
Photonic THz

The Laser & Terahertz Test Team  (LT3) aim to address disruptive issues on terahertz components and systems, so as to then respond to industrial issues or societal issues. It is presented in the form of an integration from the photonics and electronics components for which ruptures are considered, to THz systems.


Our team contributes to:

  • The application oriented holistic THz systems design
  • Photonics and electronics arrays design and integration
  • Nondestructive testing with mmW and THz pulse and radar technologies
  • THz Computational imaging platform
  • Innovative photonics-based THz sources
  • Passive mmW & THz component design and testing
  • The development of new source and detector for THz performances
  • Integrated circuit laser test and fault injection

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Laser research team

Presentation of the nanoelectronics research activities of the Laser team

The transition from the single-point sensor to source and detector arrays is one of the key elements of the terahertz wave roadmap. This transition is underway for CMOS systems below 500 GHz (Nearsense project), but the challenge remains unresolved for systems very broad pulse band (from 0.1 to 5 THz band). This key element is in collaboration with Mona Jarrahi from UCLA


Another important axis is the photonics-based THz source design and fabrication. The THz devices, i.e source, detector and other systems, are mostly developed from different approaches by using nonlinear optical processes in various materials (bulk crystal or gas), photoconductive antennas, or by tailoring the properties of the incoming laser (wavelength, duration, repetition rate…). The research work is undertaken from the simulations to the experiment in order to reach proofs of concept in the laboratory. The objectives are to improve system performances such as the efficiency, the spectral bandwidth toward the far infrared or to tailor the spatial profile with antenna networks. Thus, we also investigate several type of waveguide to confine THz radiation toward the application (e.g with fiber ) or to generate/detect efficiently the THz field (fibre, ridged waveguide…).  

The increase in frequency will require in the future to have all the passive components as they exist in optics and microwaves, so as to design THz systems. Some may be an extension of existing concepts on other bands of the electromagnetic spectrum, with all the challenges of scaling, while other functions require the creation of new objects. Two short-term examples are, first, the development of terahertz waveguides, with two parts, one aimed at making waveguide-based sensors and the other related to infrared waveguides and the possibilities IR-THz coupling. A second example concerns the Luneberg THz antennas, which opens up prospects for increasing frequency and opening up applications to 6G and detection with radars.

Laser technical installation
Laser installation

While the volume of data is several gigabytes for a THz image, and data fusion and matrix sensors bring even larger volumes of data, one issue concerns the link between terahertz and digital science. Whatever the application, for NDT or telecom, the deployment of dedicated digital tools, and at different scales, will be essential. After years of work around tomography or holography, which were hitherto limited by existing technologies, computational imaging, in the broad sense, will experience a resurgence of interest with the integration of matrix systems. 

Work is thus planned within the framework of the ANR Hypster (P. Mounaix) and also with A. Özcan from UCLA. Other integrations, both hardware and software, aim to perform data fusion, in particular for the millimeter band with FMCW radars, with calculations and AI as close as possible to the sensors, with ultimately a reduction post-processing operation (Terascope Project). This computational approach during acquisition, currently limited to time-frequency conversions and filtering, could in the future concern multi-sensor data fusion, SAR reconstructions, parameter extraction, identification in augmented reality, and so on. promote a rise in TRL for terahertz solutions (Collaboration Fraunhoper, Lytid, Optikan, UCLA, IOGS etc). 

The contribution of terahertz on the societal level being one of the recognized strengths of our team. A first challenge will be to revisit certain applications in the light of the new possibilities offered by the terahertz technological breakthroughs.


Another important activity of the team is to create and use optical analysis techniques, laser and terahertz, for the diagnosis of microelectronic objects. Among the techniques we find three specific fields of application: Analysis of sensitivity to radiation effects, fault detection and fault injection. The analysis of sensitivity to radiation effects is treated by simulating the effect of a direct ionizing particle (space heavy ions, protons atmospheric) or indirect (atmospheric neutrons) by replacing the particle by an ultrashort laser pulse. The advantage of laser is that you can precisely locate in the space (micrometer resolution) and time (picosecond resolution) the ionizing effect. It is therefore possible to identify sensitive areas to allow the hardening of components or systems to sensitive application (aerospace, ground transportation, ….). Each sensitive area can be defined by volume and over a time window of operation. The detection of faults within the integrated circuit failure analysis. Optical techniques (photon emission) laser (OBIC, OBIRCH LVP, ltem) and terahertz (EOPTR) allow the use of different types of interaction with the system for accurate detection of a defect (crack, amorphization of the semiconductor, short-circuit, open circuit

Model team
Nanoelectronecs research thematic


The fault injection the evaluation of the robustness of the secure circuits. This injection can be done by sending a laser beam at different points of the chip or a terahertz wave broad spectrum of the component. The different techniques used are types of ‘pump’ (disruption of the functioning of the circuit by creating free charges), “probe” (analysis of the laser beam after passing through the substrate and reflection on the different interfaces, without disturbing the operation of the circuit ) and “pump-probe” (induction of a disturbance laser and analyzing the consequences of this disturbance by laser or terahertz wave). 

Laser teams skills

Time Domain Spectroscopy: development and analysis

Implementation and design

Manipulation of optical pulse and THz radiation

Time domain analysis techniques

Design and development of sources and detector

Nonlinear photonics for THz radiation

Simulations: home-build code, HFSS, CST

Spectroscopy and imaging


Collaborations and partners

For the various research projects underway, the IMS Bordeaux laboratory and its teams rely on strong partnerships and collaborations, which allow for the creation of a synergy of strengths and a sharing of technical and human resources








CEA Leti












Wuppertal University


Latest news from the team

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Meet the members of the research team

Barnabé CARRE
Frédéric DARRACQ
Frédéric FAUQUET
Peiliang LIU
Gabriel TATON
Résumé en français

L’équipe de test Laser & Terahertz (LT3) a pour objectif d’adresser des problématiques en rupture sur les composants et systèmes térahertz, afin de répondre ensuite à des problématiques industrielles ou sociétales. Il se présente sous la forme d’une intégration depuis les composants THz photoniques et électroniques pour lesquels des ruptures sont considérées, jusqu’aux systèmes THz.


Notre équipe contribue à la conception holistique de systèmes THz orientés par les applications. Ces applications (test non-destructif, biomédical, patrimoine, etc) sont adressées avec les technologies impulsionnelles et des radar mmW et THz. Pour cela, un développement de sources THz innovantes basées sur la photonique et la conception et l’intégration de matrices de capteurs THz photoniques et électroniques permettent de répondre aux problématiques en rupture, notamment pour des enjeux de puissance ou de vitesse d’acquisition. Enfin, une fois intégrés, ces systèmes sont mis en œuvre sur des cas réels au laboratoire ou en lien avec des industriels, et implique une importante partie de traitement de données et d’imagerie computationelle. De plus, une partie de l’activité concerne le test laser de circuits intégrés ainsi que l’injection de fautes.

Contact our team

If you have a request or questions about the laboratory, please contact our team.