Laboratory for the Integration from Material to System

The IMS (Integration from Material to System) laboratory was established in 2007 through the merger of three research units: IXL, PIOM, and LAPS. The laboratory combines fundamental research, engineering, and technology, with a focus on an integrative system approach in the field of Information Technologies. IMS is a joint research unit of the French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS), the University of Bordeaux, and Bordeaux INP. Within CNRS, IMS is affiliated with the Institute for Engineering and Systems Sciences (INSIS) and the Institute for Information Sciences and Technologies (INS2I).

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A renowned and recognized research laboratory

IMS Bordeaux is a renowned research laboratory that has gained recognition both nationally and internationally. The laboratory focuses on ten research themes including bioelectronics, cognitics, productics, signal and image, automatic, conception, reliability, nanoelectronics, waves, and organic. The laboratory emphasizes research where all the themes are interconnected.
The laboratory is at the forefront of technology, and its strong industrial partnerships enable IMS Bordeaux to be a major player in research in France.


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Find all the latest news from the IMS Bordeaux laboratory, upcoming events and all the news published by our research teams !

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BEE WEEK 2025: a hub for innovation and collaboration

Founded in 2014 by PhD students of the IMS Laboratory, the BEE Branch is an IEEE student association with around 50 members aiming to create a community of peers and connect with faculty and industry professionals to build an efficient scientific network. Each year, they organize a number of scientific events and next week marks […]

08 Jan 2025
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PEPR AI project Emergences

“The EMERGENCES project aims to advance the state-of-the-art in emerging physics-based models by collaboratively exploring various computational models using the properties of different physical devices. The project will focus on bio-inspired event-driven models, physics-inspired models and innovative physics-based machine learning solutions. Emergences also intends to extend collaborative research activities beyond the consortium’s perimeter, in conjunction […]

07 Jan 2025
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French-Singapore project DesCartes

“DesCartes Program is a cross disciplinary program that aims to develop disruptive hybrid AI to serve the smart city and enable optimized decision-making in complex situations for critical urban systems.” https://descartes.cnrsatcreate.cnrs.fr

07 Jan 2025
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EU project RadioSpin

“The goal of RadioSpin is to build a hardware neural network that computes using neural dynamics as in the brain, has a deep layered architecture as in the neocortex, but runs and learns faster, by seven orders of magnitude. For this purpose, we will use ultrafast radio-frequency (RF) oscillators to imitate the rich, reconfigurable dynamics […]

07 Jan 2025
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The laboratory' research themes

The laboratory's interdisciplinary approach and interconnected research themes ensure that it remains at the forefront of technological innovation.

Discover all research themes

IMS consists of 10 research groups, with each group coordinating research in its respective field and overseeing 2 or 3 thematic teams. In addition to its research groups, IMS also provides access to technological platforms and equipment that are available to both its own researchers and external research services.

Data is now being generated at the edge rather than in the large-scale data centers that form the cloud.
Digital sovereignty
With the deployment of large numbers of sensors and smart devices to form the edge of the Internet of Things to the scale of 50 billions and rising, data is now being generated at the edge rather than in the large-scale data centers that form the cloud. In this context, digital sovereignty refers to the ability to have control over our own digital destiny – the data, hardware and software that you rely on and create.
Resources are constrained, most importantly in terms of energy.
Energy sobriety
Resources are constrained, most importantly in terms of energy. Hardware is critical at this level and there is a clear need to explore the suitability of breakthrough emerging technologies to meet the energy-efficiency. From material and up to system level, this could also be achieved by adopting an holistic approach taking also into account the performance and compactness requirements.
The goal of environmental sustainability is to conserve natural resources and to develop alternate sources of power.
Ecological sustainability
The goal of environmental sustainability is to conserve natural resources and to develop alternate sources of power while reducing pollution and harm to the environment. In that way, research’s, from material up to system can be achieved to measure and track sustainability progress, optimize the use of resources, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and make possible a more circular economy. Also, digital technologies also enable innovation and collaboration.


