PhD opportunity in biosensing

The IMS laboratory is looking for a motivated PhD candidate to work on biosensing devices capable of detecting multiple neuromodulators simultaneously in vivo.
This project aims to enhance our understanding of brain function and related disease (i.e. Parkinson’s disease).

As a PhD student, you will work in close collaboration with the Laboratory of Chemical Nanotechnology (CHEMINA) and Bordeaux Neurocampus NutriNeuro. 

Thesis title: « Electropolymerized, Aptamer Functionalized Organic ElectroChemical Transistors (OECT) for Neuromodulators Detection »

Salary: approx. 1700€/month 
Location: IMS laboratory, Bordeaux, France
Start date: March 2025
Duration: 3 years
Application deadline: February 15, 2025

Expected skills in materials science, physical chemistry, microelectronics engineering or bio-electronics.

To apply, please send an email to Damien Thuau and Mamatimin Abbas.
Contact and information in the PDF document attached below.

Contact our team

If you have a request or questions about the laboratory, please contact our team.