil, Jérome Cieslak, Hervé Leberre, Rémy Dayre Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-00995895 Method and device for detecting a failure on an aircraft Auteur(s): Ali Zolghadri, Anca Gheorghe, Denis Efimov, Jérôme Cieslak, Philippe Goupil, Rémy Dayre Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-01016216 Procédé et dispositif de détection d'une anomalie sur un aéronef Auteur(s): Philippe Goupil, Rémy Dayre, Anca Gheorghe, Denis Efimov, Jérome Cieslak, Ali Zolghadri Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-00869250 Procédé et dispositif de détection d'une position anormale d'une gouverne d'aéronef à l'aide d'un test paramétrique Auteur(s): Ali Zolghadri, Anca Gheorghe, Jérome Cieslak, David Henry, Philippe Goupil, Rémy Dayre Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-00801668 Method And Device For Detecting An Uncontrolled Movement Of An Aircraft Control Surface Auteur(s): Anca Gheorghe, Jérome Cieslak, Ali Zolghadri, Philippe Goupil, Rémy Dayre, Hervé Le Berre Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-00796229 Method and Device for detecting the jamming of an aircraft control surface Auteur(s): Philippe Goupil, Rémy Dayre, Anca Gheorghe, Hervé Le Berre, Ali Zolghadri, Jérome Cieslak, David Henry Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-00825668 Procédé et dispositif de détection de l'embarquement d'une gouverne d'aéronef Auteur(s): Ali Zolghadri, Anca Gheorghe, Jérôme Cieslak, Philippe Goupil, Rémy Dayre, Hervé Le Berre Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-00617352 Procédé et dispositif de détection du blocage d'une gouverne d'aéronef Auteur(s): Anca Gheorghe, Ali Zolghadri, Jérôme Cieslak, Philippe Goupil, Rémy Dayre, Hervé Le Berre, David Henry Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-00642786Conference proceedings (74)
An Integrated Method for Early and Robust Detection of Oscillatory Failure Cases in Flight Control Systems Auteur(s): Jingfei Yu, Jing Chang, Weisheng Chen, Jérôme Cieslak, Daniel Ossmann Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-04562982 Feedback on a cross-curricular health technology teaching for undergraduate students at the Bordeaux Institute of Technology Auteur(s): Jérôme Cieslak, Hamida Hallil, Timothée Levi, Arnaud Pêcher, Stéphanie Renaud, Vincent Blanchard, David Gucik-Derigny, Agnès Drochon, Didier Morin, Alain Garrigou, Cédric Gil-Jardiné, Pierre Lopes, Joëlle Corre, Laetitia Garisoain, Laurent Faurie, Frédéric Bos, Murielle Bénéjat Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-04670370 Physics-Informed Neural Networks-based Uncertainty Identification and Control for Closed-Loop Attitude Dynamics of Reentry Vehicles Auteur(s): Ruizhe Yuan, Zongyi Guo, Shiyuan Cao, Henry David, Jérôme Cieslak, Tiago Roux Oliveira, Jianguo Guo Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-04564498 Early Detection of Oscillatory Failure Case for Fault-Tolerant Flight Control System Auteur(s): Jingfei Yu, Jing Chang, Weisheng Chen, Zongyi Guo, Jérôme Cieslak Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-04024017 Distributed Interval Observer-based Fault Detection for a class of distributed measurement systems Auteur(s): Danxia Li, Jing Chang, Weisheng Chen, Jérôme Cieslak Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-04042975 Flight Control Reconfiguration in Oscillatory Failure Case Scenarios Auteur(s): Daniel Ossmann, Christian Weiser, Felix Biertümpfel, Harald Pfifer, Jérôme Cieslak Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-04023996 Further results on ”non individualized” closed–loop for T1DM patients Auteur(s): David Henry, Jérôme Cieslak, David Gucik-Derigny, Alejandra Ferreira de Loza, Héctor Ríos Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-04121546 A H∞ Control Solution for Space Debris Removal Missions Using Robotic Arms: The ESA e.Deorbit Case Auteur(s): Martin Fauré, David Henry, Jérôme Cieslak, Pablo Colmenarejo, Finn Ankersen Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-03618005 Special IEEE CST session: Output-Feedback Sliding-Mode Controller for Blood Glucose Regulation in Critically Ill Patients affected by Type 1 Diabetes