Presentation of the nanoelectronics research activities of the Laser team
The transition from the single-point sensor to source and detector arrays is one of the key elements of the terahertz wave roadmap. This transition is underway for CMOS systems below 500 GHz (Nearsense project), but the challenge remains unresolved for systems very broad pulse band (from 0.1 to 5 THz band). This key element is in collaboration with Mona Jarrahi from UCLA
Another important axis is the photonics-based THz source design and fabrication. The THz devices, i.e source, detector and other systems, are mostly developed from different approaches by using nonlinear optical processes in various materials (bulk crystal or gas), photoconductive antennas, or by tailoring the properties of the incoming laser (wavelength, duration, repetition rate…). The research work is undertaken from the simulations to the experiment in order to reach proofs of concept in the laboratory. The objectives are to improve system performances such as the efficiency, the spectral bandwidth toward the far infrared or to tailor the spatial profile with antenna networks. Thus, we also investigate several type of waveguide to confine THz radiation toward the application (e.g with fiber ) or to generate/detect efficiently the THz field (fibre, ridged waveguide…).