

The objective of the TERA (Nanoelectronics) group is to investigate Terahertz technologies and systems by 2025-30. To this end, the group is investing in the deployment of new experimental techniques for multi-physics characterization, new methodologies for describing components, sources and systems for terahertz applications. Terahertz radiation has excellent potential to help the understanding of fundamental and exciting new challenges at the interface between physics, optics , electronics and the life sciences but it is remained largely unexplored.

This light radiation located in this range of the electromagnetic spectrum was very difficult to generate until quite recently. Since the 1990s new developments in semiconductor physics and femtosecond laser technology have made it possible to provide light at terahertz frequencies.

The main themes developed within the TERA group are:



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Nanoelectronics demonstration

Presentation of the nanoelectronics research theme

The research of the Tera group concerns components for “terahertz” (HBT SiGe and III-V, FET, Diodes) and terahertz systems such as sources, detectors, mixers, imagers. The key themes are:

Electro-optical characterization, microwave characterization and compact modelling.

  • Development of high frequency measurement methodology (on wafer S parameter measurement up to 750 GHz )
  • Very high frequency and electro-thermal modelling of SiGe HBTs

The use of “Terahertz” spectrometers cleverly completes these means of analysis,

The development of new sources (ONL, Radar, Integrated Silicon),

THz Spectroscopy and imaging.

Nanoelectronics skills

Integration of optics and THz sources with waveguide : Simulation , experiment

Holographic, tomographic and diffusive imaging : 3D Reconstruction,3D imaging and data processing

Spectroscopy and chemometrics : characterization of the dielectric response of mono-multilayers materials

Multispectral time domain approach : TDR on VNA and THz measurement technique, the S-parameter measurements on photoactive components.

Non-linear optics serving optical and THz sources and detector  : Conception , Simulation , Experiment

Radar and SAR techniques with mm and sub mm waves

TDS source matrix of antenna

Physics of SiGe HBT


Collaborations and partners

For the various research projects underway, the IMS Bordeaux laboratory and its teams rely on strong partnerships and collaborations, which allow for the creation of a synergy of strengths and a sharing of technical and human resources


ENS Paris



















Research group publications

VOSviewer / Keyword co-occurrence clustering view generated with a minimum occurrence threshold of 5 for the last 5 years and refreshed every 6 months using data sources from Scopus
VOSviewer / Keyword co-occurrence clustering view generated with a minimum occurrence threshold of 5 for the last 5 years and refreshed every 6 months using data sources from Scopus
Scientific production by country (last 5 years, refreshed every 6 months). The map was generated through "Biblioshiny", different shades of blue indicate different productivity rate (dark blue = high productivity, grey = no articles)
Scientific production by country (last 5 years, refreshed every 6 months). The map was generated through "Biblioshiny", different shades of blue indicate different productivity rate (dark blue = high productivity, grey = no articles)

All Teams

Discover the different research teams in the theme.

Electronic THz

Presentation of the nanoelectronics research activities of the Model team The motivation for the activities carried out within the Electronic-THz team lies in Europe’s societal challenges such as Smart cities, sustainable health and social care, security and environment. We expect that our research will open the route to novel applications in communication, security, health, life […]
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Photonic THz

Presentation of the nanoelectronics research activities of the Laser team The transition from the single-point sensor to source and detector arrays is one of the key elements of the terahertz wave roadmap. This transition is underway for CMOS systems below 500 GHz (Nearsense project), but the challenge remains unresolved for systems very broad pulse band […]
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Résumé en français

L’objectif du groupe TERA est d’étudier les technologies et les systèmes Terahertz d’ici 2025-30. Pour ce faire, le groupe investit dans le déploiement de nouvelles techniques expérimentales de caractérisation multi-physique, de nouvelles méthodologies de description de composants, de sources et de systèmes pour des applications térahertz. Le rayonnement térahertz a un excellent potentiel pour aider à la compréhension de nouveaux défis fondamentaux et passionnants à l’interface entre la physique, l’optique, l’électronique et les sciences de la vie, mais il est encore largement inexploré. La lumière située dans cette gamme du spectre électromagnétique était très difficile à générer jusqu’à tout récemment. Depuis les années 1990, de nouveaux développements en physique des semi-conducteurs et en technologie laser femtoseconde ont permis de fournir de la lumière à des fréquences térahertz.

Les thématiques développées au sein du groupe TERA sont :

THz-Photonique :

Électronique THz

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If you have a request or questions about the laboratory, please contact our team.