Auteur(s): Roberto Franco, Alexandra Ferreira, Rios Hector, Louis Cassany, David Gucik-Derigny, Jerome Cieslak, Loïc Olçomendy, David Henry Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-03688282 Continuous monitoring in-vivo with an islet-based microfluidic biosensor Auteur(s): Matthieu Raoux, Emilie Puginier, Antoine Pirog, Florence Poulletier de Gannes, Julien Gaitan, A. Hurtier, Marie Monchablon, Jérôme Cieslak, Sylvie Renaud, Jochen Lang Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-03814499 Sliding-Mode Control for On-Orbit Rendezvous with a Fleeing Passive Target on a Circular Capture Trajectory Auteur(s): David Henry, Alejandra Ferreira de Loza, Martin Fauré, Jérôme Cieslak, Elisabetta Punta Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-03658432 A Survey on Reachable Set Techniques for Fault Recoverability Assessment Auteur(s): Martin Fauré, Jérôme Cieslak, David Henry, Anatole Verhaegen, Finn Ankersen Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-03618006 Reachable Tube Computation of Uncertain LTI Systems using Support Functions Auteur(s): Martin Fauré, Jérôme Cieslak, David Henry, Finn Ankersen, Anatole Verhaegen Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-03157064 Blood Glucose Regulation in Patients with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus: A Robust MRAC Approach Auteur(s): Roberto Franco, Héctor Ríos, Alejandra Ferreira de Loza, Denis Efimov, Louis Cassany, David Gucik-Derigny, Jérôme Cieslak, David Henry Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-03328014 A Robust H_{\infty} Control Approach for Blood Glucose Regulation in Type-1 Diabetes Auteur(s): Louis Cassany, David Gucik-Derigny, Jérôme Cieslak, David Henry, Roberto Franco, Alejandra Ferreira de Loza, Hector Ríos, Loïc Olçomendy, Antoine Pirog, Yannick B Bornat, Sylvie Renaud, Bogdan Catargi Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-03328008 Estimación Adaptable para un Modelo Insulina-Glucosa Auteur(s): Roberto Franco, Héctor Ríos, Alejandra Ferreira de Loza, Louis Cassany, David Gucik-Derigny, Jérôme Cieslak, David Henry Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-03328023 A Robust Control solution for Glycaemia Regulation of Type-1 Diabetes Mellitus Auteur(s): Louis Cassany, David Gucik-Derigny, Jérôme Cieslak, David Henry, Roberto Franco, Alejandra Ferreira de Loza, Hector Ríos, Loïc Olçomendy, Antoine Pirog, Yannick B Bornat, Sylvie Renaud, Bogdan Catargi Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-03157045 Regulación de Glucosa en la Sangre en Pacientes con Diabetes Mellitus Tipo 1: Un enfoque MRAC Robusto Auteur(s): Roberto Franco, Héctor Ríos, Alejandra Ferreira de Loza, Denis Efimov, Louis Cassany, David Gucik-Derigny, Jérôme Cieslak, David Henry Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-03328022 Regulación de Glucosa en la Sangre en Pacientes con Diabetes Mellitus Tipo 1 usando Control por Realimentación de Salida Auteur(s): Roberto Franco, Alejandra Ferreira de Loza, Hector Ríos, Louis Cassany, David Gucik-Derigny, Jérôme Cieslak, David Henry, Loïc Olçomendy Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-02972043 Trajectory tracking control for an AutoNOMO vehicle using a decoupling approach Auteur(s): Adonai Rosas-Vilchis, Alejandra Ferreira de Loza, Luis Aguilar, Jérôme Cieslak, David Henry, Oscar Montiel-Ross Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-02563067 A cooperative fault-tolerant control method for the coupled system based on interaction effect utilization Auteur(s): Jing Chang, Jérôme Cieslak, Zongyi Guo, David Henry Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-02563071 Metzler matrix-based switching control scheme for linear systems with prescribed performance guarantees Auteur(s): Zongyi Guo, David Henry, Jianguo Guo, Zheng Wang, Jérôme Cieslak, Jing Chang Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-02563082 Hybrid Health-Aware Supervisory Control Framework with a Prognostic Decision-Making Auteur(s): Jérôme Cieslak, David Gucik-Derigny, Jing Chang Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-02563053 Tuning of an artificial pancreas controller: an in silico methodology