Article (51)
Influence of Losses, Device Size, and Mode Confinement on Integrated Micro-Ring Resonator Performance for Absorption Spectroscopy Using Evanescent Field Sensing Auteur(s): P. Girault, L. Oyhenart, T. Rouanet, S. Joly, G. Beaudin, Michael Canva, L. Bechou, Paul Charette Lien HAL : An analytical approach to predict maximal sensitivity of microring resonators for absorption spectroscopy Auteur(s): M. Diez Garcia, P. Girault, S. Joly, L. Oyhenart, Vincent Raimbault, Corinne Dejous, L. Bechou Lien HAL : III—V Laser Power Converters With Vertically Stacked Subcells Demonstrating Superior Radiation Resilience Auteur(s): Mark C.A. York, Francine Proulx, Olivier Gilard, Laurent Bechou, Richard A Arès, Vincent Aimez, Denis Masson, Simon Fafard Lien HAL : A quantitative thermal and thermomechanical analysis for design optimization and robustness assessment of microassembled high power Yb:CaF2 thin-disk Laser Auteur(s): S. Joly, M-A. Lemesre, B. Lévrier, C. Lyszyk, B. Plano, A. Courjaud, T. Taira, L. Bechou Lien HAL : Direct patterning of polymer optical periodic nanostructures on CYTOP for visible light waveguiding Auteur(s): Miguel Diez, Vincent Raimbault, S. Joly, L. Oyhenart, Jean-Baptiste Doucet, I. Obieta, Corinne Dejous, L. Bechou Lien HAL : Ba0.6Sr0.4TiO3 thin films deposited by spray coating for high capacitance density capacitors Auteur(s): Emmanuel Tetsi, Gilles Philippot, Isabelle Bord Majek, Cyril Aymonier, Jean Audet, Roxan Lemire, Laurent Bechou, Dominique A Drouin Lien HAL : Extended modal gain measurement in DFB Laser diodes Auteur(s): Massimo Vanzi, Gulia Marchello, Giovanna Mura, Laurent Bechou, Yannick Deshayes, Germain Le Gales, Simon Joly Lien HAL : Practical optical gain by an extended Hakki-Paoli method Auteur(s): Massimo Vanzi, Gulia Marcello, Giovanna Mura, Germain Le Gales, Simon Joly, Yannick Deshayes, Laurent Bechou Lien HAL : Highlighting two integration technologies based on vias: Through silicon vias and embedded components into PCB. Strengths and weaknesses for manufacturing and reliability Auteur(s): M. Balmont, I. Bord Majek, B. Poupard, L. Bechou, Y. Ousten Lien HAL : Thermal management characterization of microassembled high power DFB broad area lasers emitting at 975 nm Auteur(s): Roberto Mostallino, Michel Garcia, Yannick Deshayes, Larrue Alexandre, Yannick Robert, Eric Vinet, Michel Lecompte, Olivier Parillaud, Michel Krakowski, Laurent Bechou Lien HAL : Inorganic/organic nanocomposites: Reaching a high filler content without increasing viscosity using core-shell structured nanoparticles Auteur(s): Warda Benhadjala, Morgane Gravoueille, Isabelle Bord-Majek, Laurent Bechou, Ephraim Suhir, Matthieu Buet, Mélanie Louarn, M Weiss, Fabien Rougé, Vincent Gaud, Yves Ousten Lien HAL : High-power diode laser bars and shear strain Auteur(s): Daniel T. Cassidy, O. Rehioui, Chadwick K. Hall, L. Bechou, Y. Deshayes, A. Kohl, T. Fillardet, Y. Ousten Lien HAL : Strain Estimation in III-V Materials by Analysis of the Degree of Polarization of Luminescence Auteur(s): Dt Cassidy, Ck. Hall, O. Rehioui, L. Bechou Lien HAL : Crack Propagation Modeling in Silicon: A Comprehensive Thermomechanical Finite-Element Model Approach for Power Devices Auteur(s): Damien Calvez, Fabrice Roqueta, Sébastien Jacques, Laurent Bechou, Yves Ousten, Samuel Ducret Lien HAL : Saint-Venant's principle and the minimum length of a dual-coated optical fiber specimen in reliability (proof) testing Auteur(s): E. Suhir, L. Bechou Lien HAL : Starck effects model used to highlight selective activation of failure mechanisms in MQW InGaN/GaN light emitting diodes Auteur(s): Yannick