Action Transverse Emergente d’Enjeu Sociétal

The ACTES, "Action Transverse Emergente d’Enjeu Sociétal", i.e. an emerging transverse action of societal challenge in english represent innovative research’s featuring collaborative works involving at least two IMS research groups. The ACTES are targeting societal issues among which the digital sovereignty, the energy sobriety and the ecological sustainability. The "ACTES" are meant to be driven at the cutting edge of the research groups knowledge leveraging their complementarity within the unique IMS lab value chain, from material to system.

Upcoming events

Conference, round table, exhibition, webinar

Discover IMS Bordeaux

The IMS (Intégration du Matériau au Système) laboratory is a CNRS Joint Research Unit developing its activities in the field of systems science and engineering, at the convergence between information and communication sciences and technologies on the one hand and engineering sciences on the other.

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The laboratory's technical resources

Cross platform
The IMS laboratory maintains its technological resources include both materials and human resources in fields such as analysis, assembly techniques, mechanical engineering, and accelerated aging.

Thematic equipment Teacher-researchers and researchers from the laboratory rely on shared infrastructures in experimental platforms to carry out their research.



Administrative department

If you wish to contact an administrative department of the IMS Bordeaux directly (human resources department, IT department, financial department...), you can find the contact form here.

patents filed
industrial partners
international partners
cooperation with schools
institutional partners

An important and solid industrial and institutional collaboration

The IMS Bordeaux research laboratory relies on a multitude of national and international collaborations to successfully carry out its research projects. Here are three key aspects of these partnerships :

  • Collaboration with national and international partners
  • Collaborations with academic institutions
  • Collaborations with industry partners
  • Collaborations with government agencies
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An important and solid industrial and institutional collaboration

The IMS Bordeaux research laboratory relies on a multitude of national and international collaborations to successfully carry out its research projects. Here are three key aspects of these partnerships :

  • Collaboration with national and international partners
  • Collaborations with academic institutions
  • Collaborations with industry partners
  • Collaborations with government agencies
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patents filed
industrial partners
international partners
cooperation with schools
institutional partners

Mote than 11,800 scientific publications

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We invite you to explore our publications on HAL and discover the work being carried out by our team of talented researchers and scientists.

Articles (20)

Fractional derivative truncation approximation for real-time applications Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-04317777v1 Teachers Stress Factors: Psychosocial Analysis in Training in Classroom Situations Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-04868219v1 Collaborative Robotics: Application of Delphi Method Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-04868639v1 Impact of the Recessed Gate Depth on the GaN MIS-HEMT Performances: New Insights on Mobility Extraction Lien HAL : https://cea.hal.science/cea-04667617v1 Analysis of families of divergences to compare Gaussian processes modeled by sums of complex exponentials disturbed by additive white noises Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-03539755v1 Le paradoxe des deux enveloppes Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-04613090v1 IEEE Circuits and Systems Society Tour de France 2024: Celebrating 75 Years of Innovation Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-04795024v1 Augmented Reality Terahertz (AR-THz) Sensing and Imaging with Frequency-Modulated Continuous-Wave Radar Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-04573468v1 Harvesting Ambient RF Energy Efficiently With Optimal Angular Coverage Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-04440177v1 Whispering gallery modes for 3D strain measurement Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-04731088v1 Signature of electrothermal transport in 18nm vertical junctionless gate-all-around nanowire field effect transistors Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-04739562v1 Evaluation of mitochondrial stress following ultraviolet radiation and 5G radiofrequency field exposure in human skin cells Lien HAL : https://cnrs.hal.science/hal-04669014v1 Le cadre de l’expérience des données en éducation : gouvernance, représentations et intelligibilité des données dans l’éducation nationale. Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-04407620v1 SPDGAN: a generative adversarial network based on SPD manifold learning for automatic image colorization Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-04546138v1 Terahertz Phase Retrieval Imaging in Reflection Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-02891064v1 Establishing On-Wafer Calibration Standards for the 16-Term Error Model: Application to Silicon High-Frequency Transistor Characterization Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-04697447v1 Low Complexity Architecture of N-Path Mixers for Low Power Application Lien HAL : https://paris1.hal.science/hal-04453736v1 Islets-on-Chip: A Tool for Real-Time Assessment of Islet Function Prior to Transplantation Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-04390913v1 Impurity tolerance of polymer solar cells: The crucial role of palladium catalyst and its ligands Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-04488675v1 A Central Small Amino Acid in the VAMP2 Transmembrane Domain Regulates the Fusion Pore in Exocytosis Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-04396585v1