based on clinically-relevant criteria Auteur(s): Loïc Olçomendy, Antoine Pirog, Yannick B Bornat, Jérôme Cieslak, David Gucik-Derigny, Henry David, Bogdan Catargi, Sylvie Renaud Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-02908200 A Sliding Mode Control in a Backstepping Setup for Rendezvous Mission on a Circular Orbit Auteur(s): Jazmìn Zenteno Torres, Jérôme Cieslak, David Henry, Jorge Davila Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-02132888 Assessment of a Supervisory Fault-Hiding Scheme in a Classical Guidance, Navigation and Control Setup: the e.Deorbit mission Auteur(s): Jérôme Cieslak, David Henry, Pablo Colmenarejo, J. Branco, Nuno C. Santos, Pedro Serra, J. Telaar, Hans Strauch, A Giordano, Stefano de Marco, Christian Ott, Matthias Reiner, J. Jarowski, E. Papadopoulos, G. Visentin, Finn Ankersen, Jesus Gil Fernandez Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-02186877 A Super-Twisting Sliding Mode Control in a Backstepping Setup for Rendezvous with a Passive Target Auteur(s): Jazmìn Zenteno Torres, Jérôme Cieslak, David Henry, Jorge Davila Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-02132751 Model-based fault diagnosis and tolerant control: the ESA’s e. Deorbit mission Auteur(s): David Henry, Jérôme Cieslak, Jazmìn Zenteno Torres, Pablo Colmenarejo, J. Branco, Nuno C. Santos, Pedro Serra, J. Telaar, Hans Strauch, A. Giordano, Stefano de Marco, Christian Ott, Matthias Reiner, J. Jarowski, E. Papadopoulos, G. Visentin, Finn Ankersen, Jesus Gil Fernandez Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-02080225 A Super‐Twisting Fault‐Tolerant Control Based on Dual‐Quaternion Formalism for Spacecraft Rendezvous Auteur(s): Jazmìn Zenteno Torres, Jérôme Cieslak, David Henry, Jorge Davila Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-02391669 A Tracking Backstepping Sliding Mode Control for Spacecraft Rendezvous with a Passive Target Auteur(s): Jazmìn Zenteno Torres, Jérome Cieslak, David Henry, Jorge Davila Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-01852224 Improved Learning Outcomes in Labview for Undergraduate Students with Lego Mindstorms NXT Kit Auteur(s): Jérémy Michel, Jérôme Cieslak, Laurent Gonthier, Grégory Zacharewicz Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-01821823 Introduction of a Prognostic Decision Making in a Fault Tolerant Control Context Auteur(s): Jérôme Cieslak, David Gucik-Derigny Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-01802905 A Switching Fault-Hiding Mechanism based on Virtual Actuators and Dwell-Time Conditions Auteur(s): Jérôme Cieslak, David Henry Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-01802904 A fault tolerant control scheme for the reentry vehicle with reduced control effort Auteur(s): Jing Chang, Zongyi Guo, Jérôme Cieslak Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-01802901 Turning theory to practice in model-based FDI: Successful application to new generation Airbus aircraft Auteur(s): Ali Zolghadri, Jérome Cieslak, Goupil Philippe, Rémy Dayre Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-01491164 Robust Control Design in a Non-Smooth H_{\inftny} / µ Setting for Spacecraft Microvibration Attenuation Auteur(s): Valentin Preda, Jérôme Cieslak, David Henry, Samir Bennani, Alexandre Falcoz Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-01491173 Fault Compensability Criteria with Application to a Rendezvous Mission Around Mars Auteur(s): Jazmìn Zenteno Torres, Jérôme Cieslak, David Henry, Jorge Davila Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-01618739 Design of sliding mode observers for quadrotor pitch/roll angle estimation via IMU measurements Auteur(s): Jing Chang, Jérôme Cieslak, Ali Zolghadri, Jorge Davila, Jun Zhou Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-01250814 Quadrotor attitude estimation with gyroscope bias reconstruction capabilities Auteur(s): Jing Chang, Jérome Cieslak, Ali Zolghadri, Jorge Davila, Jun Zhou Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-01306942 Sliding mode observers for fault estimation in multisensor avionic systems Auteur(s): Jérôme Cieslak, Alexandra Ferreira, David Henry, Davila Jorge, Ali