Deshayes, Laurent Bechou, Yves Ousten Lien HAL : Effects of silicon coating degradation on GaN MQW LEDs performances using physical and chemical analyses Auteur(s): Raphael Baillot, Yannick Deshayes, Laurent Bechou, T. Buffeteau, I. Pianet, C. Armand, F. Voillot, S. Sorieul, Yves Ousten Lien HAL : Hardening Principles and Characterization of an Optocoupler Including a Vertical Cavity Surface Emitting Laser Auteur(s): O. Gilard, P. del Vecchio, R. Moglia, L. Bechou, Gianandrea Quadri Lien HAL : Predicted Thermal Stresses in a Photovoltaic Module (PVM) Auteur(s): Ephraim Suhir, Dongai Shangguan, Laurent Bechou Lien HAL : Technical Diagnostics in Electronics: Application of Bayes Formula and Boltzmann-Arrhenius-Zhurkov (BAZ) Model Auteur(s): E. Suhir, L. Bechou, A. Bensoussan Lien HAL : An original DoE-based tool for silicon photodetectors EoL estimation in space environments Auteur(s): P. Spezzigu, L. Bechou, Gianandrea Quadri, O. Gilard, Y. Ousten, M. Vanzi Lien HAL : OPERATIONAL PERFORMANCES DEMONSTRATION OF POLYMER-CERAMIC EMBEDDED CAPACITORS FOR MMIC APPLICATIONS Auteur(s): Isabelle Bord-Majek, Philippe Kertesz, Julie Mazeau, Daniel Caban-Chastas, Bruno Levrier, Laurent Bechou, Yves Ousten Lien HAL : Implementation of a Design of Experiments Methodology for the Prediction of Phototransistor Degradation in a Space Environment Auteur(s): Piero Spezzigu, C. Caddeo, Gianandrea Quadri, O. Gilard, Laurent Bechou, Yves Ousten, M. Vanzi Lien HAL : Thermomechanical Stresses and Optical Misalignment in 1550 nm Emissive Optoelectronic Modules Using FEM and Process Dispersions Auteur(s): Yannick Deshayes, Laurent Bechou, Frederic Verdier, Yves Ousten, Dominique Laffitte, Jean-Luc Goudard Lien HAL : Proton effects on low noise and high responsivity silicon-based photodiodes for space applications Auteur(s): Guillaume Pedroza, Olivier Gilard, Marie-Lise Bourqui, Laurent Bechou, Yannick Deshayes, Lip Sun How, François Rosala Lien HAL : Challenges and potential of new approaches for reliability assessment of nanotechnologies Auteur(s): L. Bechou, Y. Danto, J.Y. Deletage, F. Verdier, Y. Deshayes, S. Fregonese, C. Maneux, T. Zimmer, D. Laffitte Lien HAL : Thermal characteristics measurement of packaged double-heterostructure light emitting diodes for space applications using spontaneous optical spectrum properties Auteur(s): L. Bechou, O. Rehioui, Y. Deshayes, O. Gilard, Gianandrea Quadri, Y. Ousten Lien HAL : Reliability investigations of 850 nm silicon photodiodes under proton irradiation for space applications Auteur(s): M.L. Bourqui, L. Bechou, O. Gilard, Y. Deshayes, P. del Vecchio, L.S. How, F. Rosala, Y. Ousten, A. Touboul Lien HAL : Use of signal processing imaging for the study of a 3D package in harsh environment Auteur(s): J. Augereau, Y. Ousten, B. Levrier, L. Bechou Lien HAL : An improved method for automatic detection and location of defects in electronics components using scanning ultrasonic microscopy Auteur(s): Laurent Bechou, Dominique Dallet, Yves Danto, Pasquale Daponte, Yves Ousten, Sergio Rapuano Lien HAL : Nondestructive detection and localization of defects in multilayer ceramic chip capacitors using electromechanical resonances Auteur(s): L. Bechou, S. Mejdi, Y. Ousten, Y. Danto Lien HAL : Impact of 1.55 µm laser diode degradation laws on fibre optic system performances using a system simulator Auteur(s): Laurent Mendizabal, Laurent Bechou, Christelle Aupetit-Berthelemot, Yannick Deshayes, Frédéric Verdier, Jean-Michel Dumas, Yves Danto Lien HAL : Comparison between piezoelectric method and ultrasonic signal analysis for multilayer ceramic capacitors type II crack detection