
THESIS DEFENSE OF Floriane BALSSA - October 10, 2024

Floriane BALSSA will defend his thesis on october 10 october 2024 at 02:00 pm at ENSC – Salle 103 -109 Av. de Roul, 33400 Talence), on the subject : Easy-to-read and inclusive school: Questions and applications of the Easy-to-read rules in elementary schools.

Easy-to-read (FALC in French) is a set of European accessibility rules that facilitate access to information for people with reading and comprehension difficulties (Inclusion Europe, 2009). In France, these rules are mainly used in the field of mental disabilities, while other countries apply them to various fields such as education (Bock et al., 2017; Engblom, 2019). The aim of the thesis was to test Easy-to-read in class and to evaluate it value for the inclusion of pupils with special educational needs.

We began by analysing needs and identifying the factors likely to have an impact on the acceptability of Easy-to-Read. Based on the principle of Research-Action-Training (Gay and Prud’homme, 2011), two volunteer teachers experimented with Easy-to-read in their classrooms. This work highlighted the value of Easy-to-read for including pupils with learning difficulties in educational activities. It also highlighted the need to modulate Easy-to-read in order to adapt it to the school context. In response to this need, we have developed the first version of a platform to support teachers in using Easy-to-read. It includes training videos, a guide to using the rules and an Easy-to-read translation tool for adapting Easy-to-read to pedagogical needs.

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