Zolghadri Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-01275195 Fault tolerant attitude controller for a class of additive faults via High-Order Sliding Modes Auteur(s): Jorge Davila, Jérome Cieslak, David Henry Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-01306943 Fault tolerant controller for a class of additive faults: a quasi-continuous high-order sliding mode approach Auteur(s): Jorge Davila, Jérôme Cieslak, David Henry, Ali Zolghadri Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-01252225 Signal and model-based fault detection for aircraft systems Auteur(s): Ali Zolghadri, Jérôme Cieslak, Denis Efimov, David Henry, Goupil Philippe, Rémy Dayre, Anca Gheorghe, Hervé Le Berre Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-01250782 HYDRAULIC ACTUATOR FAULT DETECTION AND DIAGNOSIS: A ROBUST PARAMETRIC DECISION TEST Auteur(s): Goupil Philippe, Ali Zolghadri, Jérome Cieslak, Rémy Dayre Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-01280450 Adaptive Second-order Sliding Mode Observer for Quadrotor Attitude Estimation Auteur(s): Jing Chang, Jérome Cieslak, Jorge Davila, Ali Zolghadri, Jun Zhou Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-01306935 Microvibration Attenuation based on H_inf /LPV Theory for High Stability Space Missions Auteur(s): Valentin Preda, Jérôme Cieslak, David Henry, Samir Bennani, Alexandre Falcoz Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-01252220 A fault tolerant controller based on quasi-continuous high-order sliding mode technique Auteur(s): Jorge Davila, Jérome Cieslak, David Henry, Ali Zolghadri, Francisco Javier Bejarano Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-01304175 Robust output tracking of a 3DOF helicopter via high-order sliding mode observers Auteur(s): Alexandra Ferreira, Jérôme Cieslak, David Henry, Ali Zolghadri, Leonid Fridman Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-01275194 A Comparative Study of Three Differentiation Schemes for the Detection of Runaway Faults in Aircraft Control Surfaces Auteur(s): Jérome Cieslak, Ali Zolghadri, Goupil Philippe, Rémy Dayre Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-01385563 LPV Control for Multi-harmonic Microvibration Attenuation: Application to High Stability Space Missions Auteur(s): Valentin Preda, Jérôme Cieslak, David Henry, Samir Bennani, Alexandre Falcoz Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-01172281 LPV Control for Active Vibration Mitigation in High Stability Space Missions: A Comparative Study Auteur(s): Valentin Preda, Jérome Cieslak, David Henry, Alexandre Falcoz, Samir Bennani Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-01172263 Enhanced distinguishability in Supervisory Fault Tolerant Control Auteur(s): Jérôme Cieslak, David Henry, Denis Efimov, Ali Zolghadri Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-00950278 A Method for Actuator Lock-in-place Failure Detection in Aircraft Control Surface Servo-loops Auteur(s): Jérôme Cieslak, Denis Efimov, Ali Zolghadri, Anca Gheorghe, Philippe Goupil, Rémy Dayre Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-00950287 Detection of abnormal aircraft control surface positions using a robust parametric test Auteur(s): Anca Gheorghe, Ali Zolghadri, Jérome Cieslak, David Henry, Philippe Goupil, Rémy Dayre, Hervé Le Berre Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-00787981 Oscillatory Failure Case Detection for Aircraft using Non‐Homogeneous Differentiator in Noisy Environment Auteur(s): Jérome Cieslak, Denis Efimov, Ali Zolghadri, David Henry, Philippe Goupil Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-00787966 Advanced model-based Fault Detection and Diagnosis for civil aircraft structural design optimization Auteur(s): Philippe Goupil, Ali Zolghadri, Anca Gheorghe, Jérome Cieslak, Rémy Dayre Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-00869248 A LPV approach for early fault detection in aircraft control surfaces servo-loops Auteur(s): David Henry, Ali Zolghadri, Jerome Cieslak, Denis Efimov Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-00681979 AIRBUS EFFORTS TOWARDS ADVANCED FAULT DIAGNOSIS FOR FLIGHT CONTROL SYSTEM