Communiqués (30)

Electromechanical Coupling Coefficient: New Approach to Study Auxetic Piezoelectric Harvesters Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-04867028v1 Small-Signal Characterization and Modelling of a Back Bias Reconfigurable Field Effect Transistor Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-04739946v1 Recent advances on electromigration in Cu/SiO 2 to Cu/SiO 2 hybrid bonds for 3D integrated circuits Lien HAL : https://cea.hal.science/cea-04760292v1 Human intelligent Machine Team collaboration towards single pilot operations Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-04612607v1 MIXIC: a MIXed signal Interference Cancellation architecture to enhance a digitizer dynamic range Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-04489548v1 Hyperconnected Urban Synchromodality: Synergies between Freight and People Mobility Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-04379765v1 Biomimetic snake locomotion using Central Pattern Generators network and bio-hybrid robot perspective Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-04487642v1 Surface Energy Production Issues for the Refueling of Starships Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-04402950v1 Dynamic variable step size LMS adaptation algorithms---Application to adaptive feedforward noise attenuation Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-04509676v1 Vers un système de projection alternatif pour le cinéma numérique Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-04584908v1 Modifications biomécaniques, musculaires et cognitives induites par un programme d'apprentissage de huit semaines des ondulations sous-marines chez des nageurs adolescents bien entraînés Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-04437359v1 Design of a 37-40GHz bidirectional amplifier for 5G FR2 radio beamforming systems in 22nm CMOS FD-SOI Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-04440770v1 Relations between Contingent Negative Variation and Behavior under Psychoactive Drugs ni Man Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-04527478v1 Extending AMIRAL’s blind deconvolution of Adaptive Optics corrected images with Markov chain Monte Carlo methods Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-04765078v1 Vers un système d'évaluation de la performance globale et multidimensionnelle de l'usine du futur Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-04465204v1 Les effets du foot- fauteuil chez des joueurs Français et Américains : Prévention en Compétition. Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-04459135v1 Hardware Implementation and FPGA Prototyping of an Expectation Propagation-based Receiver Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-04731226v1 Former à la littératie de données : les stratégies de réduction de la complexité Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-04598702v1 New continuous dynamic fractional repulsive potential field for path planning Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-04715875v1 Enhancing Simulation Capabilities Through the Integration of Discrete Event Simulation and Virtual Reality Lien HAL : https://univ-catholille.hal.science/hal-04712829v1 Littératie médiatique et esprit critique Analyser l'"agir compétent" des élèves autour des controverses Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-04573348v1 Hydrazine Concentration Estimation in the Secondary Circuit of a Nuclear Power Plant: a IQC LPV approach Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-04561569v1 A State-Space based Interval Estimator for LTI Systems under H1 and/or H∞ Constraints Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-04561573v1 Le Facile à Lire et à Comprendre peut-il être une aide pour l'inclusion en école élémentaire ? Étude préliminaire Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-04626809v1 Persévérance des lycéens empêchés et scolarisés à distance Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-04659974v1 Securing a RISC-V architecture: A dynamic approach Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-03906564v1 La guerre des connaissances : nouveaux conflits, nouveaux défis Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-04536554v1 Study and development of an innovative broadband transmission architecture for 5G applications Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-04699751v1 The Great Microwave Education Opportunity of the Great Seal Bug (also known as "The Thing") Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-04559994v1 Sonde haute fréquence avec couplage réduit pour la mesure on-wafer Lien HAL : https://hal.science/hal-04697436v1
Résumé en français

Le laboratoire de l’Intégration du Matériau au Système a été créé le 1er janvier 2007, par la fusion de trois unités de recherche bordelaises, avec une stratégie scientifique commune de développement principalement centrée dans le domaine des Sciences et de l’Ingénierie des Systèmes, à la convergence des Sciences et Technologies de l’Information et de la Communication , et des Sciences pour l’Ingénieur .

Le laboratoire est rattaché à trois tutelles, le CNRS, l’Université de Bordeaux et Bordeaux Aquitaine INP.

Au CNRS, l’UMR5218 est rattachée en principal à l’Institut des Sciences de l’Ingénierie et des Systèmes et en secondaire à l’Institut des Sciences de l’Information et de leurs Interactions .

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If you have a request or questions about the laboratory, please contact our team.