Alexandra WARTEL will defend his thesis on october 11 october 2024, at 02:00 pm (site de la Victoire, Amphithéâtre Durkheim) on the subject : Could lack of fluidity in the external radiotherapy treatment preparation process have an impact on patient safety? This is what Alexandra Wartel is studying in her ergonomics thesis.
The thesis investigates this question through an understanding of the development of human activities during this process. The results show that “lack of fluidity” is more a reflection of the unsuitability of the technical process in relation to the articulation needs of professionals, than an actual performance flaw. In fact, what appears to be lack of fluidity often corresponds to essential moments of articulation between professionals, making it possible to build safety and quality of care, even though these are not always provided for by the process as it is designed. The fluidity of the treatment preparation process is not systematically synonymous with patient safety. It is essential to develop a complementary perspective that looks at the way in which the process enables articulations between professionals to take place. The thesis puts forward proposals in this direction.
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