ACTUATORS Auteur(s): Philippe Goupil, Ali Zolghadri, Anca Gheorghe, Jérome Cieslak, Rémy Dayre, Hervé Leberre Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-00692404 Supervisory Fault Tolerant Control Scheme based on Bumpless scheme and Dwell-time Conditions Auteur(s): Jerome Cieslak, Denis Efimov, David Henry Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-00681981 Supervisory fault tolerant control based on dwell-time conditions Auteur(s): Denis Efimov, Jérome Cieslak, David Henry Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-00577084 A Hinf/H- approach for Fault Diagnosis in Electrical Aircraft Flight Control Systems Auteur(s): David Henry, Jérome Cieslak, Ali Zolghadri, Denis Efimov Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-00647033 Fault Detection and Diagnosis in Electrical Aircraft Flight Control System Auteur(s): David Henry, Jerome Cieslak, Ali Zolghadri, Denis Efimov Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-00610244 A Model-based Solution to Robust and Early Detection of Control Surface Runaways Auteur(s): Ali Zolghadri, Anca Gheorghe, Jérôme Cieslak, David Henry, Philippe Goupil, Rémy Dayre, Hervé Leberre Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-00620909 Fault Detection and Isolation of aircraft air data/inertial system Auteur(s): Denis Berdjag, Ali Zolghadri, Jérome Cieslak Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-00586708 Early detection of aircraft control surface faults by dedicated Kalman filtering: runaways and jammings Auteur(s): Anca Gheorghe, Ali Zolghadri, Jérôme Cieslak, David Henry, Philippe Goupil, Rémy Dayre, Hervé Leberre Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-00642792 Supervisory Fault Tolerant Control Via Common Lyapunov Function Approach Auteur(s): Denis Efimov, Jérome Cieslak, David Henry Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-00526099 A solution for management of fault diagnostic and fault tolerance performances in active FTC schemes Auteur(s): Jerome Cieslak, David Henry, Ali Zolghadri Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-00476290 Fault Detection and Isolation for Redundant Aircraft Sensors Auteur(s): Denis Berdjag, Ali Zolghadri, Jérome Cieslak, Philippe Goupil Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-00526109 Observer-based structures to Active Fault Tolerant Control Problems Auteur(s): Jerome Cieslak, Denis Efimov, David Henry Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-00550461 Design of Fault Tolerant Control Systems: a Flight Simulator Experiment Auteur(s): Jerome Cieslak, David Henry, Ali Zolghadri Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-00364979 A METHODOLOGY FOR THE DESIGN OF ACTIVE FAULT TOLERANT CONTROL SYSTEMS Auteur(s): Jérome Cieslak, David Henry, Ali Zolghadri Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-00165032 DEVELOPMENT OF AN ON-BOARD FAULT TOLERANT CONTROL STRATEGY WITH APPLICATION TO THE GARTEUR AG16 BENCHMARK Auteur(s): Jérome Cieslak, David Henry, Ali Zolghadri, Philippe Goupil Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-00165051 Une méthodologie pour la synthèse de systèmes de commande tolérants aux défauts Auteur(s): Jérome Cieslak, David Henry, Ali Zolghadri Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-00165057 An Architecture for Active Fault Tolerant Control Systems Auteur(s): Jérome Cieslak, David Henry, Ali Zolghadri Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-00165040Invited lectures (3)
How to find the balance between teaching activities and theoretical/practical researches: an associate professor feedback of 10 years after his PhD thesis Auteur(s): Jérôme Cieslak Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-02908186 Active fault tolerant control with guaranteed global stability: Application to space missions Auteur(s): David Henry, Jerome Cieslak, Efrain Alcorta Garcia Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-00717725 INPUT ESTIMATION VIA SLIDING-MODE DIFFERENTIATION FOR EARLY OFC DETECTION Auteur(s): Denis Efimov, Ali Zolghadri, Jérome Cieslak, Henry David Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-00678397Send a email to Jérôme CIESLAK :