Auteur(s): Yves Ousten, Laurent Bechou, Bernard Tregon, Yves Danto Lien HAL : Study of influence of failure modes on lifetime distribution prediction of 1.55 µm DFB laser diodes using weak drift of monitored parameters during ageing tests Auteur(s): Laurent Mendizabal, Laurent Bechou, Yannick Deshayes, Frédéric Verdier, Yves Danto, D. Laffitte, Jl Goudard Lien HAL : The Use Impedance Spectroscopy, SEM and SAM Imaging for Early Detection of Failure in SMT Assemblies Auteur(s): Y. Ousten, S. Medji, A. Fenech, J. Y. Deletage, L. Bechou, M.G. Perichaud, Y. Danto Lien HAL : Comparison between piezoelectric method and ultrasonic signal analysis for MLCC crack detection Auteur(s): Y. Ousten, S. Mejdi, L. Bechou, B. Tregon, Y. Danto Lien HAL : Ultrasonic images interpretation improvement for microassembling technologies characterization Auteur(s): L. Bechou, B. Tregon, Y. Ousten, F. Marc, Y. Danto, Ph. Kertesz, R. Even Lien HAL : Localization of defects in die-attach assembly by continuous wavelet transform using scanning acoustic microscopy Auteur(s): Laurent Bechou, Léopoldo Angrisani, Yves Ousten, Dominique Dallet, Hervé Levi, Yves Danto, Pasquale Daponte Lien HAL : FFT et applications : choix d'une fenêtre de pondération, caractérisation d'un CAN et réponse en fréquence d'un système linéaire Auteur(s): Gérard Couturier, Laurent Bechou, Jean-Baptiste Begueret, Claude Pellet Lien HAL : Reliability estimation of BGA and CSP assemblies using degradation law model and technological parameters deviations Auteur(s): Jean-Yves Deletage, Frédéric Verdier, Bernard Plano, Yannick Deshayes, Laurent Bechou, Yves Danto Lien HAL : Early failure signatures after thermal cycles of 1310 nm Laser modules using electrical, optical and spectral measurements Auteur(s): Yannick Deshayes, Laurent Bechou, Laurent Mendizabal, Yves Danto Lien HAL : Three-dimensional FEM simulations of thermomechanical stresses in 1.55 µm Laser modules Auteur(s): Yannick Deshayes, L. Bechou, Jy. Deletage, F. Verdier, Y. Danto, D. Laffitte, Jl. Goudard Lien HAL : Long-term reliability prediction of 935 nm InGaAs/GaAs Light Emitting Diodes using degradation laws and ageing tests with low acceleration factor Auteur(s): Yannick Deshayes, Laurent Bechou, Frédéric Verdier, Yves Danto Lien HAL : Ultrasonic characterisation improvement of microassembling technologies using Time-Frequency analysis Auteur(s): Laurent Bechou, Yves Ousten, Yves Danto Lien HAL : Comparison between piezoelectric method and ultrasonic signal analysis for crack detection in type II multilayer ceramic capacitors Auteur(s): Yves Ousten, Said Mejdi, Laurent Bechou, Bernard Tregon, Yves Danto Lien HAL : Electroluminescence spectroscopy for reliability investigations of 1.55µm Bulk Semiconductor Optical Amplifier Auteur(s): S. Huyghe, L. Bechou, N. Zerounian, Y. Deshayes, F. Aniel, A. Denolle, D. Laffitte, Jl. Goudard, Y. Danto Lien HAL : Detection and location of defects in electronic devices by means of scanning ultrasonic microscopy and the wavelet Transform Auteur(s): Léopoldo Angrisani, Laurent Bechou, Dominique Dallet, Pasquale Daponte, Yves Ousten Lien HAL : Behavioral studyof passive components and coating materials under isostatic pressure and temperature stress conditions Auteur(s): Bernard Tregon, Yves Ousten, Yves Danto, Laurent Bechou, B. Parmentier Lien HAL : Simulation of assembly generated constraints during SMT processing and size optimisation of the capacitors by design of experiments Auteur(s): Y. Ousten, L. Bechou, N. Xiong Lien HAL : Acoustic analysis of an assembly : Structural identification by signal processing (wavelets) Auteur(s): Jean Augereau, Yves Ousten, Laurent Bechou, Yves Danto Lien HAL : Nondestructive defect detection in multilayer ceramic chip capacitors using piezoelectric analysis and acoustic microscopy Auteur(s): L. Bechou, S. Mejdi, Y. Ousten, Y. Danto Lien HAL : communication (2)
Integrated optical microring resonators for absorption spectroscopy Auteur(s): Pauline Girault, Beaudin Guillaume, Miguel Diez, Simon Joly, Oyhenart Laurent, Michael Canva, P. Charette, Laurent Bechou Lien HAL : Wave-based Resonant Microsensors for Environmental and Health related Detection Applications Auteur(s): Corinne Dejous, Laurent Bechou, Hamida Hallil, Simon Hemour, Simon Joly, Jean-Luc Lachaud, Laurent Oyhenart, Vincent Raimbault, Dominique Rebière, Ollivier Tamarin Lien HAL : sections (2)
Chapitre 7 : Modélisation - Fiabilité Auteur(s): Y. Ousten, Y. Deshayes, L. Bechou Lien HAL : Three-Dimensional Techniques for FEM Simulations in Laser Modules and their Applications Auteur(s): Yannick Deshayes, Yves Ousten, Laurent Bechou Lien HAL : publication (6)
Photonics and Aeronautics: A wedding with a promising future – Physics of Failure and Reliability Assessment of Photonic Devices and Systems Auteur(s): Laurent Bechou Lien HAL : IMS Bordeaux : Wave-based resonant microsensors for (bio)chemical detection, environmental and health related applications Auteur(s): Corinne Dejous, Laurent Bechou, Hamida Hallil, Simon Hemour, Simon Joly, Jean-Luc Lachaud, Laurent Oyhenart, Vincent Raimbault, Dominique Rebière, Ollivier Tamarin Lien HAL : IMS Bordeaux : Wave-based resonant microsensors for (bio)chemical detection, environmental and health related applications Auteur(s): Corinne Dejous, Laurent Bechou, Hamida Hallil, Simon Hemour, Simon Joly, Jean-Luc Lachaud, Laurent Oyhenart, Vincent Raimbault, Dominique Rebière, Ollivier Tamarin Lien HAL : IMS Bordeaux: Wave-based resonant microsensors for chemical and biological detection, examples of environmental and health related applications Auteur(s): Corinne Dejous, Laurent Bechou, Hamida Hallil, Simon Hemour, Simon Joly, Jean-Luc Lachaud, Laurent Oyhenart, Vincent Raimbault, Dominique Rebière, Ollivier Tamarin Lien HAL : IMS Bordeaux: Wave-based resonant microsensors for chemical and biological detection, examples of environmental and health related applications Auteur(s): Corinne Dejous, Laurent Bechou, Hamida Hallil, Simon Hemour, Simon Joly, Jean-Luc Lachaud, Laurent Oyhenart, Vincent Raimbault, Dominique Rebière, Ollivier Tamarin Lien HAL : Photonics & Aeronautics: a wedding with a promising future Auteur(s): Patrick Mounaix, Laurent Bechou Lien HAL : proceedings (105)
Enhanced absorption spectroscopy sensing using a polymer micro-resonator on a porous silicon substrate Auteur(s): P. Girault, T. Rouanet, G. Beaudin, S. Joly, L. Oyhenart, M. Canva, P. Charette, L. Bechou Lien HAL : Towards miniaturization of concentrated photovoltaics (CPV): impact on fabrication, performance and robustness of solar cells Auteur(s): Pierre Albert, Gwenaelle Hamon, Maite Volatier, Yannick Deshayes, Abdelatif Jaouad, Vincent Aimez, Laurent Bechou, Maxime Darnon Lien HAL : Area downsizing effects on electrical performance and robustness of triple junction solar cells for CPV applications Auteur(s): Pierre Albert,, Abdelatif Jaouad, Maite Volatier, Christopher E. Valdivia, Yannick Deshayes, Laurent Bechou, Vincent Aimez., Maxime Darnon Lien HAL : Optical microring resonator for low-cost integrated sensor Auteur(s): Pauline Girault, Beaudin Guillaume, Miguel Diez, Simon Joly, Oyhenart Laurent, C.T. Nguyen, Isabelle Ledoux-Rak, Michael Canva, P. Charette, Laurent Bechou Lien HAL : Integrated optical microring resonators for absorption spectroscopy Auteur(s): Pauline Girault, Beaudin Guillaume, Miguel Diez, Simon Joly, Oyhenart Laurent, C.T. Nguyen, I. Ledoux-Rak, Michael Canva, P. Charette, Laurent Bechou Lien HAL : Optimization of integrated optical ring microresonator structure for sensitive absorption spectroscopy Auteur(s): Pauline Girault, Beaudin Guillaume, Miguel Díaz, Simon Joly, Oyhenart Laurent, Michael Canva, P. Charette, Laurent Bechou Lien HAL : Micro/nanotechnologies to improve concentrated photovoltaics systems Auteur(s): M. Darnon, M. Volatier, M. De Lafontaine, P. Albert, C. Laucher, G. Hamon, E. Pargon, L. Bechou, S. Fafard, V. Aimez, A. Jaouad Lien HAL : Vers des systèmes optiques intégrés à base de polymères nanostructurés pour la détection en milieu liquide Auteur(s): Pauline Girault, Miguel Diez, Simon Joly, Vincent Raimbault, Laurent Oyhenart, Corinne Dejous, Chi Thanh Nguyen, Isabelle Ledoux-Rak, Laurent Bechou Lien HAL : Front-Contacted Multijunction Micro Solar Cells: Fabrication & Characterization Auteur(s): Pierre Albert, Abdelatif Jaouad, Maxime Darnon, Christopher Valdivia, Maite Volatier, Yannick Deshayes, Karin Hinzer, Laurent Bechou, Vincent Aimez Lien HAL : Imaging based on low-coherence interferometry in the visible spectrum Auteur(s): M. Bravo Acha, R. Robles, P. G. Charette, L. Bechou, J. Sylvestre Lien HAL : BaInvited lectures (10)
Composant optofluidique polymère pour la détection de polluants dans l’eau (COPDepol) Auteur(s): Miguel Diez, Simon Joly, Laurent Oyhenart, Vincent Raimbault, Laurent Bechou, Corinne Dejous Lien HAL : Thermal management characterization of microassembled high power DFB broad area lasers emitting at 975 nm Auteur(s): Roberto Mostallino, Michel Garcia, Yannick Deshayes, Larrue Alexandre, Yannick Robert, Eric Vinet, Michel Lecompte, Olivier Parillaud, Michel Krakowski, Laurent Bechou Lien HAL : Resonant wave-based microsensors for environmental and health related applications Auteur(s): Corinne Dejous, Laurent Bechou, Hamida Hallil, Simon Hemour, Simon Joly, Jean-Luc Lachaud, Laurent Oyhenart, Vincent Raimbault, Dominique Rebière, Ollivier Tamarin, Prince Bahoumina, Miguel Diez, Farida Meziane, Ioannis Nikolaou Lien HAL : Overview on reliability investigation on LEDs devices Auteur(s): Raphael Baillot, Laurent Bechou, Colette Belin, Thierry Buffeteau, Isabelle Pianet, Christelle Absalon, Yannick Deshayes Lien HAL : Hybrid materials for packaging Auteur(s): Isabelle Bord-Majek, Laurent Bechou, Yves Ousten Lien HAL : OpERaS : A new consortium for reliability investigations of optoelectronic and photonic devices dedicated to space environments Auteur(s): L. Bechou, F. Rosala, G. Guibaud, Y. Ousten Lien HAL : Performances and reliability predictions of optical data transmission links using a system simulator for aerospace applications Auteur(s): Laurent Bechou, Yannick Deshayes, Christelle Aupetit-Berthelemot, Alexandre Guerin, Christian Tronche Lien HAL : Reliability assessment of optoelectronic and photonic devices in severe environments: architecture and applications of the OpERaS consortium Auteur(s): L. Bechou, P. Spezzigu Lien HAL : Methodology of failure analysis applied to packaged LEDs Auteur(s): Raphael Baillot, Laurent Bechou, Yannick Deshayes, Colette Belin, Thierry Buffeteau, Isabelle Pianet, Christelle Absalon, Yves Ousten Lien HAL : Electroluminescence spectroscopy for reliability investigations of 1.55µm Bulk Semiconductor Optical Amplifier Auteur(s): S. Huyghe, L. Bechou, N. Zerounian, Y. Deshayes, F. Aniel, A. Denolle, D. Laffitte, Jl Goudard, Y. Danto Lien HAL : a email to Laurent BECHOU :